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Fédération Mavranai
Mavranis (Lysian)
Mavran (Anglish)
Flag of Mavran
Coat of Arms of Mavran
Coat of arms
Motto: Fédération, Unité, Coopération!
Anthem: La Hrysaise
Map of Mavran
Map of Mavran
Official languages
  • Lysian
  • Standard Federal Mavranai
  • Illieux
  • Fari
Recognised regional languagesArbari
GovernmentFederation of Parliamentary Republics
• Prime Minister
Charois Delleum
• First Minister of the Second Illieuxnai Republic
Louis Mivre
• First Minister of the Farisian Republic
Anna-Lia Doncholet
LegislatureFederal Parliament
134,452 km2 (51,912 sq mi)
• 2022 estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Gini (2022)34.7
HDI (2022)0.763
CurrencyFederal Rozen
Driving sideright

Mavran, officially the Fédération Mavranai (Anglish: Federation of Mavran), is a sovereign Federation of nations whose territory is in Central Argis on Eurth. The Federation only borders Velika to the East. The Federation is known for being the only Lysian nation on the Argic Continental Mainland, and one of two Lysian nations alongside Galahinda.

The Federation is currently made up of two member states and a Special Administrative Region:

  • Mavris - Despite not being an official nation in the Federation, it functions as such in all but name. Governing the Federal Territories of Mavran from Mavris and with its own distinct Mavrois culture, the Special Administrative Region is treated as a Federal Republic despite it lacking the official status. In recent history, movements such as the Mavris Representation Society has made significant gains in securing support for the elevation of Mavris to the position of a Federal Republic.
  • Illieux - The largest of the two nations.
  • Farisia - The smaller of the two nations.


Federal Congress of Mavris

On 14 May 1925, the Mavranai Federation was formed, the result of the Federal Congress of Mavris. The congress, having lasted 6 months from 14 November 1924 to the Federal Declaration on 14 May 1925. From 1925-1927, the Federation would be led by a Provisional Government under Alexandre Fleur, in practice the first prime minister (1925-1937). During the congress, the 250 delegates (125 from both Illieux and Farisia) convened daily to craft the founding legislation and governing legislature of the Federation, resulting most notably in the Federal Mavranai Constitution of 1925, the Federal Charter of the Rights of the Citizen and the Initial Economic Doctrine of the Mavranai Federation. The Federal Congress, while supported by a significant majority in both nations, led to controversy amongst 'Sovereignist' groups, culminating in the Farisian Naval Mutiny of 1926, which sought to repeal the legislation of the Federal Congress of Mavris. The Order of Stability in 1926 banned Sovereignist parties, which mostly removed political pressure from the Federation's creation.

The Federal Mavranai Constitution of 1925 was widely lauded as Liberal and Progressive at the time of its writing. It re-iterated many terms of the Revolutionary Constitutions, such as the ban on Slavery and legalisation of Homosexuality, while also going further. It formalised a system of Proportional Representation in elections, expanded the ban on Slavery to a ban on the trade which led to the Federation taking a leading role in the region on fighting any trade of slaves, established formal public schooling, imposed some of the first worker's protections in the nations and went into great detail regarding minority rights closing many loopholes and laying the groundwork for Mavranai Multiculturalism.

Despite unofficially finished on the Federal Declaration, the Federal Congress of Mavris remained officially open until the first Federal elections in 1927. The 1927 election to this day remains the election with the highest percentage of voter turnout, at an astounding 84.72%.

