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Flag of Mikochi
Coat of arms of Mikochi
Coat of arms
Map of Mikochi
Map of Mikochi
LargestGreater Umikyo
Official languagesHangen
• Chancellor
Kurogane, Kenshin
• Reorganisation of the Shijin Dynasty
803 CE
• Ratification of People's Constitution
76,017 km2 (29,350 sq mi)Excluding Water
• 2023 census
• Density
425/km2 (1,100.7/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2023)35
HDISteady 0.725
Time zoneUTC-8
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft
Internet TLD.hk

Mikochi (Hangen: 瀚国), officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Mikochi, is an island country mainly located within the Lotus Sea in north-west Aurelia, with a smaller territory off the coast of Alharu. Hangoku sits south of Esonice and shared a maritime border with Goankok to the west. Hangoku has a land area of approximately 76,017km² and a population of 32.3 million, mainly spread out across it's 6 largest islands.

Hangoku's largest city and capital, Umikyo, is home to 8.2 million residents, and is located within the Umikyo Special Economic Area, which has assisted in the diversification of the Hangoku economy,

(paragraph on history)

(paragraph on demographic/culture/religion)

(paragraph on government/IR)

Since the end of the Second Hangoku Civil War, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Hangoku has seen yearly growth for almost 40 years, which currently sits at $549,989,258,274. Hangoku's economy has traditionally been driven by primary sector goods, however Hangoku has started to transition into the secondary and tertiary sectors, such as commerce, tourism and manufacturing . Hangoku is a newly industrialised mixed economy, with a high ranking Human Development Index and very high Gini coefficient. Hangoku's primary exports are automobiles, consumer goods and fish.


The name for Hangoku comes from the Hangen characters '瀚' meaning ocean and '国' meaning country and is pronounced Hangoku or Hankoku.

Throughout most of the 20th century, Hangoku was known internationally as the Lotus Kingdom and later the Lotus Republic, the name being taken from the sea in which Hangoku is located. Following the Second Hangoku Civil War, the new government made an appeal to the international community to standardise the name in all languages as Hangoku.


(WIP. Landscape. Climate. Where exactly is your country compared to others on the global map? Describe the landscape, plants, and animals. Which mountains and rivers are important to include? Describe are the climate and seasons? How does geography determine where people live? Are there areas separated from one another? How about cities? This will greatly help you with the next part of history.)


(WIP. How did your current country come to be? What were the country's previous incarnations? Was the country part of a union with a neighbour? Which events shaped the way the country is today?)

Prehistoric to classical history

Shijin Dynasty (803 - 1203)

Shijin Dynasty (四神朝)

Hakkei Dynasty (1204 - 1643)

Hakkei Dynasty (八景朝)

Kensei Dynasty (1644 - 1820

Kensei Dynasty (剣聖朝)

Tengoku Dynasty (1821 - 1980)

Tengoku Dynasty (天国朝)

Modern History (1980 - Present)


Head of State.
Head of Government.

(WIP. Government. Separation of powers. Who rules, how, and for how long? Political parties. What levels of government exist? How about the local level? Who makes the laws? Who deals out your justice? Which government services exist? What is the name of your police? How are the armed forces organised? Foreign affairs, alliances, membership of international organisations.)

Administrative divisions


Hangoku is divided into [number] of prefectures, each overseen by an elected govenor and legislature. The Prefectures of Hangoku are grouped into three regions.

List of prefectures in Hangoku.
ISO Region Prefecture Hangen Meaning Prefecture Capital Population Area Population Density
HK-01 One Akahama 赤浜県 Red Beach Akahama (City)
HK-02 One Hanasui 花水県 Flower Water Ryugu
HK-03 One Hinohama 陽浜県 Sun Beach Namiura
HK-04 One Kaiyo 海陽府 Ocean Sun Tetsugawa
HK-05 One Midorinoumi 緑の海県 Green Sea Asahimura
HK-06 One Shiokaze 潮風府 Sea Breeze Shiokaze (Ward)
HK-07 One Umikyo 海京都 Sea Capital Umikyo (Ward)
HK-08 One Aozorashima 青空島県 Blue Sky Island
HK-09 Two Hinayama 日向山県 Sunny Mountain
HK-10 Two Ishigaki 石垣県 Stone Wall
HK-11 Two Kazetani 風谷県 Wind Valley
HK-12 Two Kitagishi 北岸県 North Coast
HK-13 Two Sakurazaki 桜崎県 Sakura Cape
HK-14 Two Seikatsuhama 生活浜県 Life Beach
HK-15 Three Kaiyushima 回遊島県 Wandering Island
HK-16 Three Nijinoshima 虹の島県 Rainbow Island
HK-17 Three Takarajima 宝島府 Treasure Island

There are 3 different types of prefectures in Hangoku, variying with the urbanisation of the prefecture.

Types of Prefecture
Type Hangen Romaji No.
Metropolis to 1 Umikyo (海京都 Umikyo-to)
Urban Prefecture fu 4 Takarajima Prefecture (宝島府 Takarajima-fu), Shiokaze Prefecture (潮風府 Shiokaze-fu) and Kaiyo Prefecture (海陽府 Kaiyo-fu)
Prefecture ken 12

Umikyo Special Economic Area

The Umikyo Special Economic Area (USEA), is a Special Economic Zone covering the four cities of Umikyo City, Shiokaze City, Kaiyo City and Hanasui City. The USEA was created by incumbant Chancellor Kurogane Kenshin in 2018 following her election to office. The USEA has different taxation laws and customs than the rest of Hangoku, in an effort to promote the growth of Hangoku's service sector.

