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Greater Nation of Erdland
Teyrestaten Erdlanden
of Erdland
Coat of arms
Motto: Jordge og Eintet
Soil and Unity
Anthem: Syrmn afde Staten
Official languagesErdlandish
Ethnic groups
GovernmentUnitary one-party state under a Totalitarian Regime
• State Elder
Olaf Guddre
• Deputy State Elder
Kristjan Erlsa
LegislatureErdlandish Althinge
256,220 km2 (98,930 sq mi)
• 2020 census
Increase 27,441,541
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Increase $546 Billion
• Per capita
Increase $19,933
very high
CurrencyErdlandish Taler
Driving sideright
Internet TLD.ed

Erdland (Erdlandish: Erdlanden), officially the Greater Nation of Erdland is a country located in the Alharun continent of Eurth. Erdland is largely dominated by a cold temperate climate, with a largely flat and forested land. Erdland resides in a peninsula, which to the south is composed of small mountains which serve as Erdland's natural border. As a peninsular country, Erdland is surrounded by the Verde Sea, Sakspati Sea, and the Ygros Sea. The coastal regions are the home to Erdland's largest urban centers. The capital of Erdland is Asgalstat, and the country has a total population of 27.4 million, a number which is increasing as of recently. Most of the Erdlandish population resides within centralized urban centers rather than in the countryside, with a higher population density to the north of the country.

A former Ahranaian colony, Erdland is a one-party totalitarian state under the control of the Erdlandish People's Party since 1974, with the ruling party enforcing a surveillance police state. Legislative power is vested in the 250-member Erdlandish Althinge, a unicameral legislature that in practice has no power and only formalizes decisions already made within the ruling party. As a unitary state, it is divided into 6 regions known as Landsers. The ruling party maintains an official policy of meeting all needs of the people – due to this, Erdland has an extensive social welfare system that provides universal healthcare, public housing, and education. However, the quality of services is very debatable. Erdland practices a state capitalist economic policy, with major corporations and manufacturers being state owned. As of recently, there have been economic reforms allowing for economic liberalization.



Precolonial history

Ahranaian colonization


Early 20th Century

Party Consolidation of Erdland

Recent history



Erdland is a unitary totalitarian one party state, where the Erdlandish People's Party and the State Elder rule autocratically by a constitution and political authority which they themselves created. The party and elder are the supreme authority within Erdland. According to the constitution of Erdland, Erdland is a "beacon of unity and united struggle". The Erdlandish People's Party controls all political aspects of Erdlandish lives, as all political offices as required to be a member of the EPP. The State Elder, officially the 'Paramount State Elder of the Nation', is the highest form of power within Erdland and has been described as a dictator by foreign sources. The State Elder is the head of all major governing structures such as the military, party, and executive government. The State Elder is elected by an internal council in the EPP, which is composed of trusted Erdlandish Socialists and inner circle members.

Legislative power within Erdland is held by the unicameral Erdlandish Althinge. Compromised of 250 seats, its membership is elected by the general population every 4 years. Candidates are required to be members of the EPP, making the electoral process more or less a front to instill confidence within the populace that there is a democratic system within Erdland. Universal suffrage is ensured and codified within Erdland, as the constitution states that all citizens of Erdland are entrusted with the same right of voting. The Althinge is known for the fact that it holds no real power, being described as an expensive act by both citizens and foreigners alike, since the Althinge only works to codify and formalize policies and decisions already made within the EPP. The Deputy State Elder is elected by the Althinge, and works as the chief speaker and head of the legislature.

Armed forces

Law and police

Foreign Relations

Erdlandish People's Party

Secret police and surveillance



State economics

Economic reforms

State corporations


Role of the workers