20th Century

Fleur's First Mandate (1927-1937)

1927 - 1932
Alexandre Fleur in 1928

The election of 1927 was a fundamental one to the establishment of the modern Mavranai Federation. The first of it's kind in the new Federation, there were many logistical issues prior to the day, such as organising polling stations, informing citizens of how the system worked, and many other complex challenges. In the end, the election would be won by the Centre Bloc, under the leadership of, at the time, Provisional Prime Minister Alexandre Fleur. Centre rode the wave of popularity surrounding the 'Father of the Federation' as well as the widely popular centre-left ideas which the Bloc was comprised of at the time, to secure 327 seats. This was just one seat short of a majority, and it led to the first ever coalition negotiations in the Federation's history. In the end, in order to represent a large majority of the populace, Centre would enter into a coalition with the centre-right Identité & Valeurs. This would prove widely popular, and would result in just under 90% of seats in the Federal Parliament being in the ruling coalition. In Illieux, Centre parties secured a majority in the regional legislature, resulting in Illieux's first Centre First Minister, Mari Fillia. In Farisia, Identité & Valeurs secured a majority in the regional legislature, resulting in Farisia's first Identité & Valeurs First Minister Millich Maurini.

Fleur's 1927 Mandate saw vast strides in the Federalisation of the new nation, as well as improving the connectivity of member states. Under the 1927 Mandate, Fleur would create the military structure for the Federation, create a unified school cirriculum, as well as begin several Public Works Projects under the Comité des Travaux Sociétals which would link together much of the Federation's infrastructure, as well as begin some of the first Travaux Fédéraux, Federal Works for the purpose of helping to bring Illieux and Farisia closer together. In addition to this, the first Federal Territories were seperated from the Member Nations. The Federal Territories Act of 1929 organised the land which would later become the Greater Mavris-sur-Rozo Metropolitan Area or GMRMA. Notable Acts also include the Federal Transport Bill, which set the groundworks for unified Federal Laws on Transportation, and the Federal Health Service Act, which organised the first ever state Health Service in either member states.

During this time, the Federation would experience minor, albeit steady, economic growth, as while new connectivity allowed for industries to better cooperate and expand profits, new Federalisation initiatives also proved expensive, requiring expensive taxes which initially stifled Mavranai industry. Particular effects were felt in the steel industry, which struggled under the weight of high taxes and weak contracts, with Eastcoast Steel, Illieux's and the Federation's biggest steel manufacturer, nearly going bankrupt, being saved only by an influx of government Rozen and relaxation of taxes on the steel industry under the demand of Identité & Valeurs. While the economy struggled to grow however, the average standard of living greatly improved, particularly amongst the poorest regions, where new access to goods greatly lowered prices and allowed for a far better life for the working-class. This in turn led to a much bolstered class of workers, with the 1927 Mandate seeing some of the first worker's unions established in the member states, notably the Eastern Steelworkers Union and the Arbar Coalhole Union. These unions would later prove instrumental to the socialist movement in the region.

1932 - 1937

The election of 1932 proved far less decisive than that of 1927. While Centre remained the largest Bloc in the Federal Parliament, it's seat share shrank by 100 seats, falling to just one more seat than Identité & Valeurs, which resulted in a similar coalition government to that of 1927 with the government comprising of approxeimately 69% of seats. The shrinking of the ruling Blocs can mostly be attributed to the rise of threats from both the Left and Right of the political spectrum, particularly the Social-Démocrate Front which massively expanded it's seat share by 99 seats from 4 to 103, and Avant! which emerged as a new voting bloc of right-wing parties, many of which were independents in the 1927 election due to limitations from Identité & Valeurs surrounding social policy. Alliance Socialiste des Travailleurs also secured a seat, showing that socialist ideas were beginning to grow in popularity in Mavran. However, the results ultimately secured Alexandre Fleur a second 5 year term as the Prime Minister of the Federation, with Fleur's approval ratings remaining relatively high. In Illieux, Centre parties failed to garner a majority, resulting in a coalition government led by Centre with the Social-Démocrate Front as a junior member. In Farisia, the Identité & Valeurs held on to power, only losing a few seats in the Farisian Assembly.

Photo of the FCJ in session regarding Morin v. Farisia. This is one of two known photos in existence of the FCJ in session.

