Great Europan Collapse

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Great Europan Collapse
DateDecember 2008 to December 2015
OutcomeImpact differed geographically


This is what was discussed on the forums:

The idea was revisited in 2021:


Here is what we know about this event from references collected on IIWiki.

  • 2000s: Noble Nykia only fell in power in the early to mid 2000s Great Europan Collapse. However, Nykia is one of the few nations on the continent that did not fall to civil war or coups. Instead, it remained a key regional balancing force against the Occidental countries such as Tagmatium, Adaptus, and Great Anglia.
  • April 2006-May 2008: Most active mentions of Cyber Nations were posted during this period.
  • 2009: The Entente of Oriental States held an emergency session on the Great Europan Collapse.
  • 2010s: Immigration to Tagmatium reached a high in the early 2010s due to the Great Europan Collapse, which saw many established Europan nations suffer economic and political turmoil. Tagmatium itself mainly escaped, and this stability made it attractive to immigrants. An estimated 3 million net immigrants coming to Tagmatium in the period of 2010-2018, when the situation across Europa began to stabilise.
  • 2010s: Collapse leads to major protests in Qubdi over food prices and unemployment. The President orders cuts to the price of basic consumer goods.


  • Hexanesa islands experienced a downturn in tourism.
  • The alliance between Tagmatium and Akiiryu somewhat weakened as Akiiryu suffered through the Great Europan Collapse.
  • After a long history of confrontation and war with Haruspex, the Great Europan Collapse precipitated a civil war that only ended when Beautancus was annexed by the Sovereign Imperium. This, in turn, caused the Cussian Crisis and the 2020 Haru Civil War.
  • Volsci was largely unaffected by the Great Europan Collapse.
  • Wajoka was one of the few economically stable states due to its few connections to the outside wurld.
  • EOS membership also shielded Deltannia from the most dire effects of the Great Europan Collapse.


  • Likely a chain-reaction of some sort.


  • EOS halts its space launch program for 15 years.
  • December 2015: Attempted restoration.[1]
  • January 2016: Anti-piracy operations in Meteorolas.[2]
  • August 2016: Anti-VLA war in Afropa.[3]
