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The Commonwealth Defence Forces are governed by the Federal Ministry of Defense, which is the supreme federal authority in all issues concerning defense and the armed forces. It heads the air force, the army, the navy and the central medical services.<ref>[https://www.europans.com/topic/6427-armed-forces-of-the-commonwealth-commonwealth-defence-force-and-equipment/ Commonwealth Defence Force and Equipment] (28 October 2021)</ref>
The Commonwealth Defence Forces are governed by the Federal Ministry of Defense, which is the supreme federal authority in all issues concerning defense and the armed forces. It heads the air force, the army, the navy and the central medical services.<ref>[https://www.europans.com/topic/6427-armed-forces-of-the-commonwealth-commonwealth-defence-force-and-equipment/ Commonwealth Defence Force and Equipment] (28 October 2021)</ref>
The Nyantastani Armed Forces not only focuses on national defense but also actively contributes to international peacekeeping efforts and provides humanitarian aid during crises and natural disasters. It participates in multinational military exercises and collaborates with allied nations to enhance regional security and stability.
The Armed Forces are under civilian control, with the Ministry of Defense responsible for strategic planning, resource allocation, and overall management. The head of the armed forces is the Chief of Defense, who serves as the principal military advisor to the government.
The Nyantastani Armed Forces strive to maintain high standards of professionalism, training, and readiness. They prioritize the welfare of their personnel and invest in their development, ensuring a capable and motivated force. Through their dedication and commitment, the armed forces play a crucial role in safeguarding Nyantastan's national security and upholding its interests at home and abroad.


Revision as of 21:19, 2 June 2023

Commonwealth of Nyantastan
Nyantastan without Snake.png
Motto: "United we stand!"
Anthem: United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Official languagesAnglish
Recognised national languagesNyantan
Ethnic groups
Nyantastanian,Geltic and Norse
Governmentfederal parliamentary republic
• President
Evie Aksoy
• Chancellor
Nyanta Akamura
Federal Council
House of Commons
287,700 km2 (111,100 sq mi)
• Census
• Density
34.8/km2 (90.1/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
191 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyCommonwealth Crowns
Time zoneUTC 0
Driving sideright
Calling code+22

Nyantastan is a sovereign nation located in Northern Argis, bordering Ulfheimr. With a population of approximately 9,998,791 inhabitants, it spans a considerable land area. The capital city of Nyantastan is Arkos, a vibrant center of political, cultural, and economic activities.

As a federal parliamentary republic, Nyantastan has a long-standing tradition of democratic governance. Its political system has evolved over time, culminating in the present structure characterized by a strong emphasis on parliamentary representation and the protection of individual rights. Chancellor Nyanta Akamura serves as the head of state, leading the nation with dedication and foresight.

Nyantastan boasts a diverse economy, with its primary focus on the wood industry and the utilization of its vast timber resources. The nation's robust wood industry supports the manufacturing sector, driving economic growth and providing employment opportunities for its citizens. Furthermore, Nyantastan's grand coastline blesses the country with abundant seafood resources, contributing to a thriving seafood industry. However, the most prominent industry within the Commonwealth is the furnishing industry, which takes center stage in the nation's economic landscape.

In terms of international relations, Nyantastan demonstrates a commitment to supporting other democratic nations and actively engages in diplomatic and economic partnerships. The nation is a member of ATARA (Argic and Thalassan Regional Association), an alliance that fosters cooperation and trade among its member states. Nyantastan's participation in ATARA facilitates trade with multiple nations.


The etymology of the word "Nyantastan" derives from a captivating blend of Old Geltic and Norse languages, showcasing the rich linguistic heritage of the region. Breaking down the components of the word, "Nyantan" can be traced back to the Old Geltic language, where it signifies "Many" or "Countless." Meanwhile, the term "Stan" finds its roots in Old Norse, carrying the connotation of "Great" or "Strong."

Combining these linguistic elements, the name "Nyantastan" takes on a profound meaning. It can be interpreted as "Many are Strong" or "Great are the Countless." This name encapsulates the spirit of the nation, highlighting its resilience, collective strength, and the magnitude of its potential. The fusion of Old Geltic and Norse languages in the formation of the name reflects the cultural and historical influences that have shaped Nyantastan into the remarkable nation it is today.

The ethymology of Nyantastan's name serves as a testament to the blending of ancient languages, capturing the essence of the nation's identity and evoking a sense of admiration for its diverse heritage. It stands as a symbol of the nation's unity and determination, embodying the idea that strength can be found in the multitude and greatness can arise from the countless.


Nyantastan, situated in the northern region of Argis, boasts a diverse and captivating geography that encompasses an area of approximately 287,700 square kilometers. The nation shares its borders with the neighboring country of Ulfheimr, adding to its geographical significance. The climate of Nyantastan is characterized as cold, with varying levels of humidity during different seasons. Particularly, the early seasons witness a more pronounced humidity, creating a unique atmosphere throughout the country.

The capital city of Nyantastan is Akaros, a bustling metropolis that serves as the political and cultural center of the nation. It stands as a hub of activity, attracting both residents and visitors with its vibrant energy and numerous landmarks.

The mainland of Nyantastan exhibits a remarkable range of natural features, offering a striking display of the country's terrestrial, marine, limnic, and snow and ice ecosystems. The topography of the country showcases a captivating tapestry of landscapes, including sprawling inland hills and mountains, vast stretches of forests, picturesque inland valleys, expansive plains, and mesmerizing coastal fjords and mountains. Each of these distinctive landscape types contributes to the overall natural beauty and diversity of Nyantastan.

