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Grand Himaya of Norrium
Flag of Norrium
Map of Norrium
Map of Norrium
GovernmentSpiritual Republic
Upper Parliament
Lower Parliament
• Estimate

Norrium is a country on Eurth.

(1st paragraph. Name. Location. Borders. Approx population and size. Capital city.)

(2nd paragraph. Political system. Short history in 1 sentence. Link with present in 1 sentence. Head of state.)

(3rd paragraph. Economy in 2 sentences. International relations in 1 sentence.)


Norrium’s geography is largely featureless except for the highlands to the north-west. The capital of Hakbar is located at the shortest point between the Tep islands and the Norrite mainland.[1]


Southern Azania, controlled by the Inkolo religion and historically a part of the Norrium Empire. Most of these ex-states are Spiritual Republics or to some degree economically dependent on Norrium.[1]

Norrium has always had a regional presence in Azania and the Konstantinopoli Sea, one of the few Azanian states to actively compete with and subdue non-Azanians across its history since the fall of the Aroman Empire. The Empire/Himaya of Norrium over the years has grown and shrank, and was at its greatest extent in the 1700s-1900s when it stretched across much of southern Azania and competed with Yuropa for mainland dominance and Red Iberos and Damak Var for naval dominance.

It was only in the mid 1900s with the Azanian Wars did Norrium power decline, the economic and military expenses from the numerous wars with Yuropa and its neighbours draining the imperial coffers. This combined with loosing significant imperial territories in the wars, growing resentment from its tributaries, and rise of nationalism, led to the gradual collapse of the Norrium Himaya.

By the 2000s Norrium was a shell of its former self, but where the Europan Crisis led many nations to collapse into strife and chaos, the Norrite government saw this as an opportunity to expand. With the Somyev Republic unable to maintain order, Norrium offered annexation in return for becoming an autonomous zone and reinstating stability. The Somyev government accepted in 2009 to the dismay of the public, and was quickly incorporated back into the Himaya with a large proportion of the standing military sent into Somyev to subdue and arrest protestors. Since then the Himaya has been rewriting its constitution to reduce it’s bureaucracy (to limited success) and expanding its economy towards modernization, making it a rival to the Nykia Confederacy once more. Norrium has even begun to eye up the Kokstantinopoli and Haken Bays once again, wishing to relive the glory days of the Great Norrite Himaya.[1]


The Norrite government is often described as bureaucratically-stuffed with competing demands across the numerous departments, something the current Emperor has been attempting to reign in. The government is bicameral with upper and lower parliaments with the lower parliament democratically elected and the upper parliament made up of noblemen.

The Autonomous Republic of Somyev is a unicameral state with very relax social laws allowed for casinos and red light districts across its own regional capital. Many of the highest figures of governance across Azania, even the spiritual republics, can be found at the top floors of these buildings.[1]


The Norrium economy is largely driven by information technology and tourism, with a large proportion of the people within the country working in the services sector. Very little agriculture is done within Norrium except for a surprisingly large beef industry with the largest company – Hakburgers – a global brand. Norrium also possesses numerous unequal trade agreements with it’s ex-tributaries to import cheap goods for their own economy.[1]


The Norric people are divided between three groups: The northern Norr, the southern Ba, and the islander Tep people. Norrium is a Spiritual Republic. These are theocratic republics akin to Islamic Republics for the Inkolo Faith, a decentralised monotheistic religion that follows God (uNkulunkulu / Nhialic) and numerous spiritual beliefs similar to those of its neighbours, such as spiritual possession, oxen sacrifice, and religious power coming from the wurld around them. Inkolo primarily takes inspiration from Dinka, Zulu, and Nilotic native religions. It's most prevelent in southern Azania.[1]


(WIP. Literature. Visual arts. Music. Cuisine. Sport.)

Mambila People with significant minorities of Dinka and Luo. Somyev is majority Chamba. Uses a modified version of the N’ko script for writing. Most of the Norrites are officially of the Inkolo faith, but in practise most act like Athiests and rarely pray and perform rituals, looking down upon their Spiritual Republic neighbours as backwards and barbaric.[1]
