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Tagmatine Civil War (2005)

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Tagmatine Civil War
From top, left to right:
  • Loyalist Thestor tank advancing to the front line
  • BPP Ioannes Kontarian firing at Loyalist positions.
  • Rebel heavy mortar crew in action near Gorytos
  • Boutios strike fighter fires flares over Laimias
  • A residential tower block hit by shellfire during the Battle of Skoutos
Date28 January 2005 – 10 March 2005
Status Tagmatine Loyalist victory
Main Belligerents
Commanders and leaders
  • Tagmatium Kommodos Iakoumos
  • Tagmatium Leon Basilikos

The Tagmatine Civil War of 2005 was a conflict that started on the 28th of January 2005 and ended on 10th March 2005 in the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium. It lasted 42 days and was started by the assassination of the then-Holy Emperor, Theodosios VI. The conflict was waged between those from the military that wished to re-create the Rule of the Admirals and the civilian government and forces loyal to it. The rebel forces were led by Leon Basilikos, the former head of the Political Military Police of the Admiral-Emperors, and called themselves the Alliance to Restore the Empire. Those loyal to the current regime gathered around the then High Chancellor, Kommodos Iakoumos, and the existing political hierarchy. The rebels benefited from moving from a position of almost total surprise, partially through what was later seen as a willingness on the behalf of Theodosios to let bygones be bygones. However, they never had support from more than a minority of the civilian population or the armed forces of Tagmatium. Crucially, almost all of the Tagmatine air force remained loyal and were able to strike decisively against rebelling units almost as soon as hostilities started.

The rebels were initially able to make significant advances towards the political capital of Tagmatika after the assassination of Theodosios in Petrion and were able to shell Loyalist positions within the suburbs of Tagmatika on several occasions. In spite of this, the conflict never spread beyond the Liamias, Megale Agrotikon and Tegouneia regions of Tagmatium. Neither Aroma or Europatorion, the two other capitals of Tagmatium, saw conflict and they had immediately declared for the Loyalists as soon as the civil war had broken out. Eventually, despite some brutual fighting, especially around the cities of Gorytos, Kontos and Skouton, the superior numbers of the Loyalist forces were able to defeat the rebels. The Loyalists were aided by an international coalition that did not wish to see one of the largest economies of Eurth descend into turmoil and included several other Europan nations.



Accusations of war crimes

Significant numbers of rebel officers who had been taken prisoner by the Loyalist forces disappeared in the aftermath of the conflict. The Holy Imperial Government has been accused of war crimes by several international bodies, including Mercy International over the fate of those officers. This has, however, never been proven categorically and the Holy Imperial Government insists that these officers escaped overseas, into the wider population or to less inhabited areas of Tagmatium.

Religious persecution

The Rule of the Admirals had seen a secularisation of the Aroman Empire, something that was almost unprecedented in Tagmatine history. Although the support for the military regime had died off amongst the general population during the early 1990s, it remained high amongst those who were not of the Enlightened Aroman Church. This included many of the ancient, pagan senatorial families, some of which had held their positions for over two thousand years. These religious minorities formed a large proportion of the rebel officer corps and sustained a similar amount of casualities. In the aftermath of the Civil War, many of these families under fell under scrutiny by the Holy Imperial Government long after the events of the Civil War, even if they had disavoed support for rebel family members. For example, the Opternii, an ancient senatorial family, saw a significant reduction in fortunes due to their support of the Rebel Alliance. This included the removal of their monopoly on the wine trade with Kirvina.