Florentia: Difference between revisions

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|languages2 = <!--Languages of this second further type-->
|languages2 = <!--Languages of this second further type-->
|languages2_sub = <!--Is the second alternative type of languages a sub-item of the previous non-sub type? ("yes" or "no")-->
|languages2_sub = <!--Is the second alternative type of languages a sub-item of the previous non-sub type? ("yes" or "no")-->
|ethnic_groups = Florentian creole (69%)<br/>Natives (18%)<br/>Stillian (5%) <!--List/breakdown of ethnic groups within the country/territory-->
|ethnic_groups = Florentian creole (68%)<br/>Natives (24%)<br/>Stillian (5%) <!--List/breakdown of ethnic groups within the country/territory-->
|ethnic_groups_year = 2022 <!--Year of ethnic groups data (if provided)-->
|ethnic_groups_year = 2022 <!--Year of ethnic groups data (if provided)-->
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|ethnic_groups_ref = <!--(for any ref/s to associate with ethnic groups data)-->

Revision as of 01:11, 8 November 2022

Confederate States of Florentia
Etats Confédérés de Florentie (Lysian)
Flag of Florentia
Motto: "Pour l'Empereur et la Liberté !"
"For the Emperor and Liberty"
Anthem: "La Marche des Gens de Cœur"
"Dans les bayous de Bayave" (unofficial, popular)
Royal anthem: "L'Impériale"
Map of Florentia
Map of Florentia
Official languagesLysian
Recognised national languagesFlorentian creole
Recognised regional languagesStillian
Ethnic groups
Florentian creole (68%)
Natives (24%)
Stillian (5%)
Christian (83%)
Non religious (6%)
Tocalic (4%)
Native religions (1%)
GovernmentConfederation of autonomous states within a Parliamentary Monarchy
• Emperor
Ambroise III
• Confederal Chancellor
Désiré de Belleville
LegislatureConfederal Senate
Independance [from Lysia] in 1789
CurrencyImperial Franc (IF)

Florentia is a country on Eurth.

(1st paragraph. Name. Location. Borders. Approx population and size. Capital city.)

(2nd paragraph. Political system. Short history in 1 sentence. Link with present in 1 sentence. Head of state.)

(3rd paragraph. Economy in 2 sentences. International relations in 1 sentence.)




(WIP. Landscape. Climate.)

  • Capital: Montcharmin
  • Location of the Capital : Far inland, on a major river going on all the country until the sea, near Belleville, the largest city.
  • Climate : Mostly subtropical humid with tropical/equatorial areas along the coasts and the rivers. Continental and arid areas in the mainland.



  • Lysian explorers colonize actual Florentia and enslave the locals.
  • Lysia being a republic and Florentian being mostly monarchists, tensions grows. Lysia take some decision which would the straw that breaks the camel's back, and Florentia declare independance.
  • War of independance (WIP).
  • Election of the Emperor of Florentia : the second son of the King of Louvier is elected. The Emperor holds most of the power and the states have a little autonomy.
  • 1850's-1860s : the imperial family die in a tragic incident and the Florentian crown goes to the King of Louvier. Thus, Florentia and Louvier become a personnal union.
  • The Louvian King, pressured by natives, try to outlaw Florentian slavery. Nine of the twelve states secede from the Empire : beginning of the Florentian cival war with the slave states opposing Louvier and the anti-slavery states. The slave states win and abdicate the Louvian King from the throne of Florentia, installing his second son. The victorious states write the "Confederal Act", lightening a lot the power of the Emperor is very lightened while giving huge autonomy to the states.
  • 1887 : Drafting of the "Charter of the Master and the Slave", guaranteeing the first rights to slaves and greatly limiting the punishments given by the masters. The charter is signed by five of the states.
  • 2019 : One of the most severe states with regard to slaves undergoes a major slave revolt. The slaves managed to organise themselves and control part of the state, with no advances on either side. (WIP)
  • 2022 : Florentia and the revolt sign an armistice, but are technicly still at war with each other. (WIP)


The Confederate States of Florentia are divided in 12 states which have an important autonomy.

List of the Florentian states

# Name Type of regime State capital Population Leading political party Flag
1 Javiosia Kingdom (constitutionnal monarchy) Belleville WIP Constitutionnalist Union
Flag of Javiosia.png
2 Lasoda Duchy (semi-constitutionnal monarchy) Teldore WIP Coalition (Constitutionnalist Union, Legitimist Stillian Party)
Flag of Lasoda.png
3 Nouvelle-Vendée Kingdom (semi-constitutionnal monarchy) Nouvelle-Ligomes WIP New-Vendean Party
Flag of Nouvelle-Vendée.png
4 Abalavier Kingdom (absolute monarchy) Mouvant WIP N/A
Flag of Abalavier.png
5 Bayave Marquisate (semi-constitutionnal monarchy) Port-Rouge WIP Popular Party
Drapeau Bayave.png
6 Nouvelle-Creuse Kingdom (semi-constitutionnal monarchy) Guéret WIP Legitimist Party of Nouvelle-Creuse
Flag of Nouvelle-Creuse.png
7 Rivière de Juillet Kingdom (constitutionnal monarchy) Baste WIP Constitutionnalist Union
Flag of Rivière de Juillet.png
8 Yalme Duchy (constitutionnal monarchy) Rodaze WIP National Liberal Party of Yalme
9 Tyronie Kingdom (constitutionnal monarchy under a military junta) Vimbe WIP N/A
Flag of Tyronie.png
10 Narizonia Republic (Unitary and presidential republic, authoritarian democracy) Giol WIP Free Lysian Action
Flag of Narizonia.png
11 Saint-Isidore Republic (Unitary and semi-presidential republic, full democracy) Adèrnes WIP Republican Party of Saint-Isidore
Flag of Saint-Isidore.png
12 Coayard Commonwealth (Federal and parliamentary republic, full democracy) Coeur WIP Liberty Union
Flag of Coayard.png

Central government

The executive power is hold by the Emperor, although it is very small. Most of the power comes from the legislative one, incarned by Confederal Senate. It is composed of twelve senators, one per state. Senators are elected every two years, without limit to the number of terms, by the citizens of their respective states. Each senator has one vote, except the Confederal Chancelor, named by the Emperor, which has two votes.

States government



(WIP. Employment. Exports. Energy. Transport. Media. Currency.)

The Florentian currency is the Imperial Franc, or "Franc Impérial" in Lysian.


  • Huge export-based agriculture economy
  • One of the main exporter of tobacco, cotton
  • Also produces some maize, wheat, soybean
  • Use of slavery


  • Important sulphur and magnesium ressources. Few natural gaz
  • Exploitation of sand (one of the main exporter) and controversy over the progressive destruction of beaches


  • Industry (textile, cigares) in Javiosie
  • Developping industry in a few other states


  • Important tourism, despite a boycott due to the use of slaves
  • Renown to be a "return to the past"
  • Famous steam boats cruise on the Saint-Elme river


(WIP. Ethnic groups. Language. Religion. Health. Education.)


(WIP. Literature. Visual arts. Music. Cuisine. Sport.)

  • Culture : Louisianian creole, natives


  • Stuck in the past, glorification of the "good old time" in the late XIXth, start of the XXth.
