Political Parties in Batengdei

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Batengdei has a multi-party system. As of 2020, there are currently 5 major parties in Batengdei with member seats in the National People's Parliament with one dominant party.

Since its founding, Batengdei has had a system of approval to be a registered party in Batengdeian elections, which has historically restricted certain parties from participating in any form of government. Over time, however, this relationship has been relaxed somewhat, and there are over twenty registered political parties Batengdei. Kacheru

Name Abbr. Ideology Position Leader Created Registered MPs
Bateng Rouge Party BRP Communism, Socialism Big Tent Kalama Gian 1943 1943 357/450
Liberal Democratic Party of Batengdei LDPB Social liberalism Center Gragdom Banla 1973 1982 33/450
National Sovereign Party of Batengdei NSPB Batengdeian nationalism, Right-wing socialism Left-wing Daosray Koa 1955 1960 29/450
Batengdei National Worker's Party BNWP Batengdeian nationalism, Imperialism Left-wing Oudom Kongkea 1962 1970 22/450
Christian Party of Batengdei CPB Christianity, Conservatism Center-right Kraham A Dam 1969 1970 9/450
Khsaandei People's Party KPF Khsamer interests Center-left Chaor Anchaly 1994 2006 0/450
Batengdei Cultural Front BCF Batengdeian nationalism, Conservatism Right-wing Thank Dinh 1984 1993 0/450