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Incorporated States of Cashar
Flag of Cashar
Coat of arms of Cashar
Coat of arms
Motto: Productivity, Pursuit of Happiness, Profit
Anthem: Zvyakan'ye Kasar Jiljulk
(By the Country, Cashar the Place to Be)
Map of Cashar
Map of Cashar in Alharu
Largest cityMalmega
Official languagesMonetok
GovernmentParliamentary republic under a constitutional corporatocracy
• Executive Head of State
Nakwa Melviska
• Executive Assistant
Luhat Kusnetvola
• Chairperson of the Board
Qusam Smirvisk
• Director of Court
Rizwuka Sokoviska
LegislatureThe Board
The Bureau
• Establishment
17 July 1770
• 2017 estimate
HDIIncrease 0.6908
CurrencyCashari Kermote (CSK)
Driving sideright
Calling code+22
Internet TLD.csh

The Incorporated States of Cashar, commonly called Cashar, is a parliamentary republic under a constitutional corporatocracy in Alharu on Eurth. It is bordered on the north by OTHER-NATION, in the east by Heiheguo, to the south by Esonice and on the west by OTHER-NATION. Cashar covers 512,764 square kilometers and has an estimated population of 22,412,566. The capital is Protiva, and the largest city is Malmega.


Cashar has its roots in a proto-Cashari language known as Ketek. Loosely translated, it means "to let flow." The standard way to refer to a citizen of Cashar is as a "Cashari."



The Cashari Plains.

Cashar is typically divided into six loosely defined topographic zones: the Cashari Desert, the Cashari Plains, the Marjan and Walstret Mountains, the Sinka Oasis, the Pesodyna Mesas, and Cashar's coastline. The largest of these areas are the Cashari Desert. The terrain in the Cashari Desert is quite flat and subject to areas of quicksand and brackish salt flats. The Cashari plains are cut by the Auros River. Lake Sinka occupies much of the Sinka Oasis, making the areas around it quite rich in fertile soil suitable for agricultural development and pursuits. The next topographical area covers the Marjan and Walstret mountain ranges stretching from the east and from the west respectively. The highest peak belongs to Mount Lazez in the Marjan Mountains at 3,488 m. West of the Marjan Mountain range is the Pesodyna Mesas, an area of rocky hills and flat-top plateaus. Finally, there's the coastline which extends about 2,000 kilometers. The beaches are well-maintained, white sandy shores with beautiful crystal-clear waters. Cashar takes a lot of pride in its pristine environment. Tourism and animal trade is such a big industry in Cashar that economic interests lie heavily in ensuring the environment remains clean. The highest point is at an elevation of 3,488 m, and the lowest point is at sea level.


Cashar is an arid rain-shadow desert with scattered shrubland. It typically faces temperature extremes and has two distinct seasons. The winter months bring comfortable daytime temperatures while summer months are dominated by the heat. Annually, Cashar receives anywhere from 76 to 500 mm of rainfall per year.

Administrative divisions

Rank City Metro area population State
1 Malmega 4.8 million Nykel
2 Zefaire 3.9 million Dinar
3 Protiva 2.8 million Centavo
4 Curren 2.2 million Centavo
5 Onomi 850,000 Nykel
6 Eknom 650,000 Marka
7 Gredytrad 400,000 Rubel
8 Eular 320,000 Rubel
9 Pesodyna 280,000 Bitkan
10 Ruyen 250,000 Shekel

Cities in Cashar vary in appearance depending on what part of the city is being visited. Most commercial buildings and houses utilize a Streamline Moderne-like architecture style. Very wealthy homeowners may utilize a different architectural-style for their home, usually a style of bizarre architecture with flashy colors used. The cities are generally free of litter as littering is considered a highly punishable offense. There are usually very few parks within the cities themselves. Malmega has one of the largest shopping malls in the country. In the slums of the cities, it is common to find shanty shacks painted in a variety of colors, sometimes by local graffiti artists, sometimes not. The "Urban Painted Districts" of Cashar are sometimes advertised as potential tourist destinations.

Cashar comprises of twelve states: Centavo, Dinar, Shekel, Krona, Marka, Drakam, Rubel, Nykel, Sostynak, Bitkan, Kyatlek, Qindrak.