Whilst each city maintains it's own police force, the Umikyo Metropolitan Police (UMP) was created in 2019 and covers the entire SEZ.

Special Wards of the Umikyo Special Economic Area
ISO City Special Ward Hangen Population Area Population Density
USEA-0 Umikyo Umikyo
USEA-02 Umikyo Megumi
USEA-03 Umikyo Kogyo
USEA-04 Umikyo Shijo
USEA-05 Umikyo Morioka
USEA-06 Umikyo Hikariyama
USEA-07 Umikyo Minatomi
USEA-08 Shiokaze Kawaguchi
USEA-09 Shiokaze Shiokaze
USEA-10 Shiokaze Ginsei
USEA-11 Shiokaze Shinkawa
USEA-12 Hanasui Seikyo
USEA-13 Hanasui Ryugu
USEA-15 Kaiyo Tetsugawa
USEA-16 Kaiyo Kaiyo
USEA-17 Kaiyo Aishi

Foreign Relations

foreign relations overview/table?


Hangoku's military is the Hangoku Defence Force (HDF), and is comprised of 3 branches covering Sea, Air and Land. The HDF was created following the implementation of the 1986 constitution, and was a reformed version of the revolutionary forces that won the civil war 6 years prior. The HDF was outlined as a force to protect peace and not one to instigate violence.

Much of the HDF was restructed in 2012, following the relection of Chancellor XX, XX. The HDF's funding was doubled, with the implementation of the '12 year plan' put in place to triple the strength of the HDF.

Hangoku Coast Guard

The Hangoku Coast Guard (HCG) is a vital branch of Hangoku's armed services, primarily responsible for ensuring maritime safety, security, and environmental protection within the nation's territorial waters and exclusive economic zones. The HCG operates a diverse fleet of vessels, including patrol boats, surveillance vessels, and specialized firefighting and hydrographic survey ships. With its headquarters in Shiokaze, the HCG is also involved in search and rescue operations, maritime law enforcement, and disaster response, effectively safeguarding the maritime interests and coastal communities of Hangoku.

Hangoku Air Guard

The Hangoku Air Guard (HAG) serves as the aerial defense wing of Hangoku, tasked with protecting the nation’s airspace and supporting ground operations. The HAG operates a fleet of fighter jets, transport aircraft, and drones, equipped to handle a range of missions from air combat and surveillance to disaster relief and international aid. Based out of various strategic air bases across the country, the HAG is committed to maintaining aerial sovereignty, providing rapid response capabilities, and engaging in multinational exercises to enhance global peace and security.

Hangoku National Guard

The Hangoku National Guard (HNG) is the principal land warfare force of Hangoku, dedicated to national defense and emergency response. Comprising several infantry, armored, and artillery units, the HNG is equipped to engage in a wide array of military operations both domestically and internationally. The Guard conducts regular training exercises to maintain high readiness levels and works closely with other national defense forces to ensure the security and stability of Hangoku. Additionally, the HNG plays a critical role in disaster response, aiding in recovery efforts during natural calamities and supporting civil authorities in maintaining law and order.


Before it's surrender and defeat in 1980, Hangoku's military comprised of the Imperial Army and Grand Fleet. These two forces were directly controlled by Hangoku's Tenno, and their creations date back to the Hakkei Dynasty in the 16th century.

-- Insert significant wars faught here--

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement overview? basic laws? freedoms?

Age restricted activities
Regulation Age Notes
Consumption of Alchohol 15 As advised by the HNHS and with permission from a legal Guardian.
Purchase of Alchohol 18
Driving 17 Hangoku Citizens may start lessons at 16 years and 6 months of age.
Voting 16
Marriage 18
Working 16 Hangoku Citizens between 14 - 16 may work no more than 12 hours per week.
Gambling 21 Citizens may be banned from Gambling by the HNHS

Human Rights

Hangoku has a high


(WIP. Employment. Exports and imports. International partners. Currency. Energy. Transportation. Science & technology. Unemployment numbers. Tourism. Media.)

Agriculture and aquaculture

fishing? farming? rice?

Industry and services

cars? shipbuilding? steelworking?

Science and technology


popular areas, tourism policies




trains, airports, ferries?


how is it made?


water supply? clean water? sewage?


(WIP. Demographics. Ethnic groups. Social classes. Language. Education. Marriage. Religion. Healthcare. Diseases.)


Shinto? Taoism? Mahayana?




primary, secondary, college, university?


mortality, birth rates, diseases, access to health?

Hangoku National Health Service (HNHS)


(WIP. Cuisine. Literature. Visual arts. Art. Architecture. Entertainment. Music & Radio. Television. Cuisine. Local customs. Clothing. Morality. Sports. Stereotypes. Your national symbols such as the flag and national anthem. Public holidays and festivities.)

Contemporary Hangoku culture combines influences from other Azumic nations, Northern Aurelia and the Orient. Traditional Hangoku arts include crafts such as pottery, textiles, woodworking and swords; a unique music performance known as XXX; and other practices such as calligraphy, games and music.

Art and architecture

Paintings? statues? famous artists?

Literature and philosophypoems? popular books? famous writers?


popular instruments? famous singers/bands?

Hangoku National Music Chart

Performing Arts

musicals? some form of mime? famous playwrites?


food! famous chefs?


anime? manga? films? magazines?


gaming? racing? association football? tennis? badminton? famous sportspeople?