The natural vegetation across Nyantastan exhibits considerable variation, reflecting the country's wide-ranging latitudinal differences. From lush forests to sparse tundra, Nyantastan's plant life adapts to the varying climates and environmental conditions present throughout the nation. This rich variety of flora further enhances the country's natural charm and serves as a vital component of its ecological balance.

Overall, Nyantastan's geography showcases a harmonious blend of captivating landscapes, from its majestic mountains to its serene coastal fjords, capturing the hearts and imaginations of both its residents and visitors. The nation's diverse ecosystems and natural beauty make it a truly remarkable destination for exploration and appreciation of the wonders of the natural world.


Nyantastani Tribes

The Nyantastani Tribes are believed to have originated around 2000 BC as part of a Celtic tribe. Settling in the Unknown Region, they established their communities primarily along the coastal areas, where they had easy access to abundant fish reserves and plentiful wood resources. The establishment of a small tribal settlement known as Arkos marked the first stepping stone toward the development of Nyantastan as we know it today.

The early tribal settlement of Arkos quickly flourished into a thriving village due to its advantageous location, providing excellent access to the ocean and nearby streams. The fertile countryside surrounding Nyantastan provided ample resources for sustenance and foraging, contributing to the growth and prosperity of its inhabitants. With the arrival of the Norse people from Ateenia around 1500 BC, the Nyantastani culture began to evolve and become more diverse.

The fusion of Celtic and Norse influences brought about an unusual openness and a strong focus on trade within Nyantastani society. The port village of Arkos expanded rapidly, transforming into a bustling city. With the assistance of the Norse people, the Nyantastani mastered navigation and riverine trade like never before. Through the rapid growth of their merchant fleet, they became the dominant supplier in the region, fostering economic prosperity and cultural exchange.

Around 500 BC, the small Kingdom of Arkos emerged, setting it apart from its neighboring regions. In contrast to being a mere Jarldome, Arkos established itself as a true monarchy. The origins of this pivotal event have been lost to the annals of time, but the newly established monarchy wasted no time in utilizing its vast resources to develop and fortify the city's infrastructure. Military expansion became a priority, strengthening Arkos's position as a regional power.

Under the guidance of the monarchy, Arkos embarked on ambitious endeavors to enhance its military might and solidify its authority. The kingdom invested heavily in the construction of formidable fortifications, training its soldiers to become skilled warriors capable of defending their lands and expanding their influence.

As time passed, the Nyantastani Tribes continued to flourish and grow in strength. The monarchy's focus on infrastructure development and military expansion laid the groundwork for the formation of Nyantastan as a united and prosperous nation. The influence of the Nyantastani culture and their mastery of maritime trade radiated throughout the region, establishing them as a dominant force in the area.

The Nyantastani Tribes' rich history, rooted in the fusion of Celtic and Norse influences, shaped the foundation of Nyantastan's identity. From humble tribal beginnings to the rise of a powerful kingdom, the story of the Nyantastani people is a testament to their resilience, resourcefulness, and capacity for growth.

Powerhouse in the Region of Auraid

Arkos, a city nestled in the heart of the Auraid region, emerged as a formidable powerhouse through a combination of strategic trade, migration, and military prowess. Its rise to prominence was marked by envy from neighboring Jarldomes and city-states, who coveted the wealth and prosperity enjoyed by the Arkosian people. The allure of economic opportunities and a better life drew countless migrants to the thriving city, further fueling its growth and influence.

Harnessing their considerable resources, the Kings of Arkos embarked on an ambitious plan to solidify their dominance. They employed skilled mercenaries, formed a formidable fighting force, and spared no expense in building a military apparatus that would secure their position. Under the leadership of the 8th King of Arkos, Ingolf Nordlund, Arkosian forces embarked on a series of conquests that would shape the region's history.

The War of Leysall (375 AD - 377 AD) was a significant turning point for Arkos. With their well-trained troops and superior strategies, Arkosian forces under the command of King Nordlund successfully conquered three nearby city-states. The Battle of Pewell (390 AD) further solidified their control, as Arkos emerged triumphant against a formidable adversary. The Battle of Ockron (395 AD) marked the culmination of Nordlund's military campaigns, establishing his legacy as the Warrior King of the Three. This series of conquests firmly secured Arkos's grip on the coastlines of what would eventually become Nyantastan.

While Arkos celebrated its victories, other kingdoms and Jarldoms in the region were not content to sit idle. They too sought to expand their influence and protect their interests. Recognizing the need to integrate the conquered city-states into the kingdom, King Nordlund entrusted his son, Olov Nordlund, with the task. Following the death of the 8th King in 420 AD, Olov ascended to the throne as the 9th King of Arkos.

Olov Nordlund's reign was marked by a relentless pursuit of power and expansion. He sought to solidify Arkos's dominance over the region and bring the remaining competitors to their knees. The Siege of Anssey (450 AD) stands as a testament to Olov's military acumen and unwavering determination. Arkosian forces besieged and conquered yet another city-state, further strengthening their hold over the region. With each conquest, Arkos inched closer to its ultimate goal of unifying the entire region under its banner.

However, Arkos faced stiff competition from rival kingdoms and Jarldoms, each vying for supremacy in the ever-changing political landscape. As Arkos extended its influence and consolidated its power, it encountered resistance and fierce opposition from those who sought to challenge its rise.

The journey of Arkos from a prosperous trading city to a regional powerhouse is a tale of ambition, strategic maneuvering, and military might. The Arkosian Kings, driven by a thirst for power and a desire to protect their interests, wielded their resources and military capabilities to secure their dominance. Today, the legacy of Arkos and its indelible mark on the region of Auraid stands as a testament to the audacity and resilience of a people determined to shape their own destiny.

