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Thransältzer Postillon

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Thransältzer Postillon
Your voice in the wide wurld
TypeQuarter-yearly newspaper
Owner(s)State Council of Thransaltz
PublisherDrück-für-Stahall Inc.
Political alignmentLegislature associated
Dolch Braille
Country Thransaltz

The Thransältzer Postillon (Dolch for Thransaltz's Messenger; wikipedia:Volapük name: Nunan Transalzänik) is the official newpaper published as part of the legislature of Thransaltz , serving as a ballot of sorts. It is published once every 3 months and is the only newspaper in in the wurld, whose main purpose is to be returned.






Outside of the front page, which traditionally includes an adress from the State Council and a few reports regarding the functionality, most of the newspaper includes a set of yes-or-no statements, which can be checked in.

Example of a empty ballot page

The following example includes real proposal from the spring 2012 edition, although they were placed on different pages in the original print.

No. Question YES NO REF
12 Approving of the state budget in the field of cultural activities and public broadcasting for the second half of 2012 2012-1-12
27 Approval of civil unions for homosexual relationships, with rights and regulations equal to those of cohabitation of heterosexual pairs 2012-1-27
31 Rising the inheritance tax for properties above 25,000,000 Ǥ from current 15% to 17.25% by January 1st, 2015 2012-1-31
55 Approval of the proposed municipal symbols (coat of arms and flag) for the municipality of Göntebach 2012-1-55
73 Separating gender and biological sex as options in the scheduled 2018 census 2012-1-73

Filling out the ballot

Citizens have a total of 4 options on how to react to a proposal, each of which has different outcome:

  • Marking YES - If there are more YES votes than NO votes, and no other condition is fullfilled, the law passess
  • Marking NO - If there are more NO votes than YES votes, and no other condition is fullfilled, the law is rejected and is put on a 3-year-long moratorium before it can be reintroduced
  • Not marking anything - Not marking any option means abstaining, and a person who does so is not included in the required voter pool for this proposal
  • Marking both options - Marking both options means, that in principle, the voter has an issue with the formulation of the proposal. If more than 25% of returned answers about this proposal are with both options marked, the lawmakers are asked to specify and clarify the law, or possibly change the details of it before returning it to the Postillon.
No. Question YES NO REF
12 Approving of the state budget in the field of cultural activities and public broadcasting for the second half of 2012 Black x.svg 2012-1-12
27 Approval of civil unions for homosexual relationships, with rights and regulations equal to those of cohabitation of heterosexual pairs Black x.svg 2012-1-27
31 Rising the inheritance tax for properties above 25,000,000 Ǥ from current 15% to 17.25% by January 1st, 2015 Black x.svg Black x.svg 2012-1-31
55 Approval of the proposed municipal symbols (coat of arms and flag) for the municipality of Göntebach 2012-1-55
73 Separating gender and biological sex as options in the scheduled 2018 census Black x.svg 2012-1-73

This example includes a voter, which is in support of the proposed cultural actions budget and favours registered homosexual civil unions, but is opposed to separating gender and sex on census ballots. They are also indifferent to the question of the look of municipal symbols and has issues with the formulation of the draft 2012-1-31 about inheritance taxing.
