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Flag of Chyrcassia
Map of Chyrcassia
Map of Chyrcassia

Chyrcassia, officially known as the NATIONTYPE of Chyrcassia, is a sovereign state in CONTINENT on Eurth. It is bordered by NEIGHBOURINGNATION to the north, NEIGHBOURINGNATION in the east, NEIGHBOURINGNATION to the south, and NEIGHBOURINGNATION in the west.

(1st paragraph. Name. Location. Borders. Approx population and size. Capital city.)

(2nd paragraph. Political system. Short history in 1 sentence. Link with present in 1 sentence. Head of state.)

(3rd paragraph. Economy in 2 sentences. International relations in 1 sentence.)


(WIP. Where does your country's name come from? Most RL national names come from a small variety of choice. Some examples: land of a tribe (ex. France, Persia, Mongolia, Russia), characteristic geography (ex. Netherlands, India, Morocco), an old ruler or religious figure (ex. Philippines, San Marino, Europa, Saudi Arabia), the Latin description of a place (ex. Australia, Argentina, Liberia). How is the name pronounced? How is the name translated into other languages?)


(WIP. How did your current country come to be? What were the country's previous incarnations? Was the country part of a union with a neighbour? Which events shaped the way the country is today?)

The Kingdom of Chyrcassia was historically a division of the Great Central Empire. At first, the Chyrcassians were a nomadic society consist of 14 major tribes. The chyrcassians usually roams around the central plains, pillaging nearby cities. Their spectacular horse riding skills, combat skills and bravery didn’t go unnoticed, where they were eventually invited to serve the emperor of the Great Central Empire as an elite military unit. In return, they were given a place within the empire and were rewarded with horses, livestocks, foods and weapons. Later, under the command of the emperor of the Great Central Empire, they migrated to the west in mass numbers bringing their wives, childrens and their belongings, pdestroying the pre-existing civilization and plundering its resources. The Chyrcassians, gradually settled in the new territory and eventually gains more autonomy within the empire. It was later declared as a vassal state of the Great Central Empire.

The fall of of the Great Central Empire during the Great War has gained Chyrcassia, total independence for the first time in history. Chyrcassia, eventually defeated their enemy during the Great War after an intense and inspiring battle. Under the leadership of the current ruling King of that time known as King Acarta of Chyrcassia, the Kingdom finally found its peace and prosperity where they develop trade and diplomatic relationship with foreign nations. The infrastructure, culture, education, and economy of Chyrcassia were enriched and developed during his reign.

The reign of King Acarta of Chyrcassia lasted for a very long time before he died peacefully on his throne. It was a sad moment for the Kingdom of Chyrcassia where they lost an important figure of the kingdom. As the people of Chyrcassia grieved for the death of the late king, a question has arised within the Kingdom. "Who will be the next leader?" Chyrcassia has never elected their leader without the interference and permission of another entity. "So how do we elect the next King? Apparently, King Acarta does not have a son. "Maybe his daughter?" Its against the tradition of Chyrcassia. These questions has been the source of conflict amongst the tribal chiefs of Chyrcassia. Years has passed but still a leader has not been elected. The country is slowly turning into anarchy.and it has caused unrest within the Kingdom. Therefore, a solution is needed as soon as possible.

The Kingdom of Chyrcassia is currently an anarchy but it remains peaceful until now. The power struggle amongst the tribe leaders has led to a small degree of disunity and corruption. A civil war or uprising could happen in any moment.


Chyrcassia is a huge landlocked nation bordering an inland sea. The steppes and fertile plateau makes up most of its territory. It has some mountain ranges within its territory. It hs a long, hot summer with cold winters.

(WIP. Landscape. Climate. Where exactly is your country compared to others on the global map? Describe the landscape, plants, and animals. Which mountains and rivers are important to include? Describe are the climate and seasons? How does geography determine where people live? Are there areas separated from one another? How about cities? This will greatly help you with the next part of history.)


Head of State.
Head of Government.

Chyrcassia is a tribal kingdom which consist of 14 tribal group. Historically, it was a vassal of the more powerful central empire which cease to exist during the great war. The death of the ruling king of Chyrcassia, has caused a power struggle between the Chiefs of each tribes thus affecting the peace of the country. The reason behind the political turmoil that has been affecting the country is the result of its history as a vassal state of another nation. Throughout its history, the chyrcassian ruler is elected by the emperor of the Central Empire based on war skills and experiences. Therefore, Chyrcassia will have to elect a new leader without any interference of foreign entities for the first time since its existence.

(WIP. Government. Separation of powers. Who rules, how, and for how long? Political parties. What levels of government exist? How about the local level? Who makes the laws? Who deals out your justice? Which government services exist? What is the name of your police? How are the armed forces organised? Foreign affairs, alliances, membership of international organisations.)


Chyrcassian economy are mostly but not entirely on the agriculture sector. The political instability of Chyrcassia has a negative impact on the growth of Chyrcassia's economy on recent times. Chyrcassians are also known as a grateful society. They dislike those who show off their wealth and people who were ungrateful.

(WIP. Employment. Exports and imports. International partners. Currency. Energy. Transportation. Science & technology. Unemployment numbers. Tourism. Media.)


The tribes of Chyrcassia are fully integrated with each other as they share a common culture and language. The Chyrcassians are very proud of their cultures and traditions as it has been a part of their daily life. Some of the examples includes horse culture, animal husbandry, archery and sword fighting. Despite its importance in the Chyrcassian society, the people of chyrcassia were very accepting and open minded on the values of modernity.

The woman of chyrcassia are highly respected in their society. Internationally, the woman of Chyrcassia are known to be very beautiful, elegant and smart. Since the establishment of Chyrcassia, the woman of Chyrcassia has been used as a gift (through marriage) for diplomatic purposes.

(WIP. Demographics. Ethnic groups. Social classes. Language. Education. Marriage. Religion. Healthcare. Diseases.)


Historically, the Chyrcassians is a nomadic society consist of 14 tribal group. These horse riding society migrated to modern day Chyrcassia destroying the pre existing civilization and eventually settled in the new territory. The tribes of Chyrcassia are fully integrated with each other as they share a common culture and language. The Chyrcassians are very proud of their cultures and traditions as it has been a part of their daily lives. Some of the examples includes the horse culture, animal husbandry, archery and sword fighting. Despite its importance in the Chyrcassian society, the people of Chyrcassia were very accepting and open towards modern values. The Chyrcassian culture is based on the cultures of the caucasus region, which is a mix of the Caucasian, turkic, Georgian, Mongolian and to some extand Iranian, Armenian and slavic culture.

(WIP. Cuisine. Literature. Visual arts. Art. Architecture. Entertainment. Music & Radio. Television. Cuisine. Local customs. Clothing. Morality. Sports. Stereotypes. Your national symbols such as the flag and national anthem. Public holidays and festivities.)