Declaration of a Nation: The Birth of Nyantastan

Portrait of Torhild the Great founder of Nyantastan

Amidst the growing power and influence of Arkos in the region, accompanied by the dwindling number of formidable competitors, the people of Arkos began to sense the opportune moment to embark on the long-awaited conquest of their lands. It was during this critical juncture that Torhild Nordlund, the 36th in succession to the Arkos throne and the first Queen of Arkos, emerged as a visionary leader, driven by an indomitable desire to etch her name in the annals of history. With the establishment of the largest army Arkos had ever witnessed, preparations for the momentous endeavor known as the Great Conquest of the North commenced.

The historical stage was set as the 16th century unfurled its tapestry of events, and the first war erupted on the horizon. This war, popularly referred to as the War against Nordval, showcased Torhild's strategic acumen and cunning. The Queen orchestrated a smart war, employing a shrewd ploy that deceived the Nordval ally, Dunholm, into betraying their former comrades. This treachery expedited a swift and resounding victory for Arkos in their campaign against Nordval. The War for the Conquest of Nordval, spanning the years 1620 to 1623, stood as a testament to Torhild's brilliant strategies. Utilizing her political prowess and tactical genius, Torhild deftly maneuvered to place the burden of fighting against Nordval on the relatively inexperienced Dunholm forces, while Arkos deployed its troops in limited numbers, carefully preserving their strength to ensure Dunholm's victory. This calculated approach, coupled with the formidable might of a much larger army, allowed the conflict to culminate in a triumph that was achieved within a mere three years.

However, the fragile peace that followed the conquest of Nordval was short-lived. Arkos, driven by its ambition and sensing its ascendency, soon set its sights on the remaining regional powerhouses—the Kingdom of Dunholm and the Jarldom of Dalrach. Recognizing the imminent threat posed by the formidable might of Arkos, these two entities joined forces, pooling their resources and strengths to safeguard their existence. While the forces of Dunholm, having recently suffered defeat in the previous war and lacking in numbers, succumbed relatively swiftly in the face of Arkos' onslaught (1625-1626), the Dalrach forces proved to be a more formidable opponent. Led by the renowned General Hallr Jargerson, the Dalrach army employed a combination of cunning strategies, guerrilla tactics, and an intimate knowledge of the land to mount a resilient defense against Arkos. The determined resistance put forth by Dalrach forced Arkos to withdraw and consolidate its newly acquired possessions in Dunholm for a period of ten arduous years.

During this period of stalemate, Hallr Jargerson skillfully exploited the vulnerabilities in Queen Torhild's defenses, relentlessly harassing her forces and testing the limits of Arkos' control over the conquered territories. However, the tides of fate would soon shift. A young general by the name of Gunne Hämnd emerged from the ranks of Arkos' military, his brilliance as a strategist and his unwavering determination inspired by the tales of old and honed under the tutelage of Queen Torhild herself. Gunne devised a daring plan to lure Hallr Jargerson and his forces into the dense and treacherous expanse of the White Forest. In a masterstroke of military acumen, Gunne orchestrated an ambush that inflicted heavy casualties upon Hallr's army during the infamous Battle of the White Forest in 1638. The defeat proved insurmountable for Hallr Jargerson, shattering the morale of Dalrach's forces and paving the way for Arkos to swiftly overcome the remaining resistance. With the conquest of Dunholm and Dalrach (1625-1639), the fate of the region was irrevocably sealed.

No longer a mere kingdom, Arkos stood transformed into a nation. Queen Torhild, recognizing the need for unity among the newly acquired territories, contemplated a way to consolidate these disparate kingdoms into one cohesive entity. Thus, in 1645, one year prior to the untimely demise of Torhild the Great, she proclaimed the birth of a new nation: Nyantastan. The etymology of this evocative name finds its roots in a fusion of old Celtic and Norse languages. The term "Nyantan" derives from ancient Celtic, signifying "Many" or "Countless," while "Stan" hails from Norse origins, denoting "Great" or "Strong." The combination of these linguistic elements conveys the profound essence of Nyantastan, translating roughly to "Many are Strong" or "Great are the Countless." Thus, the nation of Nyantastan was born, forever etching its place in the annals of history as a testament to the indomitable spirit and unyielding ambition of Queen Torhild and her people.

The Era of Turmoil: Rise and Fall of the Stormravensson Dynasty in Nyantastan

One of the many battles in the Era

Following the momentous founding of Nyantastan, the nascent kingdom found itself confronted with an unexpected and untimely demise. Queen Torhild's sudden passing left a power vacuum in its wake, as the realm grappled with the absence of a clear heir to the throne. The newly conquered lands, barely integrated into the intricate machinery of the former Kingdom of Arkos, began to reveal cracks in the foundation. It was during this fragile period that the true test of Nyantastan's resilience emerged.

In the midst of this uncertainty, the discovery of Torhild's son, Iver, offered a glimmer of hope to the embattled kingdom. With no better alternative in sight, Iver Stormravensson ascended the throne as the first King of Nyantastan. Initially hailed by the nobles of the conquered lands and cities due to his tenuous connection to the old Nordlund lineage, Stormravensson reign was soon marred by incompetence. In a misguided attempt to consolidate power, he stripped many of the nobles of their authority, redistributing it among his trusted courtiers. These newly empowered courtiers, hungry for control, swiftly established their own fiefdoms within the borders of the fledgling nation. Meanwhile, the once-glorious capital steadily lost its grip on power.

