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The Kingdom of Ahrana
Flag of Ahrana
Coat of arms of Ahrana
Coat of arms
Motto: "Brotherhood and Unity Light the Way!"
Anthem: National Anthem of the Kingdom of Ahrana
StatusIndependent State
Largest cityMoskovo, Peterburi
Official languagesAhran Latin, Lockieeani, Xaraian, Low Tata, Tatani High
Recognized languagesAhran, Lockieeani, Low Tata, High Tata, Tatani High, Moskovoian, Peterburish
Orthodoxy, Catholicly
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Constitutional Diarchy
• Queen
Sigrid Anastasia Anne Victoria Florence-Goring
• Queen
Aleksandra Victoria Anne Mishia Chayka II
• High Representatives of Thralhaven and Xara
See in Section
• Chancellor of the Kingdom
Auchild Larson
• State Councilor of the Kingdom
Nora Elisabeth Harpson
LegislatureParliament of the Kingdom
Chamber of Deputies
Assembly of Representatives
• Four Kingdom Era
500 B.C.E-1025 A.D.E.
• Unification of the First Unified Kingdom
1025 A.D.E-1450 A.D.E
• Ahranaian City States
1452 A.D.E.-1500 A.D.E
• Kingdom of Ahrana
1501 A.D.E-1912 A.D.E
• Republic of Ahrana
1912 A.D.E-1937 A.D.E
• Unified Imperial Kingdom
1937 A.D.E-2017 A.D.E
• Socialist Federation
25 December 2017 A.D.E.-27 May 2018 A.D.E
• Federation Declared
27 May 2018 A.D.E-30 June 2020 A.D.E
• Kingdom Established
1 July 2020 A.D.E-Present Day
• 2015 census
Time zoneAhranaian Standard Time
Driving sideleft
Calling code+343

The Kingdom of Ahrana or The Ahranaian Kingdom is a Country in North-Central Argis that is neighbored by The Hellenic Rus and the United States of Prymont to the North, while the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania is to the South while also having connection to two Bodies of Water the Northern Sea (Canamo Sea) and the Mediargic Sea in the South of the Country. The Capital of the Federation is the ancient Capital of the First Unified Kingdom of Ahran, Moskovo. In older times the Country of Ahrana had two Capitals a Royal and Legislative Capital, Moskovo and Peterburi, which in respect is why both Cities are the Largest Cities in the Kingdom.

The Kingdom is not part of any International Organization at the current time but has asked to readmitted to ATARA as the true Successor State of the Unified Imperial Kingdom of Ahrana. It has yet to be determined if Ahrana will be admitted to ATARA once more. With the Xara Accords being established TRIDENT is now a friend and one that is in some hopes a precursor to what is to come for Ahrana.


It was said that the name Ahrana derived from the Ancient Kingdom of Ahran and the "Ana" part was not added till a few decades after Unification when a Royal Family Member saw one of the Gods named "Ana" and she declared that the new Kingdom be named Ahrana, combining Ahran with Ana the name of a God. However this is just pure speculation as no written Document declares this truth.


Four Kingdom Era

The Beginning of Ahrana is with the Kingdom of Ahran headed by the early Mishia Family that would come to rule the Future Ahranaian Throne, the Kingdom of Ahran was the biggest out of the Four Kingdoms. Ahran held a Port in the North that would freeze over most of the year but it held a port unlike the majority of the other Kingdoms which realied on trade from other Countries and the other Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Ahran was known to be very Aggressive which is why they held more land, they held all of the Northern Sea Land and the northern part of modern day Tatani Plus all of modern day Peterburi which held a Dukedom Status inside the Kingdom of Ahran.

Inside the Kingdom of Ahran there were two small Dukedoms that held power over their own lands respectively, the Dukedom of Peterburi and the Dukedom of Moskovo. The Dukedom of Peterburi was the mainland of where the House of Mishia reigned from the earlier days of the Four Kingdom Era. The Mishia Family would expand the Peterburish Dukedom and encompass the Moskovo Dukedom and more land to create the Kingdom of Ahran.

