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In Arrus the main Religion is Islam, but due to heavy Ahranaian influence during the Ahranaian Occupation Orthodoxy was introduced to the people of Arrus.
The Economy of Arrus is defined by several Sectors that have grown since modern times. The Oil Sector, Tobacco Sector, Technology Sector, and the Precious Metal Sector. Since the discovery of Oil in Arrus and in the Ocean Seabed outside and inside Arrus Water, the Oil Industry has made the Economy grow a huge amount and the government is thinking in better terms how to place this money to good use for the People of Arrus.
The Economy of Arrus is defined by several Sectors that have grown since modern times. The Oil Sector, Tobacco Sector, Technology Sector, and the Precious Metal Sector. Since the discovery of Oil in Arrus and in the Ocean Seabed outside and inside Arrus Water, the Oil Industry has made the Economy grow a huge amount and the government is thinking in better terms how to place this money to good use for the People of Arrus.
[[Category: Nations]]
[[Category: Nations]]

Revision as of 03:24, 14 June 2022

Islamic Kingdom of Arrus
مملكة آروس الإسلامية
Flag of Arros
Coat of arms of Arros
Coat of arms
Motto: "الله ، البلد ، الملك" "God, Country, King"
StatusIndependent State
and largest city
Official languagesArabic
GovernmentUnitary Islamic Absolute Monarchy
• Sultan
Sharaf Al-Raad
• Crown Prince
Hussein Al-Raad
• Prime Minister
Sharief Al-Hamid
LegislatureShura Council
• First Islamic Kingdom
• Sultanate of Arros
• Islamic Kingdom of Arros
Gini (2021)33.2
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sideleft

The Islamic Kingdom of Arrus, Kingdom of Arrus, or Arrus is one of the last remaining Islamic Nations on the Continent in Central Argis. Since the founding of the kingdom in 1783, Arrus has been an Absolute Monarchy ruled by a Sultan that is in connection with the ruling house from the Sultanate Period of history. Arrus is located on the INSERT NAME HERE Peninsula in lower Central Argis and is sorrunded by Keelpijp and Kezanoi Sea.



First Islamic Kingdom of Arrus

The First Islamic Kingdom of Arrus was the first creation of a United Arrus, now Arros, to bring all the peoples in the area together under one Ruler. The Islamic Kingdom of Arrus was composed of several smaller Kingdoms called Emirates headed by an Emir to which they paid tribute to the Amir al-umara: High King, Emir of Emirs, Prince of Princes, or Chief Emir. As time progressed the Authority of the Amir al-umara grew to become a central authority in the entire kingdom.

It was during this period that the first mention of the Ahranaian Empire is found due to the attempt to invade and take over the entire Kingdom in 1462CE. The Empire of Ahrana was successful in gaining control of several areas of the Kingdom including the Capital, however the Empire would not be able to hold this possession for very long and would soon lose control of the portions of the Country when the Empire fell. After the Ahranaians left the Amir al-umara was give more power and authority from the other Emirs that the Kingdom become strongly Centralized for the first time in its history to which the Emirs was removed from power by a Royal Decree. In 1561 the De-Centralized Kingdom would be reorganized into the Sultanate.

Sultanate of Arros

After the withdrawal of the Ahranaians in 1532CE, the Amir al-umara gained more power and authority and was able to establish a central authority under a Sultan that would govern all of the now called Sultanate of Arros. The name changed from Arrus to Arros due to the remaining Ahranaian Influence in the government of the now Sultan. With the Ahranaians gone and their failure to full subjugate the Peoples of Arros, the Sultan began their own campaign to take full authority without question. The Sultan would institute the first of many Religious Laws that all people of Arros excluding Foreign Dignitaries had to follow or face punishment that would at times leave someone permanently handicap for their entire life. This Era is often called the Era of Qawanin Mumita or Deadly Laws because of the sever punishments for breaking any of the Sultans Laws.

The Sultanate would soon cover all of modern-day Arros and all former Emirs were either killed or exiled along with their families in order to keep a strict control over the public and their ability to rise up against the Sultan. The Sultanate would reign till around 1785 when during colonial expansion Ahrana actually achieved the ability to conquer and control all of Arros without question.

Islamic Kingdom of Arrus

Since 1785 Arrus has been an Islamic Kingdom either as a dominion or an Independent State granted full Independence to Govern as the Sultan wished. Since 1937 Arrus has been on its own terms with Ahrana preferring to be an ally to the Ahranaians but separate from the Ahranaian Union of Independent States that were created during De-Colonization. The modern History of Arrus has been one marred by strife and hunger with small economic growth till recent years with the relaxation of the Sultans control over society in Arrus.

Government & Politics

The Islamic Kingdom of Arrus is an Absolute Monarchy ruled by the Al-Raad Family, with the Sultan being Sharaf al-Raad. The Sultan is the Head of State and hold massive Executive and Legislative Powers to which the Sultan Appoints the Prime Minister as the Head of Government, the High Justices on the High Courts, and is the Commander of all Armed Forces in Arrus.



The Sultan is the Monarch of the Islamic Kingdom to which holds almost all Executive Power in the Kingdom. The Sultan in recent times has started heeding power to the Prime Minister as Democratic Principles and Ideas make their way into the Kingdoms Government and Society. The Sultan approves all Legislations not by Royal Decree but a joint Executive Decree which is a seen as a step to allowing a freer Legislative process.

The Sultan is the Commander of all Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Arrus and heads the Defense Council at all times unless otherwise directed. The Kingdom of Arrus has not declared an Official State of War since ancient times when the Ahranaian Empire sailed to its shores.

Crown Prince

The Crown Prince of the Kingdom was officially created in 1962 when the Sultan created the position as an official Government Official with official duties and responsibilities. When the office was created the Crown Prince acted as the Prime Minister and headed the Shura Council, however since recent times this role has been denied since Sultan Sharaf Al-Raad came to power.

The Crown Prince now acts as a Deputy to the Sultan and helps with the daily tasks of the Sultan to ensure all Government issues and priorities are covered daily. The Crown Prince is the main heir to the Throne to succeed the Sultan upon their death or resignation.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is the Head of Government that is appointed by the Sultan from the Shura Council Members, in return the Prime Minister appoints the Governments cabanets with approval of the Sultan of all appointees.


Shura Council

The Shura Council is a 45 Member Legislative Council that makes up the entire Legislature for the Kingdom of Arrus. In its original creation the Council was just a Council that met with the Sultan to discuss Royal Decrees that the Sultan was going to make, it was just an advisory council. As of today, the Council is becoming more of a Legislative Council as time goes on. There is even a push within the Council to formally create a true Legislature for the Kingdom of Arrus.

The Shura Council meets only a weekly basis to discuss Government plans and policies that the Prime Minister, who is a member of the Council, is going to enact on behalf of the Sultan.




In Arrus the main Religion is Islam, but due to heavy Ahranaian influence during the Ahranaian Occupation Orthodoxy was introduced to the people of Arrus.


The Economy of Arrus is defined by several Sectors that have grown since modern times. The Oil Sector, Tobacco Sector, Technology Sector, and the Precious Metal Sector. Since the discovery of Oil in Arrus and in the Ocean Seabed outside and inside Arrus Water, the Oil Industry has made the Economy grow a huge amount and the government is thinking in better terms how to place this money to good use for the People of Arrus.