As the influence of the monarchy waned, Iver's desperation grew. Plagued by the weight of his inadequacy, he became a figure of ridicule, earning the moniker "Iver the Idiot" among the populace. Fuelled by rage and frustration, he engaged in rash and unreasonable actions, inadvertently allowing the rising "krigsherre" (warlords) to amass their own standing armies. An assassination attempt against Iver failed, plunging the nation into a downward spiral of unexpected events.

The realm was consumed by a brutal civil war as the most formidable krigsherre rallied their loyal courts and amassed their armies, driven by insatiable power hunger and a desire to overthrow the faltering Stormravensson dynasty. Iver's weakness only served to embolden these warlords, and thus began the tumultuous period known as the Warring States. Nyantastan, once a beacon of stability and unity, descended into the darkest chapter of its history.

The ascendancy of the krigsherre marked the onset of the largest and most devastating conflict the nation had ever witnessed. For years, Nyantastan became a theater of relentless warfare and bloodshed. The fortunes of the warring factions ebbed and flowed, with no end in sight. The chaos and suffering endured by the people seemed interminable.

Amidst this chaos, a figure emerged from the shadows, destined to reshape the destiny of Nyantastan. Oakthornwyre, a formidable and astute krigsherre, seized the opportunity to overthrow the Stormravensson dynasty. Holding the enfeebled remnants of the dynasty hostage within the confines of the capital city of Arkos, Oakthornwyre consolidated his power and formed powerful alliances and friendships that bolstered his strength and ambitions.

With unparalleled strategic acumen and a newfound increase in power, Oakthornwyre emerged as the unifier of Nyantastan. His rule, albeit brief, spanned a mere two years, during which he achieved what seemed unattainable—an elusive unity among the warring factions. Recognizing the need for stability and a fresh start, Oakthornwyre laid the foundation for a new era by proclaiming the establishment of the Empire of Nyantastan.

Having accomplished his mission, Oakthornwyre stepped aside, allowing his son, who he had mentored and consulted, to ascend not as a king but as an emperor. Thus, the Empire of Nyantastan was born, a testament to the resilience and adaptability of a nation that endured a period of unprecedented chaos and emerged transformed under the visionary leadership of the Oakthornwyre dynasty. The empire stood poised to embark on a new chapter in its history, its future hanging in the balance, ready to be shaped by the ambitions and challenges that lay ahead.

Renaissance of Nyantastan: From Empire to Modernization

Artwork that catches the quick Progression of Nyantastan

During the aftermath of turmoil and destruction, Nyantastan embarked on a challenging journey of rebuilding its once-great nation. The arduous task of reconstruction became the primary focus of the ruling elite as they sought to restore the empire to its former glory. This period of rejuvenation marked the beginning of a transformative path that would eventually lead Nyantastan from an empire to a modernized state.

The process of rebuilding commenced with a meticulous assessment of the damages incurred during the tumultuous times. Engineers, architects, and urban planners were mobilized to assess the extent of destruction and develop comprehensive plans for reconstruction. The nation's physical infrastructure, which had been ravaged by war and internal strife, became a priority. Cities and towns that lay in ruins were meticulously reconstructed, with grand public buildings and architectural wonders rising from the ashes. The efforts were not limited to urban areas alone; vast stretches of countryside were rejuvenated through extensive agricultural reforms and the introduction of modern farming techniques.

Simultaneously, efforts were made to bolster the economy and revive trade. The government invested in key industries, focusing on areas such as manufacturing, textiles, and mining. Skilled laborers and craftsmen were encouraged to return to their trades, spurring the resurgence of local businesses. Trade routes, once neglected due to isolationist policies, were reopened and expanded to facilitate the flow of goods and ideas. Nyantastan's natural resources, including fertile lands and mineral deposits, were harnessed to drive economic growth and establish a solid foundation for the nation's renaissance.

Education and intellectual pursuits played a pivotal role in Nyantastan's transformation. The rulers recognized the importance of knowledge and actively promoted learning throughout the empire. Schools, academies, and libraries were established, attracting scholars, philosophers, and scientists from all corners of the realm. These institutions became centers of innovation and intellectual discourse, fostering an environment that nurtured creativity and critical thinking. The pursuit of knowledge was encouraged across all levels of society, laying the groundwork for scientific advancements, technological breakthroughs, and cultural renaissance.

As the empire progressed on its path of rebuilding, a gradual shift in governance began to take shape. The imperial system, once characterized by absolute authority vested in the emperor, underwent modifications to adapt to changing times. The rulers acknowledged the need for representative institutions that would ensure the participation of diverse voices in the nation's decision-making processes. Advisory councils and assemblies were formed, comprising representatives from different regions, social classes, and professional guilds. These bodies provided a platform for discussions, debates, and the formulation of policies that aimed to address the needs and aspirations of the people.

With the passage of time, the influence of traditional warrior classes waned, giving way to a more meritocratic society. Military prowess, while still valued, was no longer the sole determinant of social status and political power. Intellectual abilities, administrative skills, and economic acumen gained prominence as new avenues for social advancement. The nation witnessed the emergence of a burgeoning middle class, composed of merchants, professionals, and entrepreneurs who played a pivotal role in the country's economic growth and modernization.

The modernization drive was further fueled by Nyantastan's desire to position itself on the global stage as a respected and influential nation. Diplomatic missions were dispatched to forge alliances, establish trade agreements, and foster cultural exchanges with other powers across the world. The nation's strategic location, abundant resources, and growing technological prowess made it an attractive partner for international cooperation and engagement.