The Second biggest Kingdom was the Kingdom of Tatani, which was the main rival of the Ahran Kingdom. The two Kingdoms were constantly at war with one another which did more damage to the Tatani People than the Ahran People which were continuously prosperous war after War. The Tatani Kingdom was headed by the Family known as the Nikita House which would be around till the end of the Direct Mishia Line.

The Kingdom of Low Tata was the smallest of all Kingdoms and had an entire wall built surrounding its entire Lands, which would be the reason for their conquering in the Unification Wars. Tata was a peaceful Kingdom and only wished to trade with all Parties and all Countries which made them one of the richer Kingdoms, to this day the majority of the Wealth of the Imperial Family is due to the Kingdom of Tata. The Kingdom of Low Tata was headed by a Relative of the Mishia Family of the Ahran Kingdom which therefore aligned them with the Kingdom of Ahran.

The Kingdom of Lockiee was the fourth Kingdom that makes up modern Day Ahrana, the borders of the Kingdom stretch into the modern day borders of Tata and Lower Ahrana. The Kingdom was headed by a relative of the Mishia Family making them an ally of the Kingdom of Ahran. Lockiee was a kingdom of Battlemen that trained day and night making them the areas best trained soldiers at the time, it is said that the Soldiers of Lockiee were the first Official Assassins which the Kingdom of Ahran took use of in the Unification Wars.

Unification Wars

In 200 B.C.E. the Ahran Kingdom begun a what would be called the Unification Wars under the first Legislative Authority the area ever knew. King Vlad the Great Unifier would begin such a task sending troops to all corners of the Kingdom to expand its borders and influence to all of the other three Kingdoms around it. It would be a twenty year campaign as some Kingdoms would just submit to defeat when the Ahran Troops came to the Outer Walls. The Kingdom of Low Tata would allow the Men of the Kingdom of Ahran to march in and pledge allegiance to the Ahran Throne and its King. However even though the Kingdom of Lockiee had a King that was related to Vlad in a manor of blood, they would not submit to the Throne. Vlad then ordered the City be Fireballed and the walls be taken down through Catapults and the King of Lockiee should be burned at the stake. Within two weeks the wall of Lockiee was breeched and the men would rush in, killing all who held a sword. The only area not under control of Vlad was the Capital City where the Lockieeani Throne was. The Assassins that were given to Vlad by his distant Cousin Boris of Lockiee, they were sent in and were to kill the King stopping the seige immediately and allowing King Vlad to walk in the City and sit on the Throne and Declare the Kingdom of Lockiee under the Control of Ahran. The las Kingdom standing was the Kingdom of Tatani the most resentful of all Kingdoms. With the Other Kingdoms under control Vlad sent all troops to the Tatani Border of Lockiee, Tata, and Ahran and begun to create a plan of Conquer and Kill all who resit. Vlad was known as the Great Unifer but he is also known as the Killer of Families as he killed any who opposed him including entire families.

The Great Seige of the Capital of Tatani would be long one at that as the Tatani forces had time to prepare and make extra defenses, As the Ahran Troops moved in to the Capital the men and women who fought for Tatani would bow to Vlad and fight for him therefore enlarging the number of men he had. Teh first order of attack would be Catapults followed by Rain of Fire then so on. The Rain of Fire would engulf one portion of the City and the Rain of Stones would engulf the other terrifying the entire Population inside the City Walls. Vlad would send his entire group of Assassins in to kill the entire Tatani Kings Family that wouldn't submit to Ahran Rule. Over half the family would be killed and only a few would remain. The Tatani King however was brought to King Vlad at the front gates of the Tatani Capital and a rope would be tied around his neck and he would be strung up for all to see of what defiance would bring. Vlad would then walk to the Throne of the Tatani Kingdom and declare Tatani under Ahran Influence.

Once arriving back to the Kingdom of Ahran he changed the name of Ahran to Ahrana and stated that the Four Kingdoms were united under one King and Throne but were still separate Kingdoms. This would be the way things would be till the ear of Queen Anne Eva Mishia which gained the throne on 1024 and would set in motion the prosses of creating a United Kingdom of Ahrana.

