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1971 Stedorian coup d'état

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1971 Stedorian coup d'état
LVD Junta Establishment 1971.png
Läkhart Viktor Drejlär announcing the coup on Stedorian television
Date3 October 1971

Coup d'état successful


Government of the Kingdom of Stedoria

Royal Stedorian Army

Commanders and leaders
Telvan X Läkhart Viktor Drejlär
Fabian Lisenmänär
Matiäs Fridämen

The 1971 Stedorian coup d'état (Stedorian: Luvolut Stedoriänik Yela: 1971), referred to as the Corrective Action (Stedorian: Koräkadun) in Stedoria, occured on October 3, 1971, during the reign of Telvan X. The coup came as a result of a deep financial crisis facing Stedoria which was caused by a combination of a massive and suddent drop in silver prices the year prior and by the then ongoing Second Argic War, in which the Stedorian government's debt grew massively as a result of war funding. The coup was led by republican-gemotamist officers in the Royal Stedorian Army's general staff, mainly by Läkhart Viktor Drejlär, who was aided by Fabian Lisenmänär and Matiäs Fridämen. As a result of the coup, the Stedorian monarchy was abolished, the Kelvön dynasty exiled to Dolchland, the Fatherland Front forcibly dissolved, and the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces of Stedoria, headed by Drejlär, was established to lead the country.


Under the de facto absolute rule of Telvan X, he, along with his advisory ministers, embarked on an ambitions plan of industrial and infrastructural development which was largely funded by high silver prices throughout the late 1950s to the late 1960s. Telvan X also focused much of Stedoria's earning on the country's military in fears of a Velaherian communist invasion, which at the time had become a possiblity owing to the Stedoria and Velaheria's poor relations. Military spending prior had been neglected in favour of lavish spending by the monarchy and large-scale development in the country's mining sector in order to extract higher amounts of silver. By 1964, silver exports made up approximately 40% of Stedoria's exports, and was responsible for the majority of the country's income. After the breakout of the Second Argic War, silver prices collapsed, sending the country spiralling into debt; this was further exacerbated by Stedoria's entry into the war, as the country struggled with affording to produce sufficient amounts of military equipment.

By 1971, the economic situation of Stedoria had become dire; Stedorian soldiers were sent into battle woefully underequipped, relying almost completely on the country's allies for matériel. Long ration queues had become a common sight throughout the country as the economy was in a state of wartime economic collapse, resulting in a severe drop in the standard of living and in hyperinflation. Elements of the Royal Stedorian Army's high command, recognising the futility of the situation and understanding that Stedoria was on the brink of collapse, launched a military coup to depose the monarchy, restore economic stability, and withdraw the country temporarily from the war.

Coup d'état

At 1:00 AM on October 3, 1971, Drejlär, Lisenmänär, and Fridämen, accompanied by an armoured squadron of tanks and a small infantry unit, made their way from a barracks in central Kapojvar to the Royal Palace in the outskirts of the city. The goal was to carry out the coup by surprise in order to prevent any violence or bloodshed.

Rumors of a coup were floating around Telvan X and his ministers, but he ignored them, believing them to be enemy propaganda in an attempt to distract the Stedorian government or even potentially to pull them out of the war.

Due to the time, Telvan X, along with his family, were still sleeping when the coupists led by Drejlär arrived at the Royal Palace; the royal guard, seeing the tanks, surrendered to Drejlär's forces without a fight outside the Palace.

At approximately 2:30 AM, Telvan X and his family were awoken and dragged out of their beds, still in their pyjamas and offering no resistance. Drejlär personally met the Telvan X, stating to him "Telvan Kelvön, we have come to inform you that the Armed Forces have hereby deposed you as King of Stedoria in the name of our country's survival. All of your assets are seized immediately, your awards are revoked, you are stripped of Stedorian citizenship, and you are to be deported to Dolchland immediately. You are to come with us now."

Telvan X, furious, responded "You filthy traitors; I am the King of Stedoria, I hold supreme authority over the country, and I order you to stand down!"

Telvan X then attempted to resist arrest, but was forcibly restrained by soldiers, who then forced him along with his family into an armoured personnel carrier brought during the coup.

After the coup had succeeded, Telvan X was taken to Kapojvar's port, where he was ordered onto a privately-owned Stedorian ship making its way to Dolchland with his family and deported, the ship leaving the country at 6:00 AM.

Government ministers were arrested by smaller contingents of soldiers at their homes on the orders of Drejlär.


Later in the morning, at 9:00 AM, Drejlär appeared on Stedorian television and radio, giving a short speech and announcing the establishment of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces of Stedoria, the deposing of the monarchy, Stedoria's intention to cease hostilites in the Second Argic War and the announcement that economic recovery was to begin immediately.

Celebrations broke out in many parts of the country, with many holding resentment towards the monarchy, blaming them personally responsible for Stedoria's economic crises and deterioration in living standards.

Speech by Drejlär

"Citizens of Stedoria, I address you this morning to announce that the Armed Forces have taken immediate corrective measures in the name of national preservation in order to secure the continued existence of our nation's stability, economic livelihood, independence, and sovereignty. Telvan X has, throughout the course of this war, led our country further along the path towards ruin and anarchy in the name of a war that has caused only death, destruction, and chaos for Stedoria, both economically and socially. The economic situation until now has continued to deteriorate, resulting in massive hardships that have fallen on the population of Stedoria, who have withstood them valiantly and honourably. However, to continue to drive our nation along this road is unreasonable now, both for the population's livelihood and for the country's national interests"

"Early this morning, at approximately 1:00 AM, contingents of the Armed Forces under the command of myself, General Fabian Lisenmänär, and Colonel Matiäs Fridämen, arrived at the Royal Palace in the outskirts of Kapojvar, where Telvan X was located. The Armed Forces then detained him for acting contrary to the survival of the country and contrary to the country's national interests. During his detention, Telvan officially proclaimed his abdication to the Armed Forces and furthermore declared the monarchy's official abolition. He was then stripped of his government positions and citizenship; he was taken to Kapojvar's port with his family where they were deported to Dolchland. Other government ministers, working with Telvan under his rule, have also been arrested for their role in acting against national interests. The Stedorian Radical Union has been dissolved for acting against national interests. Owing to the exceptional circumstances, the Armed Forces have temporarily taken control of the government in order to prevent an outbreak of anarchy throughout the country. We officially declare the establishment of the Free and Independent State of Stedoria, to be led by the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces until stability is restored to Stedoria."

"The main priority for the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces is the wellbeing of the citizens of Stedoria; acting in this interest, the priority of the government now is to vacate the war that we were thrust into by Telvan's leadership. After this has been achieved, the country will begin a corrective process of economic recovery; rations and queues will disappear, and citizens will live in prosperity once again under the Armed Forces' government. After corrective measures are completed, the Armed Forces will relinquish control of the government in order to pave the way for a popular government of the people to be elected and to be established through democratic means."

"All citizens must remain in their homes for the duration of October 3rd while order is restored by the Armed Forces throughout Stedoria. Once this is achieved, citizens will be permitted to travel freely. Do not panic countrymen, the interests of Stedoria and the people of Stedoria are the interests of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces; this is a beginning of a new system in Stedoria, one for all Stedorians."