With each passing generation, Nyantastan's journey from an empire to a modernized state gained momentum. The empire's transition was not without challenges, as traditionalist elements resisted change, and social disparities persisted. However, the progressive vision of the rulers, coupled with the determination and resilience of the people, propelled the nation forward.

20th century

First Argic War

Nyantastan, having undergone a period of rebuilding and recovery, had transformed itself into a vibrant nation ready to face the challenges of the world. With a strong determination to reclaim its former glory, the country embarked on a path of reconstruction, investing in infrastructure, industry, and education. The result was a revitalized nation with newfound strength and capabilities.

When the First Argic War erupted, Nyantastan swiftly mobilized its resources to provide vital support to the Periphery Alliance. The nation's modernized industrial base and efficient logistical network proved crucial in supplying the frontlines with ammunition, equipment, and essential provisions. Nyantastan's skilled workforce and technological advancements allowed for the rapid production of war materials, enabling the Periphery Alliance to sustain its fight against the Central Powers.

In addition to material support, Nyantastan played a significant role in the Periphery Alliance's intelligence network. The country's extensive network of spies and informants provided invaluable information, aiding in strategic decision-making and ensuring the Periphery Alliance stayed one step ahead of its adversaries.

Nyantastan recognized the need to modernize its armed forces to effectively contribute to the war effort. The nation invested in military training programs, equipped its soldiers with advanced weaponry, and established specialized units focused on intelligence gathering and covert operations. The integration of modern tactics and technology into the armed forces enabled Nyantastan to play a crucial role in the Periphery Alliance's overall strategy.

Nyantastan, committed to upholding its values of compassion and solidarity, dedicated significant resources to provide humanitarian aid and medical support during the First Argic War. The nation established field hospitals and medical facilities near the conflict zones, offering critical care to wounded soldiers and civilians alike. Nyantastani doctors, nurses, and aid workers selflessly served in these facilities, alleviating suffering and providing hope in the midst of chaos.

Nyantastan's path to recovery was not without challenges. The strain on resources, both human and material, tested the nation's resilience. Rationing measures and sacrifices were necessary to ensure the smooth flow of supplies to the frontlines. The population endured hardships but remained steadfast in their support for the war effort, driven by the shared goal of securing a better future.

Nyantastan's contributions to the Periphery Alliance in the First Argic War left a lasting legacy. The nation's resilience, determination, and commitment to rebuilding played a crucial role in supporting the overall war effort. Nyantastan's reconstruction efforts during the conflict propelled it further along the path of modernization and set the stage for its subsequent rise as a respected and influential nation on the world stage.

Aftermath of the First War

As the guns fell silent, Nyantastan turned its attention to the daunting task of post-war reconstruction. While spared from the direct devastation experienced by the primary nations, Nyantastan still faced the challenges of rebuilding infrastructure, rehabilitating war-affected communities, and addressing the economic repercussions of the conflict. The government implemented ambitious reconstruction programs, focusing on the repair and modernization of transportation networks, the revival of agricultural productivity, and the restoration of damaged towns and cities.

The First Argic War disrupted regional trade routes and destabilized economic networks. Nyantastan, as a secondary player, faced the challenge of reintegration into the post-war economic order. Efforts were made to revive trade relations, establish new partnerships, and diversify the economy. The government enacted policies to stimulate domestic industries, attract foreign investment, and promote the country as a regional trade hub. These initiatives aimed to secure Nyantastan's economic recovery and reestablish its role as a vital participant in regional commerce.

While Nyantastan did not witness direct military confrontation on its soil, the war's ripple effects still had a profound impact on its society. The nation embarked on a process of healing and reconciliation, acknowledging the sacrifices made by its citizens who served on the frontlines and offering support to war-affected communities. Efforts were made to commemorate the fallen, provide social and psychological support to war veterans, and promote national unity through inclusive dialogue and initiatives that fostered understanding and empathy.

The aftermath of the First Argic War brought about significant political and diplomatic shifts in the region. Nyantastan, as a secondary player, actively engaged in diplomatic negotiations to ensure its interests were represented in the post-war settlements. The government sought to strengthen alliances, forge new partnerships, and participate in international organizations dedicated to maintaining peace and preventing future conflicts. By navigating the complex web of regional politics, Nyantastan aimed to secure its position as a respected actor in the post-war world.

Amidst the challenges of reconstruction, Nyantastan experienced a cultural renaissance and intellectual resurgence. Artists, writers, and thinkers emerged as voices of reflection and renewal, exploring the nation's identity, the impact of the war, and the path towards a brighter future. Artistic expressions, literature, and philosophical discourse flourished, serving as a testament to the resilience of Nyantastani society and its determination to forge a new path forward.

Second Argic War

The Second Argic War was a global conflict that pitted the Coalition, composed of various nations, against the powerful Germanic Staat. Nyantastan, a minor nation, played a crucial role as a supporter of the Coalition forces. Nyantastan's decision to support the Coalition stemmed from a combination of strategic interests and shared values. The nation recognized the threat posed by the expansionist ambitions of the Germanic Staat and its potential to disrupt the delicate regional balance of power. By aligning with the Coalition, Nyantastan aimed to protect its own sovereignty, maintain regional stability, and uphold the principles of international law and human rights. Diplomatic negotiations and discussions with the Coalition partners culminated in a formal alliance, solidifying Nyantastan's commitment to the cause.

As a minor nation, Nyantastan's military resources were limited compared to the major powers involved in the war. Nevertheless, the nation made significant contributions to the Coalition's efforts. Nyantastan deployed a contingent of well-trained and disciplined troops to support the Coalition's operations. These forces played a vital role in providing support functions, such as logistics, intelligence gathering, and specialized expertise. Additionally, Nyantastan's naval fleet patrolled strategic sea lanes, ensuring the safe passage of supplies and reinforcements for the Coalition forces.