First Unified Kingdom

Queen Anne Eve Mishia I would be the one known to the History books as the one who created the First United Kingdom of Ahrana, she created the early Parliamentary System that was in use till 2017 at the fall of the Last Imperial Kingdom. She would be crowned Queen of Ahrana, Duchess of Peterburi, Queen of Tatani, Queen of the Low Tata, Queen of Lockiee, Grand Duchess of Moskovo. The first of many to hold such titles, during her reign Ahrana saw an era of peace and even after her death her Son, Albert Francis Mishia, would have a reign of peace. During the reign of Gustov III the Royal Civil War between the Mishia Royal House and the Nikita Nobel House would tear the fabric of Peace that had covered Ahrana for two Monarchs. The Kids of the future Romano Dynasty would be given their Title Lands to Govern by Decree of the King, Gustov III in order to bring Peace and Stability to the United Kingdom.

Waring City States Era

The placement of Four Children of Gustov III which were part of the Romano Royal Household of the Kingdom would be the down fall, not much is truly known about this era except each sought the Ahranaian Throne to rule the Kingdom as their own. The Kingdom would be re-united by the Youngest Romano Child, Grand Crown Prince Gustov IV of Peterburi. When the King of Ahrana, Gustoff II his brother, died he left the Kingdom of Ahrana to him since he held no Child in his bloodline. The end of Waring States would end with the banishment of the Mishia Family excluding the Romano Family and ordered not to return by Royal Decree.

1st Unified Imperial Kingdom

The Romano Dynasty would create the First Imperial Kingdom which gave all Power to the Kingdom of Ahrana and giving the Capital of Moskovo full Executive and Legislative Authority over the entire Kingdom. Under King Charles II the Imperial Kingdom would see the implement of the Statute of Peace and a Declaration of Peace among all Ahranaians and Lands. He would promote the Dukedom of Peterburi to Kingdom Status and would lower the Kingdom of Tatani to a Ducal State given they were the reasoning for the Royal Civil War that encompassed the entire United Kingdom a few years ago.

The Imperial Kingdom would have many years of prosperity and connections form in the World with many nations creating bigger trade and more flow of gold and other metals for currency. Under Alexsander III the Mishia Royal Household would be permitted to entire the Kingdom again and enjoy life as the Father Household of all Imperial Houses. The Nikita Nobel House and its cadet Houses had long died out and were no longer of an issue to the Imperial Government. The Mishia House would come back with just a few Members being left, only a dozen of Mishia Royal Members were alive they were close to becoming extent themselves. The King, Alexsander III, granted them Seats in the Privy Council and granted them a Ducal Title with land and allowed them to have a claim to the Throne even though they wished not to gain the throne. The Mishia Family would become the Family that would come to rule Strasburg, the Florence Family. The Florence Family would retain many Imperial Titles after the death of the last Mishia and would retain the Imperial name of Mishia as their Official Last name.

Rise of the Nationalists

In 19110 the Republicans or Nationalists would come to power in Parliament with only having gained twelve Seats on the House of State (the Lower House). It wouldn't be till 1912 when they gain a majority of the seats needed to form a Government in the name of the King. During the campaign of 1912 the Nationalists vowed to make the Tatani pay for their crimes they had committed for many years, they were going to start the process of Ahranaization and meant to make everything Ahranaian not multi-cultured like it had been for decades.

Republic of Ahrana

In 1912 the Republic of Ahrana was declared and the Monarchy abolished by the Nationalist in what is called the Illegal Constitutional Amendment and Coup. The Republic would have only a era of War among all its tenure. The Republic would lead by the Dictator Gustov Thor Richardson that would commit many atrocities and would in the long run die by Gun shot by his own men. The Republic never had a Legislature instead it was led by a Council of Executives loyal to the Nationalist Cause, they imposed many Anti-Sematic Laws that would have many people killed if they broke them.

The Republic would be abolished by the Council of Executives that were Loyal to the Dictator, not many People know why what was done was done but most people do not dare ask as this was a period of dark times to the People of Ahrana. The Republican Executives would Declare the Constitutional Amendment Void and Illegal as they had no right to abolish the Monarchy without a Parliamentary Vote

2nd Unified Imperial Kingdom

In 1937 after the Nationalists had lost all of the power they once wielded in the political realm, they were punished for the crimes they had committed. For the first time in centuries the Politicians of Ahrana did unimaginable things to the population of Ahrana and were held accountable for such actions. With the National Assembly back in control with the Monarchy re-established under the 2nd Unified Imperial Kingdom the Nationalists were put on trial and held accountable for their actions. For the first ten years after the Republican Era a movement of Reconstruction was created.