Fleur's 1932 Mandate saw the continuation of Federalisation policies, as well as several landmark legal cases and Parliamentary Bills which would end up vastly changing the landscape of Mavranai social policy. Just two months after the beginning of Fleur's second term, Parliament passed the 1932 Federal Protection Bill which saw greater rights given to Mavran's minorities, most notably the Right to Freedom of Expression for homosexuals. While homosexuality's legalisation had been enshrined in the Federal Charter of the Rights of the Citizen in 1925, homosexual Mavranais still did not have the legal right to express their homosexuality in public. This was a large point of public contention as such rights had already existed in Illieux but not in Farisia, and many expected the Federation to expand people's rights, not take them away. As such, the introduction of the 1932 Federal Protection Bill was met with great public support. In 1932 and early 1933, 3 Justices of the FCJ would die and be replaced by the left-leaning parliament, resulting in a more liberally-skewed parliament. This is important, as later in 1933, the case of Morin v. Farisia would shake the Federation, and would serve as a basis for outlining the rights of the member nations. While the 1932 Federal Protection Bill officially protected homosexuals from state discrimination throughout the Federation, the conservative government of Farisia wanted to forbid homosexuals from being able to join the Farisian section of the Federal Mavranai Armed Forces. The lawyers of Farisia argued that Federal Anti-Discrimination legislation only applied in areas under the direct oversight of Federal Administration, and that the member nations should be free to make their laws surrounding permitted discrimination as they please. Morin, on the other hand, argued that Federal legislation on discrimination should override national laws, since the Federal Constituion outlined that the hierarchy of powers placed the Federation above nations. The FCJ agreed with Morin over Farisia, making great headway in the fight against discrimination and allowing people of all sexualities and genders legal protection in being able to join the FMAF.

Arbaromo miners outside the Arbar Coalhole Union's Chapter in Mounterr

Despite great social change, the economic side of the Federation remained fairly stagnant. While the 1932 Mandate saw some minor economic growth, government intervention was more focused on increasing accessibility for private industries than direct intervention in the growth of the economy. With most Federalisation initiatives paid for, Mavran entered a surplus which would continue for most of the Mandate. Fleur's second ministry saw the decreasing of many taxes whilst also significantly increasing military spending and growing the FMAF. The five year term especially saw massive growth in the Mavranai navy, as much of the military brass sought to expand Mavran's power projection in the Mediargic and Keelpijp. In particular, the Navy Branch and newly-founded Air Branch of the FMAF cooperated to better develop Mavran's main naval doctrine of intense Naval-Air cooperation. Of particular note are the two Pione-Class Aircraft Carriers built during this period, which helped to solidify the importance of Air in the doctrines of both the Mavranai Army and Navy. The 1932 Government also placed heavy emphasis on innovation in fighter development, prioritising close-range bombers and light fighters for effective Ground-Air and Water-Air cooperation. A significant culture surrounding air warfare would begin to build in Mavran around this time, as many military strategists declared airplanes the 'future of war'. Air development would also help to heavily boost the Farisian and Arbar economies, as these places hosted the most significant production and R&D facilites for airplanes in the Federation. Military funding into air by the Federation at this time also allowed for high wages for engineers, designers and scientists working on the new generation of Mavranai airplanes, helping to bring more money into regions which historically underperformed economically due to a lack of a real economic base which would encourage private enterprise investment, resulting in the first real economic growth in these more rural regions of the Federation. Additionally, the construction of new infrastructure for planes helped to create thousands of more jobs. This would be used as proof by the SDF in the next election that government involvement in the economy could not only be more efficient at times than waiting for the private sector, but also more beneficial for the nation.

This Mandate was also notable for the significant increase in Socialist Agitation throughout the Federation. With the Proportional system of the Federation, left-wing voices were becoming increasingly heard, and had begun siphoning many votes from the 'stagnating' Centre Bloc parties, which many thought were doing too little to improve worker conditions and grow the economy. A small crash in the Mavranai stock market further agitated working people which, while mostly leaving the economy unscathed, wiped out the savings of many families, while also highlighting the fragility of the current economic system. In 1937, Mavranai workers began a General Strike to protest unsafe working conditions and low wages, as well as a decline in the standard of living compared to the initial post-unification boom. In particular, the Arbar Coalhole Union, the largest union in the Federation at the time, would hold a unionwide strike against the perceived overlooking of dangerous working conditions in Nevrisian and Farisian mines by upper class owners and corporate managers, with the union accusing the mineowners of placing 'additional Rozen before the lives of their compatriots'. In response, many other unions joined them, including the Eastern Steelworkers Union, which led to most unions demanding action from the Federal Parliament. This time would prove heavily turbulent for the Mavranai economy, as the strike tanked the GDP, and the support of moderates for the ruling government coalition with it, setting the stage for the first SDF government in Mavran's history.