Nyantastan's support for the Coalition was not without challenges and sacrifices. The nation faced the strain of mobilizing its resources, redirecting its economy towards war production, and bearing the human cost of the conflict. Nyantastani citizens willingly sacrificed their comfort and security, with many joining the military or working in war-related industries. The war effort placed significant pressure on the nation's infrastructure, economy, and social fabric. However, the resolve and resilience of the Nyantastani people remained steadfast, driven by the belief in the justness of their cause.

Birth of the Commonwealth

The birth of the Commonwealth in Nyantastan marked a defining moment in the nation's history. With the monarchy already having lost significant power prior to the First Argic War, the aftermath of the Second Argic War served as a catalyst for Nyantastan's complete transition to a democratic system. In the aftermath of the Second Argic War, Nyantastan embarked on a transformative journey toward democracy. A Constitutional Convention was convened, bringing together representatives from diverse backgrounds to draft a new constitution that would define the principles and structure of the Commonwealth. The convention became a platform for intense debates, negotiations, and compromises, ensuring that the resulting constitution reflected the aspirations of the people.The Commonwealth Constitution, born out of the Constitutional Convention, enshrined democratic values, individual rights, and the principle of separation of powers. It established a system of governance that emphasized accountability, transparency, and citizen participation. The constitution guaranteed fundamental freedoms, protected minority rights, and provided a framework for the peaceful transfer of power through democratic elections.

The birth of the Commonwealth in Nyantastan led to a flourishing civil society and an increased focus on human rights. Non-governmental organizations and grassroots movements played a crucial role in advocating for social justice, equality, and the protection of vulnerable populations. The government, recognizing the importance of civil liberties, enacted laws and policies to safeguard freedom of speech, assembly, and expression.




Nyantastan is a federal parliamentary republic. Its head of state is President Evie Aksoy. The Commonwealths head of state is the Federal President. As in Nyantastan´s parliamentary system of government, the Federal Chancellor runs the government and day-to-day politics, while the role of the Federal President is mostly ceremonial. The Federal President, by their actions and public appearances, represents the state itself, its existence, its legitimacy, and unity. Their office involves an integrative role. Nearly all actions of the Federal President become valid only after a countersignature of a government member. The President is not obliged by Constitution to refrain from political views. He or she is expected to give direction to general political and societal debates, but not in a way that links him to party politics. Most Presidents were active politicians and party members prior to the office, which means that they have to change their political style when becoming president. The function comprises the official residence of Whitmore Palace. All federal laws must be signed by the President before they can come into effect; he or she does not have a veto, but the conditions for refusing to sign a law on the basis of unconstitutionality are the subject of debate.


Leader of the Executive branch and Head of government is Chancellor Nyanta Akamura. The Chancellor (federal chancellor) heads the House of Commons (federal government) and thus the executive branch of the federal government. They are elected by and responsible to the House of Commons, The Commonwealth´s parliament. The other members of the government are the Federal Ministers; they are chosen by the Chancellor. The Chancellor cannot be removed from office during a four-year term unless the House of Commons has agreed on a successor. This constructive vote of no confidence is intended to avoid a similar situation in which the executive did not have enough support in the legislature to govern effectively, but the legislature was too divided to name a successor. The current system also prevents the Chancellor from calling a snap election. The chancellor appoints one of the federal ministers as their deputy, who has the unofficial title Vice Chancellor.


  1. Commonwealth Foreign Office.
  2. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. (The Commonwealth all over the wurld: The Foreign Office, located on the Pelecena Marketstreet in Arkos, and its network of diplomatic missions around the globe shape Commonwealth foreign policy. This includes the analysis of world politics and crisis management on an international scale, the protection of human rights and the promotion of cultural exchange.)
  3. Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs. (Fair and healthy working conditions, social security and more employment – these are the goals)
  4. Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Knowledge and the willingness to experiment form the foundations of the future)
  5. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. (The family enjoys the special protection of the state.)
  6. Federal Ministry of Finance. (The keeper of the budget: Every year, the Commonwealth Ministry of Finance calculates the budget of the Federal Republic and coordinates the wishes of the individual governmental departments with the Chancellor)
  7. Federal Ministry for Health. (Live a healthier, more active and longer life - that should be possible for each and every one of us.)
  8. Federal Ministry of the Interior. (Its most important responsibility, is to protect its citizens, the country’s internal security. It is also responsible for the civil service and emergency aid. And it is in charge of the protocol for state visits and official festivities.)
  9. Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. (Law is the foundation of a free, democratic society. The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection is responsible for legal policy.)
  10. Federal Environment Ministry. (What does the Commonwealth do for climate protection? How can energy remain affordable?)
  11. Federal Ministry of Transport and digital Infrastructure. (The Federal Ministry of Transport and digital Infrastructure is responsible for transport infrastructures on a federal level. As the federal government‘s most important investment department, it creates structures for greater mobility and safety in traffic or more liveable cities throughout the Commonwealth.)
  12. Federal Ministry of Defense. (The Federal Ministry of Defense is the supreme federal authority in all issues concerning defense and the armed forces. It heads the air force, the army, the navy and the central medical services.)
  13. Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. (More growth, higher employment, greater innovation.)


The Legislative branch is formed by the House of Commons. It consists of the Federal Council (upper house) and the Federal Diet (Lower house).

