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Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Megas Agios Basileia ton Arhomaion
Coat of arms of Tagmatium
Coat of arms
Motto: Beacon of the Light of Christ
Map of Tagmatium
Map of Tagmatium
Official languagesLaimiaic, Occidental Aroman
Demonym(s)Tagmatine (Arhomaios)
•     Agios Basileos kai Autokrator Kai Isapostolos (Holy Emperor and Autocrat and Equal-to-the-Apostles)
Kommodos III
• Mesazon (Intermediary)
Gregorios Traiektonos
• First Division of the Aroman Empire (Octarchy)
23 April 274
• Burning of Arome
17 July 297
• Foundation of Europatorion
12 March 333
• The Purification
3 February 793
• The Eclipse
• The Reunification
4 February 1788
• The Long War
19 June 1932
• The Admirals' Coup
3 August 1969
• The Civil War of 2005
28 January 2005
942,836 km2 (364,031 sq mi)
• 2019 census
GDP (nominal)2021 estimate
• Total
$4.995 Trillion
• Per capita
CurrencyHyperpyron Nomisma (HYN)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideleft
Preceded by
Aroman Empire

The Greater Holy Empire of Arome, referred to internationally and occasionally internally as Tagmatium, is a sovereign country located in the Occidental region of north-western Europa on Eurth. Tagmatium is bordered to the north-west by Haruspex, to the west by Adaptus, to the south by Suverina and to the south-east by Sporsia. It shares maritime borders with Akwisia, which is a protectorate of the Greater Holy Empire, and the Hexanesa, a breakaway state that Tagmatium does not recognise. The Greater Holy Empire has a population of 253 million, which is moderately urbanised, despite the country's long history of urbanisation. The population is mainly concentrated in cities around the Central Sea and the eastern seaboard. The total area of the Greater Holy Empire is 942,836 km2.

Tagmatium is a unitary elective absolute theocratic monarchy, although it defines itself as a constitutional elective monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The current monarch and head of government is Holy Emperor and Autocrat Kommodos III, who has ruled Tagmatium since 2005. The capital city of Tagmatium is Tagmatika, a cultural, commercial and religious centre, located on the northern side of the mouth of the central sea and with an urban area population of 5.3 million. The most populous city in Tagmatium is Europatorion, which is the cultural, financial and religious centre of the country and also a global city, with a population of 12.5 million. Other major urban areas include Aroma, Prousa, Dymafos, Trapezon, Resafa and Kalamanon.

The Great Holy Empire is considered to be a developed country and has the fourth largest economy on Eurth, with a GDP of $4.995 trillion. It does lag behind the other large economies for GDP per capita, at twenty-third place, as it has a of $19,548. It is a developed mixed economy, with agriculture and heavy industry being the largest sectors. Recent economic and political drives have meant that Tagmatium has the largest bio-fuels industry on Eurth, along with most of the country's power needs being supplied by renewable energy. However, the service sector lags behind the other largest economies on Eurth. Glubally, Tagmatium has stood apart from other multinational alliances. Its closest allies are Machina Haruspex and Adaptus, although it has a history of friendly contact with Iverica in the modern era. Recent events have meant that the Great Holy Empire has come into the orbit of TRIDENT, as well as fostering closer relations with the Kingdom of Seylos whilst relations with Machina Haruspex have cooled significantly due to a refugee crisis caused by that nation.


The name "Tagmatium" follows a convoluted route. It is not the name of the country in the local languages - it is still referred to by various versions of "Arome", "Aroman Empire" or "Aromania" by the native inhabitants, with the latter being the preferred name. The name "Tagmatium" comes from the capital, Tagmatika, which was named after being an encampment of the Tagmata, the regiments of the palace guard. "Tagmatika" effectively means "place of the regiments" but was used to refer to the eastern part of the old Aroman Empire, where Adaptus represents the west. "Tagmatium" started to be used as a way to refer to the country of whih Tagmatika was the capital, which had previously just been called "Aromania", in order to differentiate it from Adaptus or the other surrounding nations that laid claim to an Aroman heritage. These include Sporsia and Euandria.


