Deconstructional Period (Caerlannach)
The Deconstructional Period of Caerlannach (Caerlanni Mealliagian: Tréimhse Dí-thógála na Caerlannaí) was a transformative era in Caerlannach’s history that followed the Caerlanni War for Independence. This period focused on addressing the legal, social, and political challenges of dismantling the state structures established under the Caerlanni Free State and creating an anarchist system. During this time, the Deconstructual Territories of Caerlannach (Críocha Dí-thógála na Caerlannaí) were formed, granting autonomy to the tribes that had previously been subjugated under the Goutian Empire.
Upon taking power, the Caerlanni Free Party initiated a program to limit government intervention. This program included the establishment of self-sustaining, tribe-led intentional communes and temporary self-defense networks. The Council of the High Tribes (Comhairle na dTreibheanna Ard) was formed, not as a governing authority, but as a collaborative platform that emphasized cooperative rather than hierarchical decision-making. Each tribe drafted charters to codify local governance and communal responsibilities. These charters aimed to promote cultural unity and establish broad guidelines while upholding tribal autonomy. To maintain societal cohesion, Caerlannach adopted customary law rooted in mutual agreement among tribes, creating an adaptable legal framework sustained by consensus rather than coercion.
On February 2, 1998, the Deconstructual Territories of Caerlannach were formally dissolved. In a symbolic gesture, Ronan Luathach stepped down as Ceannaire, and the Council of the High Tribes declared the formation of the Autonomous Tribes of Caerlannach, officially marking the end of the Deconstructional Period and the transition to an anarchist system.