Adapton Solidus

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Adapton Solidus
Adapton Imperial Solidus (Adapton)
Adapton Solidus
Adapton Solidus
ISO 4217
Pluralsolidi, soliduses
Symbol$, A$, AD$
 Freq. used1, 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500
 Rarely used5
 Freq. used1, 5, 10, 20, 50
 Rarely used2
User(s) Adaptus

The Adapton Solidus, officially the Adapton Imperial Solidus yet commonly referred to as the Solidus, is the official currency of Adaptus. The currency code for the Adapton Solidus is ADS. Characterised by its symbols $, A$, and AD$, the currency is integral to the Adaptian economy and its financial systems.


Within the historical context of Adaptus, the term "solidus" is rooted in the ancient Adapton language, drawing inspiration from the concept of steadfastness and reliability. In ancient Adaptus, as the various regions began their initial stages of unification, the solidus coin was introduced as a symbol of unity and the newly formed alliance's strength. Over time, this coin came to be synonymous with dependability in trade and commerce, reflecting its unwavering value and pure content. As Adaptus transitioned through various economic phases, the solidus remained integral, eventually lending its name to the modern-day currency, representing both heritage and stability.

"Centisimus", in the Adapton linguistic tradition, is derived from a term signifying "division" or "fragment". When the concept of fractional currency was introduced in Adaptus to facilitate more granular trade transactions, the term "centisimus" was adopted to denote the hundredth part of a solidus. This nomenclature has persisted through to modern times, where it still stands as a symbol of the nation's rich history of trade and commerce.


The Adapton Imperial Solidus has its origins in the 16th century during the formation of the Adapton Empire. The name “Solidus” was derived from ancient monetary systems and represented the unified and stable economy the empire aimed to establish. Throughout its existence, the currency has undergone several redesigns. The most recent design, implemented in the 21st century, incorporates elements representing Adaptus's cultural, natural, and architectural heritage.


The Adapton Imperial Solidus is represented by the ISO code ADS and is commonly symbolised by $, A$, or AD$. It consists of a subunit known as 'centesimus', where one Solidus is divided into 100 cent. The subunit is often represented by the symbol ¢. When referring to the currency in plural, the terms 'solidi' and 'soliduses' are used, while the colloquial term for the currency is 'Solidus'.

Economic indicators

The Adapton Solidus has maintained a consistent value over the past decade. The annual inflation rate averages at 2.5%. The central bank of Adaptus oversees the monetary policy and issuance of the A$, using various fiscal measures to ensure currency stability. Recent economic policies have contributed to a stable A$, with the country observing consistent economic growth, increased exports, and a surge in foreign investments.

International use

The primary use of the Adapton Imperial Solidus is within Adaptus. However, due to the country's strategic trade relationships and its stable economy, the currency has gained acceptance as a reserve currency for trade in neighbouring countries. Additionally, its stability has led some international financial entities to hold reserves in A$.