Under the 2nd Kingdom the Economy flourished and the Government expanded into all realms creating a Centralized Government under the Monarchy from which was the Head of State and Government but was advised by a Council and a Prime Minister. It wouldn't be until 1972 when the King would relinquish massive amount of powers to the Parliament and the Prime Minister and preferring to take a more Ceremonial Role in the Affairs of the State. The King would become a mere figurehead of the Kingdom and of the People and would only rule when needing to on some matters.

In 1979 the Political Party, The Labour Party, gained a majority and would hold onto power till 1991 when it the Party was renamed to the Social Democrat Party of the Kingdom. The SDP would govern the Kingdom till 2018 when they lost to the National Socialist Centre Democrat Party of Ahrana. The Social Democrat Party would lead the Country into a age of Prosperity and Tranquility till 2006 four years after Gustov XVII ascended the Imperial Throne. The new king started making the Monarchy play a bigger role in the Governmental Affairs making the Government more Centralized like it was years before. This was met with heavy resentment from the Tatani Nationalists who have been against the Ahran-Perterburish Household since the fall of the Romano Dynasty. This would all lead to the final downfall of the Imperial Government.

Downfall of the Imperial Kingdom

In 2006 hallway through the Year the Tatani Nationalist Party issued a No Confidence Vote for the Governing Party and Government which was backed by many other Parties. The Vote is was begun the fall of the Kingdom with this vote it saw the Social Democrat Party fall out of power and the rise of a Coalition of Nationalist Parties to form the Socialist Democratic Coalition. The SDP would lead the Country till 2018 when the Revolution would happen.

The Polices the SDC implemented undid all of the work the Social Democrats worked to get the Country to, the Dukedom of Tatani fell into Civil War with the Imperial Government and the Coalition was met with heavy resentment from the Monarch for allowing turmoil to tale over the Kingdom.

The Monarch secretly backed the Social Democrats and the Socialist Parties as he was a stanch Socialist which before taking the Imperial Throne the then King, Gustov XVII, was part of the Political Party as there were no laws forbidding the Heir to the Throne from being part of the Political World such as Legislative Politics. The SDC would find this out and would plot to overthrow the Kingdom, however the Monarchy and the Socialist Supporters would find this out and would quickly end their reign of power in a Vote of No Confidence which would favor the Socialists and Social Democrats. it would however not be enough to save the Monarchy from the plot, knowingly the Pilot that was flying the Kings Airplane flew over the restricted Airspace in Tatani and would be shot down in the War Zone. The SDC would get their wish in seeing the meddling King out of the way, however this would enrage the Socialist Supporters and Citizens and would backfire in the faces of the SDC. Lead by then General Ivanoff, the Socialists Forces would march into Tatani and sack the Stronghold of the Nationalists of the SDC and would end the Tatani Conflict that ended up being started by the SDC.

Socialist Federation

With the rise of the Socialist Federation can with it the rise of the Revolutionaries that sought to Permanently Revolutionize the entire Country of Ahrana, therefore bringing the end of the entire Rulling Classes permanently. The Revolutionaries were different from the Socialists and Communists that were leading the entire Revolution. They wished for the entire country to stay in a continuing revolution one that brought Anarchy to the lands instead of Structure, Order and Stability like the Socialists and Communists wanted. Out of the three groups the Nationalists also joined in the Revolution behind Greggor Ivanoff who they considered to be more Centered between Socialism and Nationalism who lead all sides against the Royalists and ended up taking over the Country.

When Ivanoff took power under the Provisional Revolutionary Socialist Government he vowed to create a Government of the People, for the People and ran by the people. However that promise was soon a lie as the People and the Government found out. Ivanoff instituted many reforms and polices that singled out Ethnic Groups, Political Rivals and Friends and carried out the murder of several hundreds of people all while abusing the Office of Secretary General of the Socialist Federation of Ahrana.

