Demographics of Seylos

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The Kingdom of Seylos is made of many different ethnic groups which all share citizenship within its borders. It is also defined beyond the island of Seylos itself by overseas holdings such as Eire, Kaseka, and Maimi. The major ethnic groups commonly seen in Seylos are usually split between what is considered the "Original Settlers" and other minority groups.

Original Settlers

The term "Original Settlers" referes to the groups of people who arrived on Seylos after leaving Anglia. These modern day groups are the Anglish, Cymrans, and Albans which make up the vast majority of the population of the Seylosian home island.


An Anglish man and woman.

The Anglish people are direct descendant of the Anglians who migrated from Great Anglia following the Ten Years Civil War. While mostly genetically similiar to their Anglian siblings, the Anglish group has diverged in some ethnic ways through intermarriage and a significant cultural split. The Anglish people are the largest ethnic group in Seylos, accounting for over 40% of the Seylosian population. They overwhelmingly speak Anglish as their primary language.


An Alban man and woman.

The Alban people are descendants of Geltic peoples who originally migrated from Yeetland to Great Anglia after Arthfael Bricius's invasions in 970 CE. Originally made up of several Yeetlander clans, over the past thousand years they have coallesced into the singluar Alban identity. The Albans joined the Anglish and Cymrans in their exodus from Great Anglia, where none of the ethnic group continue to exist. Albans are primarily located in North West Seylos in its mountainous region. They primarily speak Anglish however Alban Gaelic is still a popular language used amongst the community.


An Cymryan woman and man.

Cymrans, much like Albans, are descendants of Geltic peoples who originally migrated from Yeetland to Great Anglia. They represented different tribes than the Albans but joined the exodus to Seylos. These clans, like the Albans, merged over the next thousand years becoming the Cymryan identity. Cymryans are primarily located in western Seylos where they primarily speak Anglish but also still frequently use the Cymryan language.


An Eirran woman and boy.

Having similiar origins as both the Albans and Cymryans, Eirrans differed in their origins in relation to Seylos. While initially joining the exodus from Great Anglia, conflicts between the three Original Settlers groups and the Eirrans led them to split from the settlers and land instead on the island of Eire. Through mostly peaceful, though occasionally violent, means the local Gelts integrated with the Eirrans establishing the ethnic group as it is. Eirran's were somewhat isolated from the island of Seylos, and while there has been movement of populations between the islands for hundreds of years, Eirran's are generally considered the closest to their Geltic ancestors in Yeetland. While most of the population of Eire speaks Anglish, the dominant language is the Eirran language.

Prominent Minority Groups

Seylos is home to many minority groups, the most prominent of which are the Ka, Maiman, and Ceriser peoples.


A Ka woman and man.

The Ka people hail from the southern regions of Great Xio, and make up the majority of the population of Kaseka. Originally Kaseka's population numbered only a few thousand prior to the purchase of the territory from Great Xio, however large amounts of immigration from its neighbor grew it to the size it is today. The majority of these people were Ka peoples. Ethnically the Seylosian Ka are exactly the same as their Xioan counterparts, however culturally they have split significantly from their former home, while holding on to many of the more important traditions of the Ka people.


A Maiman girl and man.

The Maiman people, which can almost be interchangeably used with Esonian, are largely Esonian immigrants into the city of Maimi mixed with several other smaller ethnic groups from both Seylos and the local region. For the most part, the Maiman people retain a strong ethnic link to their Esonian ancestry as well as cultural links to their country of origin. Maimans, unlike Ka, prefer to mainly reside in Maimi, though they can be found in some smaller communities on the home islands.


A Ceriser woman and boy.

The people of Ceris have varying degrees of ethnic mixing between Dolch settlers and Seylosian "Original Settler" groups. It can be difficult to pinpoint where an idividual is mostly Anglish or Dolch or some combination of regional ethnic groups. However the term Ceriser has been used for at least the past two centuries to desribe the people's created as a result of this mixing. Seylos does not directly own any Ceriser lands however the constant troubles of the island, and its proximity to Seylos, has led to several mass immigration waves over its history solidifying their presence in Seylos.