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The Vestu were an ancient pre-Ruageuti people group of the northwestern Vostau peninsula. They are mentioned prominently in Thafonic sources as an ally of theirs, as well as significant mention being made of them by various other trading states in the Mediargic bronze trade. They were a semi-civilised people group, who possessed a writing system based on the Thafonic script, and had organised themselves into city states and small kingdoms, many of which were allied to the Thafonic Patriarchy throughout the centuries. The main causes for them to be mentioned was the presence of Vestu mercenaries in Thafonic armies, and some mentions of Vestu traders in the Sakspati and Mediargic sea.

The Vestu people were likely henotheistic, believing in a pantheon of deities, but most tribal groups had their own patron deities, with some tribal groups further dividing based on the tribes themselves and their own patron deity. The Vestu held out relatively well against the Gauli expansion, much better than the Thafonici or the Elmorici, and lasting into the early $EMPIRE era.


The Vestu religion was polytheistic, but most tribal groups worshipped henotheistically, having patron gods of their own tribal groupings, but still venerated other deities.