The Downfall of Ivanoff signaled the start of the true Socialist Federation and the true Socialist Government under Secretary Core, she succeeded Ivanoff and gained a Government in fear and ciaos and a Country in ruin. Secretary Core instituted several Programs to try and help get Country back on its feet before the Elections to legally replace Ivanoff were held. The Programs she started had helped the Country dramatically but still needed severe help.

Many Historians and Modern Day Politicians have asked wat lead to the ultimate down fall of the Socialist Federation, it isn't truly known but what has been said on the matter is the following:

The creation of the Socialist State in the Lands encompassing what makes Ahrana was a mistake, it was a truly huge mistake. Not only was the first leader of such a Government a brutal dictator and a feared leader, he created a country that would never last beyond his life as the Socialist Federation needed a Dictator to run the land to tell the people what they can and cant to and to keep all the policies of the Ivanoff era in practice because it created a stable Government and a Stable environment because no one dared speak ill of Ivanoff or of his Government. Not even his own Ministers or Legislative Members dared speak ill of him as the long ear if Greggor was always listening thanks to the Secret Police. Many of us Politicians and Historians have stated that the People of the Ahranaian Motherland were way better off under the Imperial Dynasty and that we were manipulated by the Socialists, Communists, Nationalists and Revolutionaries for a "Better Government and Country through Revolution" that we did not see what they truly were. Which they were and are still this day a bunch of Blood Thirsty, War Mongering Murders! -Member of Congress and Historian Alec Johaanson

With the Election of Sigrid A. A. V. Florence-Goring of Strasberg to the Office of Secretary General of the Socialist Federation of Ahrana came the biggest Reform of all reforms of that time, the reform dissolved the Socialist Government and Constitution and established the Federation of Ahrana or the Ahranaian Federation.

Modern Day Federation to Kingdom


Government and Politics

The Government of the Kingdom is a Semi Centralized with devolved Powers to the Member Kingdoms, Dukedoms and Self-Autonomous Regions/Areas that have been granted some Autonomy when it comes to Government. The current Government was established by the then Federal President of the Ahranaian Federation. Due to the immense Power the President wielded and the overall support from the People to re-establish the Monarchy. The Government of the Kingdom of Ahrana is a Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Diarchy with separate levels of Government at the Federal and Regional Levels governed by a Constitution.


The Presidium of the Kingdom of Ahrana is the entire Executive Level of the Federal Government located in Moskovo, composed of the Office of the Monarchs, Chancellor, State Councilor, High Representative for Xara, High Representative for Thralhaven, and The Ministries of Government of the Kingdom. The Presidium forms the Federal Council that is independent from the Legislature and the Judicial Levels of the Kingdom. The Executive Government has devolved some Authority to the Regional Levels as granted by the Constitution of the Kingdom.

Office of the Monarchs of the Kingdom

The Office of the Monarchs of the Kingdom are composed of two Monarchs from the Imperial House of Chayka and the Imperial House of Florence, the two Houses make up the Imperial Household and are the sole claimants to the Imperial Throne of Mishia. The Monarchs form the Diarchy of the Kingdom, one cannot rule without the other as outlined in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Ahrana. The Monarchs are needed to sign each Act, Policy and Law enacted by the Government of the Kingdom of Ahrana iin order for it to become Official Law. The Monarchs are the Heads of State of the Kingdom of Ahrana performing mostly Ceremonial Duties will granted Executive Authority by the Constitution.

The Monarchs are the Commander-in-Chiefs of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Ahrana, while Ceremonial in most cases the Monarchs can petition the Legislature and Judiciary for a declaration of War. The Monarchs are the Colonel-in-Chief of all Imperial Regimental Guards that are under the Royal Army but strictly answer to the Monarchs authority.

Office of Chancellor

The Chancellor is Nominated by the Chamber of Deputies and Elected by the People and Acknowledged by the Monarchs as one of the Heads of Government. The Chancellor is the Senior Head of Government wit the State Councilor ultimately acting as Deputy Head of Government. The Chancellor can either be from the Party with the most seats or less seats but must reamin neutral while in Office in all Political Organization Affairs'. Together with the State Councilor the Chancellor wields Power as the Head of Government making Executive decisions with the approval of the Monarchs to which the Government is in name of.

