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The Foussatores are the Border Guard of Tagmatium. They are counted as part of the Imperial Army and demonstrate an unbroken lineage from the forces of ancient Arome. They are the remains of the ancient armies of the Aroman Empire that once conquered much of western and central Europa. Over the years, they were reduced in importance and relagated to the role of manning the border defences and alerting the other parts of the Tagmatine army to the presence of enemy forces. This is reflected in the name that the organisation now has, which comes from the ancient Fragran word for ditch, "fosse" - the Foussatores were there to dig, maintain and guard ditches dug as border defences. They do, however, maintain a rank structure that comes from their ancient forebears and shares little with the more modern titles of the Tagmatine army.

The role of the Foussatores is now border security and they are a paramilitary rather than a military force. Their focus is on guarding border crossings, including those within seaports, airports and international rail terminals. They work alongside the Vestiaritai, as well as the police forces of Tagmatium where necessary. Within these roles, especially along the considerable land border with Suverina, the Border Guard are not just a static force as their name may suggest. They operate a range of road and off-road vehicles and include a small number of aircraft and riverine craft.