Federal Council

The Federal Council participates in legislation, alongside the Federal Diet consisting of directly elected representatives of the Commonwealth people. Laws that affect state powers, and all constitutional changes, need the consent of both houses.The political makeup of the Federal Council is affected by changes in power in the states of the Commonwealth, and thus by elections in each state. Each state delegation in the Federal Council is essentially a representation of the state government and reflects the political makeup of the ruling majority or plurality of each state legislature (including coalitions). So the Federal Council is a continuous body and has no legislative periods. For organizational reasons, the Federal Council structures its legislative calendar in years of business , beginning each year on 1 November. Each year of business is congruous with the one-year-term of the presidium.

Federal Diet

The Federal Diet is the Commonwealth´s federal parliament. It is the only federal representative body that is directly elected by the Commonwealth people. The Members of the Federal Diet are representatives of the Commonwealth people as a whole, are not bound by any orders or instructions and are only accountable to their electorate.

The Federal Diet has several functions. Together with the Federal Council, the upper house, the Federal Diet makes up the legislative branch of the Federal Government. The individual states (Country´s) of the Commonwealth participate through the Federal Council in legislative process similar to an upper house in a bicameral parliament. The Federal Diet and Federal Council work together in the lawmaking procedure on the federal level. The Federal Diet also elects and oversees the chancellor, The Commonwealth´s head of government, and sets the government budget.


The Commonwealth uses the mixed-member proportional representation system, a system of proportional representation combined with elements of first-past-the-post voting. Every elector has two votes: a constituency vote (first vote) and a party list vote (second vote). Based solely on the first votes, 299 members are elected in single-member constituencies by first-past-the-post voting. The second votes are used to produce a proportional number of seats for parties, first in the states, and then on the federal level. Parties can file lists in every single state under certain conditions – for example, a fixed number of supporting signatures. Parties can receive second votes only in those states in which they have filed a state list

Political parties

  • The Social Democratic Party of the Commonwealth (SDPC) — (Social democracy)
  • The Greens — (Green politics)
  • Holy Democratic League (HDL) — (Liberal conservatism)
  • The Left — (Democratic socialism)
  • Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) — (Classical liberalism)
  • Nyantastan Peoples Party (NPP) — (Nyantastan nationalism)


The Commonwealth´s legal system is a civil law mostly based on a comprehensive compendium of statutes, as compared to the common law systems. In criminal and administrative law, The Commonwealth uses an inquisitorial system where the judges are actively involved in investigating the facts of the case, as compared to an adversarial system where the role of the judge is primarily that of an impartial referee between the prosecutor or plaintiff and the defendant. In the Commonwealth, the independence of the judiciary is historically older than democracy. The organisation of courts is traditionally strong, and almost all federal and state actions are subject to judicial review.

Judges follow a distinct career path. At the end of their legal education at university, all law students must pass a state examination before they can continue on to an apprenticeship that provides them with broad training in the legal profession over two years. They then must pass a second state examination that qualifies them to practice law. At that point, the individual can choose either to be a lawyer or to enter the judiciary. Judicial candidates start working at courts immediately. However, they are subjected to a probationary period of up to five years before being appointed as judges for life.

The courts are characterized by being specialist, regional, and hierarchically integrated at the federal level. There are five basic types of courts, plus the Federal Constitutional Court and the Country´s constitutional courts:

  • Ordinary courts, dealing with criminal and most civil cases
  • Administrative law courts
  • Tax law courts
  • Labour law courts
  • Social law courts
  • Constitutional law courts, focusing on judicial review and constitutional interpretation

The main difference between the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Court is that the Federal Constitutional Court may only be called if a constitutional matter within a case is in question (e.g., a possible violation of human rights in a criminal trial), while the Federal Court of Justice may be called in any case. Only the Constitutional Court can declare an Act of Parliament invalid.

The Federal Constitutional Court is the supreme constitutional court. The sole task of the court is judicial review, and it may declare any federal or state legislation unconstitutional, thus rendering them ineffective. In this respect, it is similar to other supreme courts with judicial review powers, yet the Court possesses a number of additional powers, and is regarded as among the most interventionist and powerful national courts in the wurld. Unlike other supreme courts, the constitutional court is not an integral stage of the judicial or appeals process (aside from in cases concerning constitutional or public international law), and does not serve as a regular appellate court from lower courts or the Federal Supreme Courts on any violation of federal laws.

The court's jurisdiction is focused on constitutional issues and the compliance of all governmental institution with the constitution. Constitutional amendments or changes passed by the Parliament are subject to its judicial review, since they have to be compatible with the most basic principles of the Basic-law code, those being the principles of human dignity, unalienable human rights, democracy, republicanism, social responsibility, federalism and separation of powers.

The court's practice of enormous constitutional control frequency on the one hand, and the continuity in judicial restraint and political revision on the other hand, have created a unique defender of the Basic-law code given it a valuable role in the Commonwealth´s modern democracy.

Foreign relations

In terms of international relations, Nyantastan demonstrates a commitment to supporting other democratic nations and actively engages in diplomatic and economic partnerships. The nation is a member of ATARA (Argic and Thalassan Regional Association), an alliance that fosters cooperation and trade among its member states. Nyantastan's participation in ATARA facilitates trade with multiple nations.

