Mastodon Geothermal Park

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Maststodon Geothermal Park or Parc Géothermal des Mastodons is an active geothermal area at southern Louvier, just south of Fleur-de-Vent. Due to geothermal conditions beneath the earth, the area has many hot springs noted for their green appearance. It can mostly be viewed through access by foot, and in addition to a paid and curated experience, naturally forming hot springs appear around the area. Prior to Europan occupation the area was the homeland of the Binsion tribe.

View of the Park


The area has a long history as a tourist attraction. The lake making up the park was discovered in the year 1837, and that was believed to have been a drinking zone and a place where Mastodons grazed around during the Stone age, thousands of years ago. Excavations carried out in 2002 on the ground revealed remains of traces of mammoth passage, confirming the theory. Large mammoth statues were erected in 2004 around the park.