List of highest-grossing films of Eurth

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Films generate income from several revenue streams, including theatrical exhibition, home video, television broadcast rights, and merchandising. However, theatrical box office earnings are the primary metric for trade publications in assessing the success of a film. This is mostly because of the availability of the data compared to sales figures for home video and broadcast rights, but also because of historical practice. Included on the list are charts of the top box-office earners (ranked by both the nominal and real value of their revenue), a chart of high-grossing films by calendar year, a timeline showing the transition of the highest-grossing film record, and a chart of the highest-grossing film franchises and series. All charts are ranked by international theatrical box-office performance where possible, excluding income derived from home video, broadcasting rights, and merchandise.


Rank Poster Title Worldwide Gross Studio Notes
1 Bee movie ver2.jpg Bee Movie $2,797,501,329.50 StudioExampleName Since release in 2007 it has become a staple of modern culture, enjoyed by people across the wurld, most people can recite the opening narration from memory, and it led to the creation of the Bee Cinematic Universe.
2 Example Wasp Film Example StudioExampleName Example
3 Example Bee Movie 2: The Keepers strike back Example StudioExampleName Example
4 Example Bee Movie 3: Example StudioExampleName Example