Government Spending

2022 Budget Breakdown

  Labour and Social Affairs (41.3%)
  Defence (7%)
  Transport and Digital Infrastructure (10.4%)
  Education and research (5.1%)
  Federal Debt (3.2%)
  Internal affairs, construction, community (5.4%)
  Health (5.9%)
  General financial administration (4.1%)
  Family affairs, senior citizen, women, and youth (5.3%)
  Economic cooperation (4.1%)
  Economic affairs and energy (4.5%)
  Other (3.7%)

A stable financial policy for a modern, forward-looking country. The Nyantastani economy continues to grow as forecast. Social cohesion and investment for a modern, forward-looking country – these are the goals the Federal Government is working towards in its budget planning. Education and research, infrastructure and digitalisation are particularly important in this respect. With Tensions rising not only in the Region but in the Wurld the Government has increased its Military Spending by 2 Percent and cut the Labour and Social affairs by 2 Percent.


The Military Deploys the Artillery Support Bear

The Commonwealth Defence Forces are governed by the Federal Ministry of Defense, which is the supreme federal authority in all issues concerning defense and the armed forces. It heads the air force, the army, the navy and the central medical services.[1]

The Nyantastani Armed Forces not only focuses on national defense but also actively contributes to international peacekeeping efforts and provides humanitarian aid during crises and natural disasters. It participates in multinational military exercises and collaborates with allied nations to enhance regional security and stability.

The Armed Forces are under civilian control, with the Ministry of Defense responsible for strategic planning, resource allocation, and overall management. The head of the armed forces is the Chief of Defense, who serves as the principal military advisor to the government.

The Nyantastani Armed Forces strive to maintain high standards of professionalism, training, and readiness. They prioritize the welfare of their personnel and invest in their development, ensuring a capable and motivated force. Through their dedication and commitment, the armed forces play a crucial role in safeguarding Nyantastan's national security and upholding its interests at home and abroad.


Nyantastan export treemap

The Nyantastani Industry focuses primarily on its Wood industry and the manufacturing of its vast timber Resources. To be added, the grand coastline supplies the Country with excellent Seafoods.

The Biggest Industry in the Commonwealth is here by the Furnishing Industry with VPWNF taking a near monopoly on the Furnishing Market. While other Companies like Fix Homes are expanding in the relatively new prefabricated house sectors. Other Companies Focus on the Manufacturing of Wood in a more abstract way. One of the biggest Companies that operates the Saw Mils to cut the Wood is Chainsaw Charlie. The recent Government relaxed some regulations for the Production of Wood based Chemistry and Chemicals like Cellulose. One of the biggest Producers in the Growing Industry is Brunswick Inc. While PP (Pelecenian Paper) is the Largest Domestic Producer of Paper and Paper related Products. With its vast Coastlines, the Nyantastani are blessed with a rich variety of seafoods. Some of the Biggest Companies here are the  Aberg Seafood Company and the Östberg Fishing Company. While other Sectors like the Financial Sector are under a slower Development where the Commonwealth national bank holds the sole Monopoly. Whilst it's under heavy Regulations, some other Financial Companies and Banks recently showed up, promising a once again Competitive Market. The Gastronomy industry is thanks to the Seafood industry in full swing and will hopefully grow even more. Sectors like Heavy Machinery grow Naturally to accompany the big Wood industry. While the Telecommunications industry is in firm Hands of few very Professional Companies. 


Company Industry Description
Commonwealth Armament . Defence A producer for and the prime supplier to the Commonwealth Defence Forces of Nyantastan. Its products include guns, ammunition, missiles, military vehicles, and their associated consumables and systems. Targeted areas are the army, navy, and air force; recent developments also include space-based modules. Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Brunswick Inc Chemicals Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Nyantastan Telegraph & Telephone Corp Short NTT Technology company The NTT wants to be the best in mobile communications, regional communications, long distance and international communications ,and data communications as well as system development ,and finance. "If you want to Contact someone we make it happen" -NTT Slogan Headquarters: Arkos. Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Pure Water Technologies Energy industry Runs hydroelectric power stations. Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Pelecenian Paper Paper Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Commonwealth national Bank Finance International bank, managing savings and providing loans. Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
VPWNF Furniture Spread all over the wurld, we have a passion for home furnishing and an inspiring shared vision: to create a better everyday life for the many people. Our Goal is to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low, that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Headquarters: Ormsdalr -Pelecena Assembly: Gautland - Wlarda Shipping; Akros- Nyantastan. Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName.
Mud turtles INC Heavy Machinery Mud turtles Inc wants to be the wurlds leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, industrial gas turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives Headquarters: Gautland-Wlarda. Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Chainsaw Charlie Building Products Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Crown Logistics Shipping Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Simonsson forwarding agency Shipping Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Crown Motors Motor Vehicles Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Aberg Seafood Company Food Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Östberg Fishing Company Food Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Crown Cement Concrete Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.
Fix Homes Construction Founded in $year. CEO is $PersonName. Headquartered in $CityName.


The demography of the Commonwealth of Nyantastan is monitored by the Federal Statistical Office. According to the most recent data, The Commonwealth´s population is 9,998,791 (29 October 2021)

  • Ethnic groups: Nyantastanian, Geltic and Norse
  • Official languages: Anglish
  • Recognised national languages: Nyantan


Nyantastan society is characterized by its strong sense of community and social cohesion. Family values and close-knit relationships form the foundation of its social fabric. The society places a high emphasis on education and knowledge, valuing intellectual pursuits. Equality and fairness are core principles that guide interactions among individuals. The society promotes gender equality and strives for inclusivity and diversity. Civic engagement and active participation in community affairs are encouraged. The society values a healthy work-life balance, promoting leisure activities and recreational pursuits. Environmental consciousness and sustainability are prioritized in Nyantastan's society. Cultural appreciation and respect for traditions are important aspects of societal cohesion. Nyantastan society promotes a strong welfare system and social safety nets to ensure the well-being of its citizens.


Nyantastan hostes the Nyantastani Football League(NFL).
