Noble Nykia

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Nykia’s Noble Confederacy of Mambomharaivhu and the Vhan
Noble Nykia
Flag of Noble Nykia
Map of Noble Nykia
Map of Noble Nykia
• Monarch of Mambom
Aleksande I
• Monarch of Vhan

Noble Nykia is a country on Eurth.

(1st paragraph. Name. Location. Borders. Approx population and size. Capital city.)

(2nd paragraph. Political system. Short history in 1 sentence. Link with present in 1 sentence. Head of state.)

(3rd paragraph. Economy in 2 sentences. International relations in 1 sentence.)




(WIP. Landscape. Climate.)

The Nykia Confederacy is split between two subnational countries. Mambomharaivhu which takes up the entirety of the mainland of Nykia. And Vhan, the island within the Rivdon bay separating the Nykia Confederacy and Faramount. The North-West and Eastern thirds of the mainland are covered in Savannah grasslands, with the central third made up of a mixture of Savannah woodlands and recently deforested grasslands.

The island of Vhan as well as the northern coast below Vhan on the mainland are covered in nationally protected rainforests, although much of it has been deforested in the past and in the modern day for the use of tropical cash crop plantations. The capital, Musha, is located south-east on the coast.[1]



Nykia is a fairly new nation within Azania, as for much of its history were cycles of unification under a Himaya (Tributary Empire) then subsequently collapsing. The first Himaya was established under Sekai the Tall in 12 CE, although archaeological finds have found a possibly even older state dating to the Azanian Iron Age from around 750 BCE to 820 BCE. From 1600 to 1700 the Mambomharaivh Kingdom began to rapidly rise in power due to strategic political haggling and the adoption of drill military from northern Europa, eventually conquering all of western Nykia by 1850.

The current confederation was established in 1890 made up of the Vhan and the western half of Mambomharaivhu, becoming a significant player in Azania and across southern Europa / northern Marenesia across the mid to late 1900s in which it conquered the eastern two tributaries from Norrium in the Azanian Wars.

Nykia only fell in power in the early to mid 2000s Europan Financial Crisis. However Nykia is one of the few nations on the continent that did not fall to civil war or coups and instead remained a key regional balancing force against the Occident’s Tagmatium, Adaptus, and Great Anglia. The rise of Atheism in the 2000s and 2010s has led to widespread protests for true democracy within the nation resulting in the nation’s external power becoming paralysed, the most recent in 2019 in the capital of Musha eventually devolving into riots leading to mass arrests, deaths of both protestors and police, and the Metropolitan Police Headquarters being set on fire although only sustained superficial damage.[1]


(WIP. Government. Political parties. Foreign relations. Military.)

The Nykia’s Noble Confederacy of Mambomharaivhu and the Vhan. Known informally as the Nykia Confederacy.

The government of Nykia is split between the Mambom Government and the Vhan Government, with both under a confederate statute. The current Monarch of Mambom is Aleksande I, famous (or infamous in some circles) for being only half-Mambom, his mother the cousin to the highstanding Tagmatium Minister [Name not yet determined].

The Mambom Government is a Himaya Government (Tributary Empire), with five Tributary States (“Vanamambodiki” or “Little Kings” in Mambom). The Mambom Government is unicameral, with the main governing body being the “Ducal Chamber / Dukes’ Chamber” made up of twenty two appointed Dukes/Vanamambodiki. Twenty of the Dukes are appointed by the Monarch and distributed to the 5 tributaries according to their populations, and two representatives from the Vhan Government. Every six years the Ducal Chamber elects an Imperial Counsellor as a direct advisor to the Monarch.

The Vhan Government is bicameral and is more akin to a traditional Azanian/Europan kingdom led by Monarch Malofhanngwe / Malofhan. The government is broken up into the Commoner’s Chamber and the Nobility’s Chamber akin to the Anglian Governments (English/UK Parliament).

Although political parties are banned within the Nykia Confederacy, there are three distinct political factions: the Blues (Royalists, largest faction), the Reds (Socialist-Republicans, large faction primarily controlled by the growing Atheist community) and the Yellows (Spiritual-Republicans, small faction).[1]


(WIP. Employment. Exports. Energy. Transport. Media. Currency.)

The main exports out of Nykia are coffee, tea, and Paluvian cocoa beans along with the largest exporter of Sorghum and pumpkins on Eurth.[1]


(WIP. Ethnic groups. Language. Religion. Health. Education.)


(WIP. Literature. Visual arts. Music. Cuisine. Sport.)

The flag features a water vase used by the Shona women, often carried on the top of the head.[1]
