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Kingdom of Bruxenburg
  • Koninkrijk Bruxenburg (Brux)
  • Königreich Bruxenburg (Dolch)
  • Rweyåme del Bruxe (Alzi)

Flag of Bruxenburg
Coat of arms of Bruxenburg
Coat of arms
Motto: Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt
Official languagesBrux
Ethnic groups
78% Bruxians
17% Alzi
Cornelia II
• Prime Minister
Henrik Peters
House of Lords
House of the Commons
Independence from Dolchland
• Decleration of Independence
• Republic Declared
• Monarchist Intervation
• Estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Calling code+84

Bruxenburg, formally known as the Kingdom of Bruxenburg and commonly referred to as just Brux, is a country in east Argis. It borders Delamaria to the east, Velaheria to the west and the Adlantic Ocean to the south. Bruxenburg is a relatively small country, and has a population of 8.3 million as of 2021. The capital of Bruxenburg is the city of Leintwerp, which is also the largest city in the country. It is followed by other cities, including Gheige, Harngue and Allenzollern. Bruxenburg is made up of two historically and culturally distinct regions, the largest being the Brux-speaking south known as Hohenbrux, and the other being the Alzi-speaking region of Alzerzollern, the descendants of early Lysian settlers who were eventually forced to migrate north.

Bruxenburg was founded in 1807, following the Brux Revolution. The country gained its independence from the Dolch Empire. From 1798 Bruxenburg was an Imperial Territory of the Dolch, after its native Brux rulers were ousted in the Imperial Inquisition of 1796. This created a lot of tension between Schlammburg and Bruxenburg, culminating in popular uprisings in the early 1800s and the eventual revolution. In 1808 the Brux Republic was declared in Gheige, leading to mixed feelings from the local powers, Labradoria had been supportive of Brux Independence from Dolchland, however a new nation with republican ideals nearby wasnt in the Labradorian Crown's interests, having republican problems of their own, the Dolch also had similar sentiments, and therefore in 1811 Labradoria and Dolchland invaded the Brux republic and instated a monarch. The first monarch, King George I, was of Dolch heritage, however he was Labradorian educated, and deemed a follower of Labradorian ideas of monarchy.

The country is a constitutional monarchy led by Queen Cornelia II and the Prime Minister Henrik Peters. The Prime Minister is traditionally the leader of the largest party or political alliance in the House of Commons, the lower house of the Parliament of Bruxenburg, with the upper house being the House of Lords.

The Alzi language and culture has declined in recent decades, though still retaining its status as the Primary Official Language of Alzerzollern, it declined from being 68% of Alzerzollern residents first language in 1970 to only 31% in 2015. The most widely spoken languages in Bruxenburg are Brux, Anglish, Alzi and Dolch.


Native peoples



Initial Dolchic settlement of Bruxenburg is believed to have begun in 700 CE. Dolch settlers and invaders, predominantly from Wurveria and Bessen-Katzenelm, pushed out the native peoples as a part of the first expansion of the Dolch Empire. The region was sparsely populated, and the availability of land prompted Iwenish settlers to migrate to Bruxenburg in around 1000. The Variots soon became distinct from their Alharun brothers and the Brux culture, as it is known today, came into existence.

Dolch Empire

Leintwerp became a global centre of finance and trade, and hosted one of the wurld’s first stock exchanges.

Initially Bruxenburg was an unorganised region, composed of marcher baronies and counties who swore fealty directly to the Dolch emperor. In 1366, Emperor $EmperorName decided to sell titles in the Brux region to raise money for his conquests. This led to the ruling class of Bruxenburg being composed more of Brux people than the previously Dolch aristocracy. It came to include former merchants and farmers who had bought their nobility.

The Bruxenburgian states remained generally neutral in internal conflict in the Dolch Empire, which is considered the beginning of Brux neutrality. The states were however on the front line of external conflict, and would often be subject to invasion by neighbouring powers, notably Lysia in 1677, which left Bruxenburg in Lysian hands for nearly a decade whilst the war was being raged. In this time, Lysian settlers arrived in large numbers, moving primarily to the fertile north of the country, where they would later form the Alzi people.

In the 17th century, Bruxenburg went through a golden age of culture and trade, becoming one of the richest regions in the empire. Artists, scientists and merchants travelled from around the Wurld to Bruxenburg's cities to partake in this renaissance, bringing new ideas about society, art, economics, astrology and politics. This created a rift between Bruxenburg and the Dolch government, and this was deepened when Brux rulers and merchants began to circumvent imperial taxes. This resulted in the Imperial Inquisition of 1796 which stripped the Brux nobility of their power by force, and made Bruxenburg the personal domain of the emperor as an Imperial Territory. It deeply upset the population as well as many foreign nations which had close economic and personal ties with the region, and lead to pro-independence sentiment spreading increasingly fast.

Brux Revolution and Republic

The new republic was widely celebrated after its conception.

Throughout the early 1800s, the Dolch imperial rule over Bruxenburg was resisted by the populace, supported by Labradoria and Great Anglia by means of secret arms shipments and the threat of war against Dolchland if they acted too harshly against the Brux. By 1806 a popular revolt began in Leintwerp and Harngue, and quickly spread across the region. The revolutionaries made strides early in the revolution, seizing nearly all the Dolch forts and harbours, and a Brux navy had been formed from merchant ships. However, Labradoria at the time was involved in a conflict with Lysian Columbia, which ennobled the Dolch in believing that Labradoria wouldn't be able to intervene against them. A Habstrian army arrived in Bruxenburg by the autumn, and a series of battles were fought in western Bruxenburg, with the Brux on the retreat. Fortunately, however, the Anglian navy and marines were deployed to support Bruxenburg, and the Dolch armies were quickly pushed out of the region.

In July 1807, the Dolch were forced into a humiliating defeat against Bruxenburg, recognising that they had no sovereignty over the territories. Soon after on August 1st the Brux Republic was declared in Gheige. Though a republic, the new nation was run mostly by the merchant class, and is used by scholars as the first modern example of a plutocracy. However, its leaders preached republican ideals, which created tensions between the young republic and foreign powers.

Intervention and New Kingdom

Modern History



Bruxenburg borders Delamaria to the east, Velaheria to the west and the Adlantic Ocean to the south. Bruxenburg is a relatively small country, and has a population of 8.3 million as of 2021. The capital of Bruxenburg is the city of Leintwerp, which is also the largest city in the country. It is followed by other cities, including Gheige, Harngue and Allenzollern. Bruxenburg is made up of two historically and culturally distinct regions, the largest being the Brux-speaking south known as Hohenbrux, and the other being the Alzi-speaking region of Alzerzollern, the descendants of early Lysian settlers who were eventually forced to migrate north.


Queen Cornelia II is the head of State.
PM Henrik Peters is the gead of Government.

The country is a constitutional monarchy led by Queen Cornelia II and the Prime Minister Henrik Peters. The Prime Minister is traditionally the leader of the largest party or political alliance in the House of Commons, the lower house of the Parliament of Bruxenburg, with the upper house being the House of Lords.






The Alzi language and culture has declined in recent decades, though still retaining its status as the Primary Official Language of Alzerzollern, it declined from being 68% of Alzerzollern residents first language in 1970 to only 31% in 2015. The most widely spoken languages in Bruxenburg are Brux, Anglish, Alzi and Dolch.
