Demographics of Tagmatium

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The census of Tagmatium is taken simultaneously across all of the eleven administrative regions (Laimiaic: regeonai, Fragran: praefectura) every ten years, or by a direct order of the Holy Emperor or by recommendation of the Senates in special circumstances. According to the Holy Imperial Census, as of the Spring Census of 2019, the population of the Greater Holy Empire is 253,491,524. This makes Tagmatium the most populous country on Eurth, followed by its western neighbour, Adaptus, then Sunset Sea Islands in the continent of Thalassa and Ide Jima in the Orient subcontinent of Europa. The population density of Tagmatium is 268.8/km2. The estimated population growth by the Holy Imperial Census, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health is 2.2 percent over the next few years. Birthrate is at a current high, with the years of stability after the end of the Civil War in 2005 being noted as a baby boom in Tagmatium. The birthrate of 2.4 is above the replacement rate of 2.1.

The Holy Imperial Government defines an "Aroman" as "anyone bound to the Aroman (Tagmatine) state through the bond of citizenship". Until the mid 20th Century, there was also the implication of belonging to the state religion when it came to the definition of Aroman citizenship. This was removed during the reforms of Leon III. The Holy Imperial Government itself does not ask questions along ethnic or racial lines on its censuses, so this information is not officially gathered when the census is taken. This therefore renders any data on ethnicity potentially unreliable. The question of religion remains on the census, however, and has at times been controversial - "atheist" was not an option in the census questionnaire until the 1999 census as it was held by the Holy Imperial Government that a lack of belief in a deity was incompatible with Aroman citizenship.

As one of the richest countries in Europa and the wurld, immigration to Tagmatium is moderately high. Many of these immigrants come from Amutia and Burania, where the cultural influence of Tagmatium is felt relatively strongly. The current level of immigration is a contributor to the predicted population growth of 2.2 percent but not a major one. Immigration reached a high in the early 2010s due to the Great Europan Collapse, which saw many established Europan nations suffer economic and political turmoil. Tagmatium itself mainly escaped and this stability made it attractive to immigrants. An estimated 3 million net immigrants coming to Tagmatium in the period of 2010-2018, when the situation across Europa began to stabilise. The annexation by Machina Haruspex of Beautancus caused another refugee crisis and this saw several hundred thousand Cussians transported to the Greater Holy Empire. Many were transported to ports where other nations took them away but tens of thousands were absorbed into the Cussian expatriate population in Tagmatium.