Modern humans first arrived on the Ketek Peninsula around 35,000 years ago, but the earliest hominids may have been there approximately 1.2 million years ago. The most conspicuous signs of prehistoric human settlements are some cave paintings found in the Alkmirt Caverns. Before the Ketek Peninsula was conquered by an early Europan empire from the north, it was made up of three indigenous cultures, the Ketek, the Belpuk, and the Tartiv. The Ketek and the Belpuk were seafaring, nature-worshipping cultures and had successfully established trading settlements on the east and west coast. These two cultures got along reasonably well but would struggle with the Tartiv in the Kepuk Wars for control over the peninsula until the northern Europan empire began their conquest and completed it by 22 BCE

  • 1.2 million BCE - Evidence of early hominid, Homo antecessor, in the area.
  • 35000 BCE - Modern humans arrived on the Ketek Peninsula. Scholarly debate exists as to whether they had migrated from the southeast or if they had traveled by sea from the west.
  • 33000-22000 BCE - A culture identified as the Rigtak existed on the southwestern coast and were known prominently for stone tools, fishing tools, and dugout boats.
  • 22000-17000 BCE - A culture identified as the Sholuk existed in the northern part of the Ketek Peninsula and were known for their ornamental beads and bone tools.
  • 17000-12000 BCE - A culture identified as the Grekan existed on the southwestern coast and were known as a hunting-gathering culture with similarities to the Rigtak but included differences such as more elaborate personal adornments involving seashells, bone, and beads.
  • 6000-4000 BCE - Two cultures emerged on the east and west parts of the Ketek Peninsula, known as the Belpuk and the Tartiv. Signs of agricultural development was starting to take place with grains and root vegetables. A few megalithic structures (possible nature worship sites) are also dated from this time period.
  • 3000-1900 BCE - Earliest phase of metallurgy (copper, silver, and gold) begins to take place and metal goods become commonplace. One of oldest golden treasures, “The Golden Tree” figurine has dated back to 2800 BCE Civilization begins to take hold, and the first city, Madro, becomes established. It is thought to have had a population of 1,000 people. Proto-Madronian pictographic writing is also evident due to the Madronian tablets dated at 2000 BCE
  • 1800-1300 BCE - Other civilizations and smaller cultures are established and fall at this time. The prominent cultures include the Madronians, the Tsan, the Tjasin. The Tjasin all but vanished by 1300 BCE, and the Tsan ended up breaking into smaller but fortified and permanent settlements scattered throughout the Ketek Peninsula.

Iron Age

Ketek earrings found near Kridshar, c. 300 BCE.
  • 1000-800 BCE - The Iron Age begins. Cultures on the Ketek Peninsula begin to unify (known collectively as the Ketek culture) and further develop trade. The city of Madro is destroyed by the combined efforts of two neighboring cities Kridshar and Talk. Ketek script begins to emerge from the proto-Madronian pictographic writing.
  • 700 BCE - Earliest currency in the Ketek Peninsula is dated back to this time. The mote was an electrum coin thought to have been valued at one bushel of grain. It had a tree design on it.
  • 600-200 BCE - A northern Alharu empire begins its conquest of the Ketek Peninsula. At this time, the empire introduced slavery to the Ketek cultures due to its capture of people fighting back during the conquest. In 450 BCE, perhaps in response to the troubled times, Tabroda begins to form as a religion made up of already present traditions and nature worship rituals. By 200 BCE, the empire had assimilated the Ketek culture and was dubbed the Amir province.
  • 200-100 BCE - Trade routes with southern, northern, and western neighbors become more prominent at this time.
  • 100 BCE - The Kridshar Stadium is built. This stadium was a place to hold theatre, public executions, and gladiatorial combat.
  • 50 CE – Rikkes Academy is founded by Rikkes, an eccentric noble who used the academy as a means to boost his wealth by charging for admission rather than furthering the pursuits of education. Strangely enough, education persisted with advances made in civil law and philosophy.
  • 100 CE – Christianity reaches the Amir province, but the populace remains indifferent and, due to competition from business and political interests, is unable to plant a church.
  • 350-450 – Following the collapse of the northern Alharu empire in roughly 350, the Amir are largely left to govern themselves. This leads to a number of brutal civil wars among the cities in Amir with Talk ultimately ending up decimated as a city. 390 saw the destruction of the Rikkes Academy in Kridshar as well. Tensions were high as the people of Amir tried to decide where their priorities were. Tabrodists, in particular, were adamant about a larger focus on nature. Others hoped the northern Alharu empire would return to its former glory. And others still thought they should focus on a new identity. This tension never ended up fully resolved, even when the city of Kridshar stood victorious and proclaimed the first emperor of Amir, Iskus I.

