Baltican Civil War

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Baltican Civil War
Peacekeepers in Baltica 1.png
Foreign troops arriving in Kauni
Date27 February 2022 – present
(2 years, 7 months, 3 weeks and 1 day)
Status Concluded

Supported by:

Supported by:

Supported by:

Commanders and leaders
Dokestva Jonas Banis

The Baltican Civil War is a concluded internal conflict in Baltica. It began in early 2022 and saw multiple ethnic and military states pup up throughout former Baltica. The conflict would officially conclude on July 27th 2022, after the surrender of Dokestva and the raising of the New Republic flag over the former Dokestvan capital of Visagris. In the aftermath of the conflict, Baltica has begun a economic recovery which is still currently on going...[1]


Various anti Dolch rallies took place across Baltica shortly before the outbreak of war, specifically in Kretia, where protesters would blockade the Kretian Docks and caused an all out shut down of all trade in Northern Baltica. This event was dubbed the Kretian Blockade and would conclude in the military being called on to remove the protesters, who would respond violently. One Gedrus Izas would lead these protests and eventually go on to form the Anti Dolch Alliance (ADA), and offshoot of the Free Baltica Party (FBP) that sprung up around the same time. An additioanl Riot would take place in Cidra, after the death of a Raskian War Vet Jonas Svedas would die after having his heating cut off by Dolch owned heating company, Karshtatis. The army would be called upon to put down the protest, and greatly contributed to continuing rising tensions between ethnic Ras and Dolch.

The conflict would officially begin on February 27th, after Baltican President Algridas Banis suffered a stroke and was subsequently incapacitated. His son and acting Head of the Visagris Territory Jonas Banis stormed the National Council building, during an ongoing discussion on candidates for Presidency. During the occupation of the National Council building, General Kazimiras Ingaitis was shot dead, and the remaining officials were forced ( At gun point ) to officially dissolve the Baltican Republic, and proclaim the Republic of Dokestva in its place. Shortly there after, various Generals and Political figures announced the creation of their own separate sovereign states throughout the country, most notibaly in Kauni were the Baltican Rifle Corp would proclaim the Republic of Kauni. Nekolas Armena, the head of the Free Baltica Party, and one of the candidates for acting emergency president was able to flee Goja before the storming of the Central Government building. After succesfully escaping into Sveaja, he and what few members of the former government remained proclaimed the Republic of Raskia, but a dsigruntled faction within the Free Baltican Party, known as the Anti Dolch Alliance, instead rallied around Gedrus Izas proclaiming the Republic of Baltica in Kretia shortly after the creation of Raskia.

Major factions

Some separatist movements are pushing for independent ethnostates, revolving around the country's two main ethnic groups: Dolchs and Ras. Others movements push for one state dominated by a single group. Groups such as the Kauni remain neutral in the conflict and instead are maintaining their own territory.

International reaction

Several countries around the Wurld have deployed troops as peacekeepers and intervening and stabilising forces. However, other countries have taken a more aggressive stance on the conflict.


  1. Second Baltican Civil War (27 February 2022)