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Consortium of Miiros
Coat of arms
Coat of arms
Motto: Liberty, Knowledge, Glory
Map of Miiros
Map of Miiros
Largest cityMyriandrus
Official languagesAnglish
Recognised national languagesTosyrai
Ethnic groups
• Suffete
Elissa Denos
• Estimate
CurrencyMiirosi galea (MIG)
Time zoneUTC+8
Driving sideright

The Consortium of Miiros, commonly referred to as Miiros, is an island nation off the southern coast of the Europan continent on Eurth. The population of 5,750,000 Miirosi live across the many islands of this environmentally stunning nation. Its government meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Orthen.

The country is ruled as a corporatocracy where the political and economic systems are governed by consortium of corporate interest groups. The current head of state is Suffete Elissa Denos. The long history of Miiros is marked by maritime trade and exploration. In more ancient times, brave Miirosi sailors would strike out along the coast of mainland Europa and even sail boldly east into the unknown.

The vast majority of the population lives in large urban clusters. The rest of Miiros is dominated by unspoiled landscapes or large corporate farming institutions.[1] The country is currently rebuilding its commercial and military might alongside its neighbors. Miiros is an active member of the Entente of Oriental States.


The nation's name is pronounced as "Mere-Rohs". The first syllable is stressed.[2]

(WIP. Have a look at Mysore § Etymology.)

  • Mahishūru -> Mahirūshu
  • Mahisha -> Marisha
  • Mahishasura -> Mahisharusa
  • Mahíšhaka -> Mahíšhara
  • Mahishapura -> Mahishapura
  • Maisūru/Mysuru -> Mairūsu/Myrusu


Myrtos Beach seen from the coast road.

Miiros is a nation spanning three large, four smaller islands and several hundred tiny isles in southeastern Europa between the Byzantine Sea and Azure Sea. It is a highly developed, urbanized society, with the majority of its people living in one of several major urban centers. The terrain is mostly flat and fertile, but there are two small peaks on the largest island. The highest peak is the Mountain of Ros, which rises to 943 meters. The climate is warm year round with very little variation is temperature. In the summer, rain is rare, but precipitation occurs more frequently in spring and fall. The coastal regions are lines with sandy or rocky beaches bordering scrubland. The interior is covered in grasslands and woodlands of mostly oak, cypress, and pine.[3]

Miirosi cities are built to be massive, towering bastions of modernity. To qualify as a major city, the population must be over ten million souls. Most cities are predominantly built in the post-modern style, utilizing steel, glass, and in some cases decorative masonry. Miirosi cities emphasize verticality over total area, except for the industrial centers, where factories cause a great deal of urban sprawl. By law, cities must incorporate a certain percentage of parkland and boast efficient mass transit systems. Subways connect cities with the high-speed rail network that crosses the country like a giant web. Cities are typically divided into several districts: financial, entertainment, retail, residential, government, and recreational/cultural.[4]

Rural areas are the polar opposite of the cities. Outside the great metropolitan areas, rural villages exist as they have for thousands of years only with the addition of modern amenities like electricity, piped water, internet access, and rail access (for some communities). Traditional forms of architecture are preserved and encourages, with the building materials consisting mainly of wood for the building frames, stone for foundations, and terracotta tiles for the roofs. In warmer regions, some homes and buildings utilize walls of thick paper stretched over wooden frames.

The Free City of Miiros is an ancient nation situated on the Grand Isle of Miiros in eastern Europa. The most distinguishing characteristic of Miiros is that the vast majority of the population lives in one huge urban cluster that dominates the north and west of Miiros's low-lying regions; this is where the term "Free City" originates from, since there is no break in any of the nation's urban landscape. In all reality, the Free City itself is broken down into numerous sub-cities, which would closely resemble the metropolises of the rest of the world save for the fact they all border each other. The rest of Miiros is largely unpopulated and dominated by breathtaking, unspoiled landscapes, large corporate farming institutions, and the occasional village or military installation.[1]

Miiros also controls three overseas territories. These include: Airae o Maesaeloria[5] (in the middle of the Azure Sea), Malindi (southeast of Orioni, fka Tahini) and Ypsalindi[6] (east of Ide Jima).