Imperial Amir

Under the empire, the Kepuk people were gradually assimilated into a culture with a primary focus on trade and education. The wealthiest leaders of the Ketek and Belpuk tribes were admitted into the plutocratic class of the empire, existing settlements were improved upon and given better infrastructure, an early university was established, and the economy expanded. It wasn't all good, however. The empire also introduced slavery and executions and gladiatorial combat for entertainment. After the fall of the empire in the 7th century, the Kepuk people now dubbed the Amirans were left to govern over themselves.

  • 450-830 – This period involves the Rise and Fall of the Amiran Empire. The Amiran alphabet was developed around 458. The Amirans enjoyed a period of cultural renaissance from 600-700. At this time, it opened its doors to a number of different influences. Christians were able to plant their first church in Amir in 630. Utilizing trade routes held over from its time under the northern Alharu empire and enjoying an economic boon, Amir rose to prominence and became known for “protecting” and “economically assisting” other countries in exchange for their loyalty and service to the Amiran empire (essentially becoming part of the Amiran Empire themselves). By 760, however, the Amirans had stretched themselves too thin, and a catastrophic typhoon unleashed on Amir's coastal cities led to economic instability. Amir's capital, Kridshar, was devastated and never truly recovered.

The 50-Year Culture War

This would lead to a civil war as some Amirans sought to get back to their cultural, nature-worshipping roots while others had more economic interests in mind. The fighting lasted for fifty years, ravaging the local economy and putting developmental progress on hold. Eventually, the wealthiest of the merchant classes united near the end of the culture war and began to put down revolutionary Tabrodists. The merchant classes divide the fallen Amir empire into three separate empires known as the Jade Empire, the Ivory Empire, and the Salt Empire.



Executive government building in Protiva.

Cashar is a parliamentary republic under a constitutional corporatocracy. A parliamentary republic is a republic (in which the operation of the country is considered a public matter) that operates under a parliamentary system wherein the executive branch of government derives its legitimacy from and is accountable to the legislature. In Cashar, the head of state referred to as the Executive Head of State is mostly a ceremonial president while the heads of government consist of the most powerful corporations in Cashar. The legislature is bicameral consisting of the Board (elected officials from various corporations from each of the twelve states) and the Bureau (representatives of the people; depending on the population of a state is how many representatives represent each state). The final authority on the interpretation of law belongs to the Paramount Court which is headed by twelve justices; the leader of which is the Director of Courts.


  • Abortion: Abortion is legal in Cashar but not funded by government. It is, like most things in Cashar, a small, for-profit industry. It can, many times, be difficult for a poor person to afford an abortion.
  • Racism: Racism is generally not a problem in Cashar. Historically, during the time it was being conquered, there was a good deal of racism towards red-headed, fair-skinned peoples, but this changed while it was being assimilated into the conquering culture. These days, racism is almost a foreign concept to the Cashari. Really, the only thing that matters is how much money a person has, not the color of their skin.
  • Drugs: Drugs are definitely legal in Cashar, and part of another for-profit industry. However, it is generally frowned upon to use drugs in the workplace.
  • Homosexuality: This has never been illegal in Cashar, and again, the very concept of making it illegal is foreign to a Cashari. Homosexuals have just as much capability for success, wealth, and spending that wealth as heterosexuals do. Homosexuals are free to marry, adopt children, run businesses, etc. without discrimination. Big, extravagant weddings are common in Cashar; not to mention, big business. As a result, this will probably never become illegal, either.
  • Other Religions: There is sometimes mild to moderate tension with the religious due to the ultra-capitalist mindset and extravagant lifestyles of the Cashari. However, people are free to practice religion as they choose. There is no official religion of Cashar.
  • Animal testing: Legal and unregulated. As a result, it is not uncommon for some sects of Tabrodists to break into facilities and rescue animals from maltreatment.
  • Human Rights: Most Cashari recognize that humans have certain, inalienable rights. Torture and slavery, for instance, are illegal in Cashar. But beyond that, it can be a bit of a slippery slope.
  • Genetic Research: This is legal in Cashar but underfunded.
  • Euthanasia: Euthanasia is legal but very, very expensive.

