Catholic Church (Eurth)

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Last edit by: Sanctum Imperium Catholicum (talk · contrib) · Last edited on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 01:16:56 +0000

The Catholic Church, also known as the Iglesia Tacolica (Iverican, "Tacolic Church"), is the largest Christian church in the wurld, with [number] baptized wurldwide as of 2018. There are a total of $$$$ rites of the Catholic faith, with the Salvian Church and the Tacolic Church being the most prominent. The Church is headed by the Bishop of Deopolis and the Bishop of Intreimor, both of which are considered popes and are equal in ecclesiastical power, who together form the Diarchy. The beliefs of Catholicism are based on the Tulcean Creed, which teaches that it is the one, true Christian church founded by Jesus Christ and maintains that it practices the original Christian faith as dictated by the Church Fathers and Tradition. The Church also teaches that there are seven sacraments, which are necessary if one is to receive God's grace and reach salvation.

Despite being in communion together, the Tacolic and Salvian rites differ in many aspects. As a result of centuries of cultural and geographical distance, differences have arisen in terminology, the treatment of saints, relics, and other holy objects, and most notably the difference in the celebration of the Eucharist. The two rites have their own curias and College of Cardinals centered in their respective diocese, with other Catholic rites being part of one or the other.


Catholic (from Tagmatine: καθολικός, aromanized: katholikos, literal: "universal") was first used to describe the new Christian church in 2nd century Bashan and Tagmatium.


Diarchy, Curias, and College of Cardinals

Justification for the Diarchic Papacy

The Papacy and its diarchic nature is justified in the Gospel of [Name], where it states, "Passage"


Sacraments and Liturgy