Office of State Councilor

The State Councilor is nominated by the Assembly of Representatives and Elected by the People and Acknowledged by the Monarchs as one of the Heads of Government. The State Councilor acts as the Deputy Authority next to the Chancellor, together with the Chancellor the Councilor wields Power as Head of Government making Executive decisions with the approval of the Monarchs to which the Government is in name of.

Office of High Representative of the Kingdom of Xara

The High Representative of Xara is the Representative of Xara at the Federal Level. The High Representative holds all authority and final say over what the Federal Government can and cannot do to Xara. The High Representative holds no Regional Power but only Federal in matters of State with the Federal Government.

Office of High Representative of the Dukedom of Thralhaven

The High Representative of the Dukedom of Thralhaven is the Representative for the Dukedom at the Federal Level, Nominated by the People of Thralhaven and Acknowledged into Office by the Commonwealth of Andalla and the Monarchs of the Kingdom of Ahrana. Due to the unique status of Thralhaven the Dukedom is granted Special Status under Law and is guaranteed by the Government and the Constitution of the Kingdom of Ahrana. The High Representative of Thralhaven has final say over all Laws that will come into affect in Thralhaven and may reject any Law, Policy of Act they deem unacceptable to the People of Thralhaven.

Offices of the Executive Ministries

The Executive Ministries are what make the Federal Government a Government, they incorporate the Federal Ministries that regulate the Kingdom, including Xara and Thralhaven, they form what some call the Executive Cabinet and advise the Chancellor and State Councilor to advise the Monarchs of the Kingdom.


The Federal Legislature has Powers of Legislative Authority over the entire Kingdom at the Federal Level, it is a Bicameral Legislature that is composed of the Chamber of Deputies and the Assembly of Representative. The Parliamentary Houses or Ahranaian Parliamentary Houses has first to last final say on all Legislative Matters next to the Supreme Constitutional Court. The Parliament of the Kingdom meet in the Legislative Palace Peterburi.

Chamber of Deputies

The Chamber of Deputies is the Upper House that holds no seniority over the Lower House, the Upper House cannot Veto any Bill from the Lower House, the Chamber can create Bills to send to the Lower House for approval.

The Chamber of the Chamber of Deputies is composed of 25 Members of Parliament that serve a eight-year term renewable three times by Law which all Members are Elected Directly by the People's Ballet at the Parliamentary Elections. The Chamber elects Deputies from the twenty-five Divisions of the Kingdom of Ahrana and every four years Five Deputies are up for Election.

National Assembly

The Assembly of Representatives is the Lower House of the Parliamentary Houses, it holds no seniority over the upper house even though it hosts more members, the Assembly cannot veto a bill from the Upper House only advise and request changes to a bill, the Assembly can create a Law to be sent to the Upper House for approval, the can approve the Federal Budget along with the Chamber of Deputies.

The Assembly of Representatives is composed of 150 Members of Parliament that serve a eight year term renewable three times by Law which all members are Elected Directly by the People's Ballet at the Parliamentary Elections. One Third of the House is always up for Election to ensure there is always Members of that House that have been part f the Legislative Process.


The Judiciary of the Kingdom of Ahrana is made up of three Federal Courts and has establish the Lower Courts for other areas of the Judicial of the Kingdom. The Constitutional Court, People's Supreme Court, Military Court, Courts of Appeal, District Court Procurator General and the Lower Courts make up the Judicial Courts of the Kingdom of Ahrana

Constitutional Court

The highest Court in the entire Kingdom is the Constitutional Court which is solely responsible for overseeing Constitutional Legality matters only. The Court gets final say on any Laws and Amendments to the Constitution. It is headed by a five Judge Panel elected by the People and Acknowledged by the Monarchs for Office. The tenure for a Member of the Judge Panel is a ten year term renewable once only, therefore three seats are up for Nomination and Election end of term. The Judges of the Constitutional Court must remain neutral in all Political Organization Matters while in Office.

