Oshun-class submarine

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This article includes unverified information and speculation due to the classified nature of the subject. Please consider this when reading and refer to official EOS or Orinese Navy sources for verified information.

The Oshun-class is a type of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine produced and operated by the Imperial Orinese Navy. The class was publicly revealed during the Entente of Oriental States (EOS) Fleet Week in 2023. The Grand Admiral of the Imperial Orinese Navy, Mario Ramius, made the announcement, although further details about the submarine remain classified.


Given the classified nature of the Oshun-class, specific details about its dimensions and specifications remain unverified. However, it is estimated,[1] that the Oshun-class could potentially have the following dimensions:

  • Length: Approximately 175 meters
  • Beam: Approximately 23 meters
  • Draught: Approximately 12 meters
  • Displacement: Approximately 48,000 tons

Please note that these are speculative figures and subject to verification.


The Orinese Grand Admiral Mario Ramius suggested that the Oshun-class possesses advanced stealth features, long-range ballistic missile capabilities, and state-of-the-art underwater surveillance systems. He also hinted at the submarine's potential role in supporting extended drone operations. The specifics of these capabilities remain undisclosed due to the submarine's classified status.

Service History

Following its announcement at the EOS Fleet Week, the Oshun-class submarine is believed to be in active service with the Imperial Orinese Navy. However, specific details about its service history are not yet available to the public.


The Oshun-class submarine was first mentioned in a blog post in 2016, where an anonymous source leaked supposed designs of the vessel. The blogger claimed that the submarine was designed to cause "devastating damage to a country's territory" and render "wide areas of radioactive contamination." The Imperial Orinese Defence Force did not comment on this claim at the time.

With the public revelation of the Oshun-class in 2023, concerns about its potential for massive destruction have resurfaced. Critics argue that the submarine represents an escalation in maritime power dynamics and could pose a significant threat to global security. The Imperial Orinese Navy has not responded to these criticisms as of now.

See also


  1. OOC. Based on the Russian Typhoon-class submarine.