Landscape of Komítis (Κομήτης).

(Location on Eurth: in NW Occident. Neighbouring nations. Where do most people live? Where is the heartland? Some islands? What are the different climates? Any former colonies?)


Remains of the Basilica of $City (Aroman era).

(Connect with Adaptus and Aroman Empire. Post-Aroman world. Relationship with Amutia. Opposition to Burania. Transition into Christianity. Needs to attack Burania to explain the existence of  Vanarambaion,  Havebergen and  Philippia. What happens during Medieval times? How about colonialism? What changed when entering the modern era? Any recent events we should know about?)


(How kind of government? Who is the head of state/government? When was the last election or change of government? Which political parties are there? How are the foreign relations? What is the military like?)


Foreign Relations

Tagmatium maintains strong ties with its western and northern neighbours, Adaptus and Machina Haruspex. However, the latter is relatively recent, as an alliance was only formed in 2010 between the two nations. Prior to that, the nations had a history of mutual antagonism and sporadic warfare. The Greater Holy Empire's relations with the rest of Europa have a chequered history, often recalling ancient Arome's conquest. A strong alliance existed with Akiiryu and there has been a long history of conflict with the Volscian Republic.

Relations with the wider Eurth have often been sporadic and usually limited to the occasional embassy or diplomatic visit, as Europa was the main focus of Tagmatium's attention. The so-called Great Christian Fleet circumnavigated the glube between 1911 and 1913, as a show of force that did not resonate much with the New Wurld. They have only recently become far more mutual and interconnected, especially as trade between the New and Old Wurlds becomes much more integrated.


New Wurld

Core Principles






The economy of Tagmatium is a developed mixed economy, with a reliance on heavy heavy industry and agriculture, a growing biofuels and alternative energy sector, a well-established armaments sector, with tourism playing a large role. Whilst Tagmatium does have a leading regional manufacturing sector, with an element of automation, it lags behind this when compared to the wurld's other leading economies. Tagmatium holds the wurld's largest share in the biofuel market, being both one of the largest grower of the raw material and the largest producer of the biofuel itself. The manufacture of textiles is the leading Tagmatine light industry, using wool or plant fibres often grown within the Greater Holy Empire's borders. This sector, as well as agriculture and construction, tend to provide low-skill, low-paying jobs for much of the Tagmatine workforce.

Natural Sector

Biofuel station in a suburb of Europatorion.

Within the farming sector, staple crops such as wheat and maize are predominant, with Tagmatium being the largest exporters of grain on Eurth. Much of this is exported to other Europan countries. This goes hand-in-hand with Tagmatium's booming biofuels industry. The problem this has begun to pose is that there is competition for arable land between crops such as wheat or maize and crops used for seed oil. Farming sees a high degree of automation, although this is often seen in the large farming combines that dominate the growing of these staples for exports – smaller, family owned farms often cannot afford the newer generation of machinery.

Besides arable farming, sheep and cattle are raised, both for meat, dairy produce and wool. Seed oil is the biggest growing sector within the Tagmatine agricultural sector, aided by subsidies and the fact that the government is actively seeking foreign markets for it. This sector also provides much of the luxuries that Tagmatium exports – Tagmatine wine, brandy and whisky are amongst the most famous, as well as more niche products such as garos.

Forestry is often tightly controlled by the Ministry of the Environment, the body that also covers agriculture in general. Much of this comes from the historic need to supply wood for weaponry and charcoal for metalworking, long since redundant, but also part of the drive of Kommodos III's government towards a sustainable future. Logging and the utilisation of forests and woodlands for commercial uses is strictly licensed and monitored.

