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Islamic Kingdom of Arros
مملكة آروس الإسلامية
Flag of Arros
Coat of arms of Arros
Coat of arms
Motto: "الله ، البلد ، الملك" "God, Country, King"
StatusIndependent State
and largest city
Official languagesArabic
GovernmentUnitary Islamic Absolute Monarchy
• Sultan
Sharaf Al-Raad
• Crown Prince
Hussein Al-Raad
• Prime Minister
Sharief Al-Hamid
LegislatureShura Council
• First Islamic Kingdom
• Sultanate of Arros
• Islamic Kingdom of Arros
Gini (2021)33.2
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sideleft

The Islamic Kingdom of Arros, Kingdom of Arros, or Arros is one of the last remaining Islamic Nations on the Continent in Central Argis. Since the founding of the kingdom in 1783, Arros has been an Absolute Monarchy ruled by a Sultan that is in connection with the ruling house from the Sultanate Period of history. Arros is located on the INSERT NAME HERE Peninsula in lower Central Argis and is sorrunded by Keelpijp and Kezanoi Sea.


Government & Politics

The Islamic Kingdom of Arros is an Absolute Monarchy ruled by the Al-Raad Family, with the Sultan being Sharaf al-Raad. The Sultan is the Head of State and hold massive Executive and Legislative Powers to which the Sultan Appoints the Prime Minister as the Head of Government, the High Justices on the High Courts, and is the Commander of all Armed Forces in Arros.



The Sultan is the Monarch of the Islamic Kingdom to which holds almost all Executive Power in the Kingdom. The Sultan in recent times has started heeding power to the Prime Minister as Democratic Principles and Ideas make their way into the Kingdoms Government and Society. The Sultan approves all Legislations not by Royal Decree but a joint Executive Decree which is a seen as a step to allowing a freer Legislative process.

The Sultan is the Commander of all Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Arros and heads the Defense Council at all times unless otherwise directed. The Kingdom of Arros has not declared an Official State of War since ancient times when the Ahranaian Empire sailed to its shores.

Crown Prince

The Crown Prince of the Kingdom was officially created in 1962 when the Sultan created the position as an official Government Official with official duties and responsibilities. When the office was created the Crown Prince acted as the Prime Minister and headed the Shura Council, however since recent times this role has been denied since Sultan Sharaf Al-Raad came to power.

The Crown Prince now acts as a Deputy to the Sultan and helps with the daily tasks of the Sultan to ensure all Government issues and priorities are covered daily. The Crown Prince is the main heir to the Throne to succeed the Sultan upon their death or resignation.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is the Head of Government that is appointed by the Sultan from the Shura Council Members, in return the Prime Minister appoints the Governments cabanets with approval of the Sultan of all appointees.