Maraud's Mandate (1937-1940)

1937 - 1939

SDF + Centre

Infrastructure Development, Worker's rights, New Deal politics, Medium economic growth, Federal Corporations/Conglomerates/Companies


Steelgate, Vote of No Confidence pushed by Mariocher, Mariocher voted in new leader of SDF

Mariocher's Mandate (1940-1947)

1940 - 1942
1942 - 1947

SDF + Centre + AST (Alliance socialiste des travailleurs/Socialist Worker's Alliance)

Minimum wage, Federal Ministry of Labour, Taxes on the rich, lots of state involvement in economic growth, Medium to High Economic growth, surplus

Fleur's Second Mandate (1947-1952)

1947 - 1949

Initial: Centre + SDF

Military refurbishment, joining the First Argic War as Periphery, significant military development

1949 - 1952

War and stuff. Lots of navy fighting, lots of air wars, minor deployments of troops

Derau's Mandate (1952-1957)

SDF + Centre + I&V

Road to end of war, favourable terms, post-war reconstruction, economy struggling

Zeraufin's Mandate (1957-1967)

1957 - 1962

I&V + Centre + Forward

Significant market liberalisation, globalisation, attempts to grow economy, medium economic growth, reconstruction mostly complete

1962 - 1967

I&V + Forward

Right-wing economics, attack on traditionally left-wing economic bases, forceful transition of sectors. low economic growth, lower taxes on corporations/1%. lowest approval rating of government ever on mandate end.

Pilliod's Mandate (1967-1977)

1967 - 1972


Pilliod's era, massive economic works, high taxes high spending, socialist economic policy, somewhat protectionist, work towards autarky. Largest economic growth in Federal history, significant urbanisation, significant growth in SoL

1972 - 1975


Continuation of Pilliod's era, steady course, worrying deficit. Attempt to cut military spending to free up more funds collapses government in 1975. 2 years of no government until 1977.

1975 - 1977

Post government collapse of SDF, change in leadership, retains democratic socialist values

Gardin's Mandate (1977-1992)

1977 - 1982

SDF + Centre

Military growth, attracting foreign investment in attempt to grow economy. Arbar Independence Referendum, 68% no, 32% yes. Centre completely collapses due to infighting, minority government. No real Centre-left party. Most voters go to SDF, few to I&V.

1982 - 1987

SDF + Many smaller left-wing parties

Election reform, safer and more secret voting. More power delegated federally to Illieux and Farisia. Greater Mavranai Metropolitan Area officially declared. More power delegated to Governates + more funding. General Federal Decentralisation.

1987 - 1992

SDF - Minority Government/No Coalition

Very little done, mostly minor tax and budget adjustments, mediocre economic growth

Morn's Mandate (1992-2007)

1992 - 1997

Forward + I&V

More economic liberalisation, some more growth, some military growth, international relations normalisation

1997 - 2002

Forward + I&V

Capitalismo, international relations, more international industry, get more jobs

21st Century

2002 Mandate

2007 Mandate

2012 Mandate

2017 Mandate

2022 Mandate


File:Mavran Federal Parliament 2022.svg
  Socialistes et Écologistes: 28 seats
  Social-Démocrate Front: 119 seats
  Libéraux de Mavranai: 213 seats
  Identité & Valeurs: 162 seats
  Avant!: 75 seats
  Front Révolutionnaire National: 26 seats
  Independents: 32 seats

blah blah blah politics and whatnot my good fellows

Governates of Mavran

Foreign relations of Mavran

Federal Mavranai Armed Forces










Science and Technology











Public Holidays


Mavranai Philosophy