People's Supreme Court

The People's Supreme Court is the second highest Judicial Authority in the Kingdom next to the Constitutional Court, the People's Supreme Court deals with the Civil Law matters that the Lower Courts refer to the Judges in the Supreme Court. The People's Supreme Court is headed by a eight Judge Panel each person on the Panel and serve a eight Year term renewable once. The Judges of the Peoples' Supreme Court must remain neutral in all Political Organizations while in Office.

Military Court

The Military Court is strictly for those who are in the Military, no civilian may be trialed in this Court. The Court is headed by the respected Commanding Officer of that Branch with Two Law Degreed Military Judges. The verdict of this Court is final and cannot be overturned unless deemed a violation of Constitutional Right of the Person.

Courts of Appeal

The Courts of Appeals is the third Highest Civilian Court, all Appeals must go through this Court in order to procced to the Peoples’ Supreme Court. The Court of Appeals is headed by Three Judges Elected by the people and Appointed by the Monarchs for Appointment to Office. They serve an 8 Year term not renewable. The Court of Appeals hears all Cases that ask to be appealed from the Lower Courts or the District Court.

District Courts

The District Court of the Kingdom of Ahrana is the Fourth highest Federal Court that sees all Cases of Capital Murder of the Second and Third Degree, Felony Cases of first Offence and other first offence cases that cannot be trialed at the lower level. The District Court is headed by two Judges that are elected by the People for a eight year term not renewable and appointed by the Monarchs for Appointment to Office.

Foreign Policy

Currently the Kingdom upholds the Statute of Peace from 1502 that was implanted in the Kingdom of Ahrana, therefore the Kingdom takes a full stance of Neutrality in all Armed Conflicts and will not support one side unless the Federation is Attacked or the Intrests of the Kingdom are attacked.

Military and Law Enforcement

The Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Ahrana is a conscripted Service that is the sole protector of the Kingdoms territory, with the exception of the Royal Police Force each Soldier serves between the ages of 18-30. The Royal Police Force is considered Military as it polices the whole Kingdom under one banner and one Police Commissioner and is a form of a Militia.

Royal Army

The Royal Army is the sole Land Force of the Kingdom of Ahrana, established in the Unification Wars under the Banner of the Ahran Imperial House the Royal Army is the oldest branch of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Ahrana.

Imperial Regiments

The Imperial Regimental Guards are the Elite Force that protects the Monarchs an all Governmental Buildings both Federal and Regional Level.

Royal Navy

The Royal Navy is the back bone of the Old Kingdom and is in the process of modernizing its entire fleet of ships and equipment. The Royal Navy

Royal Air Brigade

Royal Police Force

Royal Home Guard

Special Forces of the Kingdom

The Ahranaian Directorate of Intelligence

The Ahranaian Directorate of Intelligence or simply known as the ADI, is the most senior Intelligence Service in the Federation having most of the resources an Intelligence Agency would need. The ADI gets most of its Special Agents and Operatives from the Military while the Majority of the Office Staff are Government Employees and former Military Personnel. The Special Agents and Operatives of the ADI are the most Elite and most trained Personal in the Federation and if not the World, they uphold a Code that has and was created on its founding and it has yet to be broken, it has been said by many former Agents and Operatives that there is a saying that goes "Once in Intelligence its a Commitment and Lifelong". The ADI is the main Intelligence Agency in the Federations Ministry of Internal Affairs that deals with Terroristic Threats and any Threats that will cause Harm to the Entire Government at the Federal, Republican and Local Levels. The ADI looks after the Intrests of the Federation at home, oversees and even for the allies of the Federation.

The National Security Service Bureau of Ahrana

The National Security Service Bureau of Ahrana or simply SNB, is the youngest of all Intelligence Agencies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs yet it is the biggest Intelligence Agency the Federation has. The SNB draws their Agents and Operatives from the Military and Civilian Populations, the majority of their Personal are Civilians that have been through the rigorous training and the transforming of Civilians to Trained Killers if need be. The SNB and the ADI send their Agents and Operatives through the same training and tend to pick them from the lot at the Selection stage. The SNB keep the intrest of the Federation mainly at home inside the Federations Borders as the most harmful thing could be a home attack.






Science and Technology

Nuclear Initiative