Industrial Sector

The industrial sector is helped by a good supply and variety of natural resources, including abundant deposits of iron, copper, coal, zinc and even some rarer ores, such as bauxite, tungsten and uranium. A well-developed infrastructure – famously, metaphorically so – aids extraction and use of these resources, but international competition means that much of this is limited to central and northern Europa. Shipbuilding, farming machinery and locomotive construction are the largest parts of the industrial sector, whilst the automotive industry tends to lag behind foreign examples.

The arms industry supplies the needs of the Exkerkitos Arhomanos, with everything from small arms to armoured vehicles and most ship types domestically produced, with some export to allied or at least friendly nations. Whilst this means that it is a relatively large domestic employer, there is little international demand for Tagmatine arms and armaments.

Its commercial electronics and software development is good for northern Europa but cannot be described as wurld-beating – at times, the indigenous companies do little more than play keep-up with foreign competitors. This has become somewhat reinforced by recent trade deals struck by the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion with Salvia and Iverica, which reduced the tariffs for foreign imports in this sector. It was hoped that this would spur the domestic manufacturers and developers, although this has yet come to pass.

Due to Tagmatium's booming agricultural sector, the production of industrial chemicals for fertiliser and pesticide has seen a similar upswing, at least within the internal market. It is hoped that it will become a key part of international trade as well.

Service Sector

The service sector remains a bit more rudimentary than other comparable national economies, more focussed on the internal market than the international one. This is partially due to the nascent state of the Tagmatine electronics sector but it is also hindered by other factors. These include a language and culture that doesn't spread much beyond the Occident and north-eastern Amutia, despite increasing interest in the projection of soft power by the Tagmatine government.

Healthcare is provided by a mixture of the state and the Church, with most hospitals, hospices and residential care being run administratively and funded by a diocese but staffed by employees of the Ministry of Health. Private healthcare exists but is rare and is usually only accessed by the wealthy.

Hospitality is a major part of the service sector, providing a wide range of low-paying jobs. Food service is split between restaurants, which includes everything from the high end to fast food, to bars, taverns and pubs. Hotels can be much more varied, from luxurious ones that cater to foreign and domestic tourists to those that cater almost exclusively towards pilgrims travelling between the various shrines and religious sites in Tagmatium, often as part of a pilgrimage route, which are usually Spartan. In between lie ones that cater business travellers.

The Tagmatine merchant fleet has been able to take advantage of the continental economic downturn and step into the void formed by other countries no longer being able to maintain extensive merchant fleets of their own. This has been aided by the favourable rates the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion offers on transit through the Isthmus Canal to shipping firms registered within Tagmatium. It has meant that the Tagmatine merchant fleet has come to become the leading freight service within the Raga and the Central Europan seas.


A section of the Walls of Konstantios.

Tourism remains a steady sector – the ancient sites and sights of the Aroman Empire draw tourists from across Eurth, whether to see such storied sites as the Walls of Konstantios which dominate Europatorion and various ancient Christian sites that dot the country. The continental economic downturn has seen a reduction in tourists from Europa but increasing contact with the New Wurld means that much of this has been replaced by tourists from Marenesia and Argis.


Infrastructure remains nationalised – the railways are all state-controlled, apart from rail lines that operate within large mines, quarries or industrial sites. The road network is maintained by the state, as are ferries and air carriers. Whilst this has benefit for times of emergency, it does mean that it can lean towards the inefficient at other times. It is administered by the Ministry for Transport.

Similarly, utilities are owned and maintained by the state, although administered by separate ministries, namely the Ministries of Aqueducts and Power, with the Ministry of Information covering telecommunications.

Previously, energy was mainly generated by coal-burning power stations, as well as several nuclear power stations, recent drives during the reign of Kommodos III has seen the power grid transition to renewable sources. In November 2018, the country was able to fulfil all of its energy needs for a week through renewable and nuclear sources, and this became more the norm throughout 2020.


Dome interior of the Cathedral of Saint $Name in $city.


The population of the Greater Holy Empire as of the Spring 2019 Census is 253,491,524.


(Literature. Visual arts. Music. Cuisine. Sport.)