Foreign relations

Cashar's primary embassy exists in the capital city of Protiva and is known as the Corporate Embassy of Cashar. It is headed by the Managerial Ambassador General, currently Kisyak Surfirvo. The Cashari have a variety of opinions on other countries. They generally view tourists and other visitors to their country with fondness, but a good portion of Cashari are not too keen on actual immigration in their country. In addition, there tends to be some protest about whether or not Cashar should provide international aid to needy countries, and the current stance and census seems to be that no, no they should not. Nonetheless, they view those they have trade agreements with positively and will generally do what it takes to keep those trade agreements.


Cashar's primary order of business is, in fact, business. Trade, economy, and business interests are paramount. Currently, Cashar's leading industries are in tourism, the movie-making industry, retail shopping, the textile and fashion industry, glass, salts, and pharmaceuticals. It also has lesser industries in steel, gold, and arms manufacturing.


Old Cashari man with olive skin.

A slight majority of Cashari are short and stocky with dark hair, dark eyes, and olive complexions. The rest tend to be of more average height, stocky, fair-skinned with red or auburn hair, and often hazel-colored eyes but a few have green eyes. The wealthiest Cashari citizens enjoy life in Cashar. It is a sunny and pleasant paradise with plenty of sights to see and lots of shopping to do. The middle classes tend to be torn between loving their country and being vaguely horrified at what their country has become. Some also bear a lot of worry and compassion for the poor. Some bear disgust and view the poor as criminals. The poor hold a quiet resentment for the country.


Because of its extensive history as an international trading culture and because of the modern advent of tourism, Cashar considers itself a multilingual nation. Monetok is only one of the many languages spoken by the average Cashari. Monetok is derived from Proto-Cashari Ketek and Amiran. It distinguishes between consonant phonemes with palatal secondary articulation and those without, the so-called soft and hard sounds. Almost every consonant has a hard or a soft counterpart, and the distinction is a prominent feature of the language. Another important aspect is the reduction of unstressed vowels. Stress, which is unpredictable, is not normally indicated orthographically. An optional acute accent may be used to mark stress or to indicate the proper pronunciation of uncommon words or names. Monetok has a complex and unusual morphology (method of constructing words from a basic root). Monetok is written using the 22-letter Cashari alphabet. The words please and thank you are absent from Cashari vocabulary in both the literal and metaphorical sense. Smiling is considered an important part of social etiquette as frowning, especially in front of guests or strangers, is considered rude. Cashari table manners are complicated and deal a lot with "presentation." Gesturing while talking is acceptable and sometimes encouraged when trying to get a point across.



There is no state or official religion in Cashar. The vast majority of Cashari are atheists who understand little about the appeal of religion. A small percentage of Cashari are Tabrodists who believe in Tabroda, an animistic, nature-worshipping religion. An even smaller percentage partakes of other religions such as Christianity and Islam.


Education is legally mandated to be sponsored by a number of major corporations in Cashar for young citizens from the ages of four to fourteen in exchange for extensive, tasteful advertising in schools. After fourteen, citizens must vie and compete for a sponsorship from a specific corporation for continuing education up until the age of eighteen. At eighteen, if a citizen has performed well, they may be able to receive a partial sponsorship from that same or a different corporation for a university education, but the rest of the expense comes out of the citizen's pocket.


The arts in Cashar are very limited. Poets and artists tend to be viewed with suspicion due to the potential for anti-capitalist attitudes. The arts are mainly utilized for marketing and advertising purposes and for making big motion pictures and television, but these are carefully controlled by producers and the businesses sponsoring the picture.

Humor tends to be bland and inoffensive, but occasionally, fun, laugh-out-loud wordplay is used.


Pop music tends to sound the same all across the board with variations only in the singers used, the instruments used, and what products are being subliminally or overtly advertised.


Active citizens of Cashari might enjoy hiking, cycling, fun in the sun at the beach, and shopping. Less active citizens of Cashari probably spend a lot of time on the internet (and online shopping) and watching television and movies. Protiva is the destination for the Cashar Rally.
