ANCAO airport code

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Map of the wurld's ANCAO classifications according to the first letter of its ANCAO airport code

The ANCAO airpor code or location indicator is a four-letter code designating aerodromes around the world. These codes, as defined by the Assembled Nations International Civil Aviation Organization the and published quarterly in ANCAO Document 7910: Location Indicators, are used by air traffic control and airline operations such as flight planning. ANCAO codes are also used to identify other aviation facilities such as weather stations, international flight service stations or area control centers area, whether or not they are located at airports. Flight information regions are also identified by a unique ANCAO-code.

intergovernmental organization

ANCAO codes versus IATA codes

ANCAO codes are separate and different from IATA codes, which have three letters and are generally used for airline timetables, reservations, and baggage tags. For example, the IATA code for San Foca International Airport is SFI and its ANCAO code is AISF. IATA codes are commonly seen by passengers and the general public on flight-tracking services such as FlightAware[1].

In general IATA codes are usually derived from the name of the airport or the city it serves, while ANCAO codes are distributed by region and country. Far more aerodromes (in the broad sense) have ICAO codes than IATA codes, which are sometimes assigned to railway stations as well. The selection of ANCAO codes is partly delegated to authorities in each country, while IATA codes which have no geographic structure must be decided centrally by IATA.


TBA[2] [3]

Pseudo ANCAO-codes

In small countries like Belgium or the Netherlands, almost all aerodromes have an ICAO code. For larger countries like the Orioni or Advocatius this is not feasible, given the limited number of letter codes. Some countries have addressed this issue by introducing a scheme of sub-ICAO aerodrome codes; France, for example, assigns pseudo ICAO codes in the style LFddnn, where dd indicates the department while nn is a sequential counter. The French Federation of Ultralight Motorized Gliders was formally named the keeper of these codes. Aerodrome de Torreilles in France, for instance, has code LF6651. In Antarctica many aerodromes have pseudo ICAO-codes with AT and two digits, while others have proper codes from countries performing air control such as NZ for New Zealand. [4]


Prefix code Country
A – South Aurelia
AC Côte de Fourrure
AG Greater Zaxar
AI Ionio
AK Kirvina
AK Anatea
AR Ruthenian Nations
AZ Zaxar
B – North Aurelia
BA Advocatius
BF Free State
BK Kolhar
BM Mito
BP Pretanic Isles
BR Rhodellia
BU United Republic of Aurelia
BX Great Xio
C – Mesothalassa
CM Mesothalassa
D – Azania
E – Amutia
DA Mantella
DB Bergenaria
DC Chyrcassia
DG Bashan
DM Miiros
DN Renolion
DR Qubdi
DT Red Iberos
F – Azania island
FA Ayubi
FB Bainbridge Islands
FD Damak Var
FS Astrini
G – Adisi Island
GA Gallambria (G.A.O.T.)
GA Gallambria
GO Oyussa
H – Alharu southwest
HC Cashar
HE Esonice
HM Hemahat
I – Argis West
IA Aendoan
ID Dniester
ID Galicia
ID Narva
IN Prymontian Rus
IQ Vasqqa
IV Iverica
J – Alharu southeast
IK Kertosono
IP Porto Greco
IR Rhava
K – Central Argis
KA Ahrana
KB Baltica
KB Dazhdinia
KG Girkmand
KH Hinteria
KJ Poja
KL Lusuviya
KP Prymont
KS Struma
KV Volhynia
L – Argis East
LA Nanaviit
LB Bouenezenn
LC Dolchland
LD Delamaria
LE Ebrary
LG Gotneska
LI Insmerda
LK Corinium / North Korion
LN Nyantastan
LN Ateenia Argic Territories
LR Sawbrania
LS Stedoria
LT Littland
LU Ulfheimr
LV Velaheria
LW Walneria
LX Bruxenburg
LZ Aurivizh
M – Marenesia
MA Alvernia
MG San Giorgio
MJ San Jorge
MK Kori-chi
MS Salvia
MV Mevraq
N – Alharu Northwest
NF Florentia
NR Roqoo
NV Verde
O – Orient
OH Mehana
OI Orioni
OK Zekistan
OM Mekabiri
OR Rohini
OT Tamurin
OW Sunset Sea Islands
P – Alharu Northeast
R – Thalassa
RA Andalla
RB Burkini
RK Konalani
RS Sunset Sea Islands
RT Tarua
S – Dolch Island
SE East Ceris
SG Galahinda
SI Iwenland
SW West Ceris
SY Seylos
T – Occident
TA Adaptus
TB Adaptus (A.O.T.)
TE Euandria
TG Tagmatium
TL Lysia
TN Anglia
TP Sporsia
TS Suverina
U – Burania West
UA Akiiryu
V – Burania East
VI Ide Jima
VS San Ba
W – Burania North
WA Akwisia
WD Deltannia
WG Gaellicia
WT Tagmatium (T.N.A.I.)
WV Volsci
  1. Finding a Eurth company that replaces its real counterpart
  2. Guide on ANCAO and IATA codes (1 March 2023)
  3. Section to be completed. Waiting for more airports to be added to the list
  4. Awaiting final review