An early Miirosi outrigger canoe.

Miiros is an ancient land that has never been conquered by a foreign power. The ethnic Miirosi thus share a deep historical, social, and emotional connection with their land. Some families can be traced back hundreds of years, predating the Enlightened Republic itself and going far back into the Second Miirosi Empire. Many Miirosi are also very nationalistic to the point of arrogance. The popular belief is that the Enlightened Republic lives up to its name and many citizens believe their nation to be the model for a civilized society to follow. Miiros is sometimes referred to with pride as the Jewel of the Orient.[4]

Being situated on an island, Miiros is a historic maritime nation centering on trade and exploration. In more ancient times, brave Miirosi sailors would strike out along the coast of mainland Europa and even sail boldly east into the unknown. The Free City had trading partners all across medieval Europa until the Great Burning, which cast the island power into a 700 year period of isolationism and pacifism from which it is just now emerging. Now it works to rebuild its commercial and military might alongside its neighbors.[1]

The ancient city of Myrtos (or Myrtossa) was a semi-mythical harbor city and the surrounding culture on the south coast of the main island. Myrtos became rich because of its rich iron mines. The city is referenced in Memopotamian and Oriental sources from the first millennium BCE. Aroman authors mentioned "a very prosperous market called Myrtessos, with much iron carried by sea", and that the city may have been lost to flooding.

Ancient history

This history dates to everything before 130 BCE. Since the beginning of history, the Miirosi have lived on their lush and vibrant island in the Rosario Sea. Archaeologists have found evidence of human population dating back nearly 15,000 years. The first people here were hunters and gatherers, keeping to the rich Emerald Plains, Iverna Peninsula, and coastal regions. In time, Miirosi spread into the highlands and the ancient forests until they finally discovered the veritable Eden of the lake country.[7]

The taro was a staple diet for the proto-Miirosi.

Over the course of centuries, the Miirosi divided themselves into a large multitude of tribes and bands. In time, settlements began to spring up among certain tribes as early forms of farming caught on around 1200 BCE. Farming tribes began to develop denser populations, which required expansion of their territory, leading to clashes between displaced hunter-gatherer bands and the settled peoples. This trend only magnified over the centuries until warfare became near constant and deep intertribal hatreds developed.

Eventually, hunter and gatherer tribes were chased off the plains and coast and were restricted to the highlands and forests, where life proved to be very difficult. The forest tribes deified the trees and shadow, and highlanders deified vicious shadow lions that roamed the land along with the lakes that kept their people supplied with water. These peoples praised struggle and warfare, launching devastating nighttime raids on the 'soft' settled populations, bringing back booty, new wives, and prisoners for sacrifice.

Despite raids by woodland and highlander tribes, the settled peoples of Miiros flourished as farming advanced and villages grew into complex towns. The most successful tribes evolved into chiefdoms, which began to dominate the other settled peoples and ward off the vicious woodland and highlander peoples. The chiefdoms began to fortify their towns and experimented greatly with stonework and began to deify the sunshine that sustained their crops, the water, and the earth along with the stonework that protected them.

As the rift between the settled tribes and chiefdoms and the nomadic tribes grew and folk legends evolved, Miir and Ros came into being. The first known shrines date back to 400 BCE, and the Twin Goddesses did not replace the old druidic deities, so much as absorb them. The goddesses were twin sisters at constant battle with one another, mirroring the battles between the Miirosi tribes. Ros thrived in the night, which had historically been when the highlander and woodland tribes conducted raids, and her servants were the powerful shadow lions. Miir banished the night away and blessed the land, establishing order and prosperity in the cities. Throughout the ages, the Twin Goddesses would evolve to mean a great many things to the Miirosi, eventually becoming the personifications of good and evil much later.

The many chiefdoms of Miiros continued to expand in power and technology over the centuries; however, they were still unable to crush the woodland and highlander tribes. Increased warfare between the chiefdoms themselves also limited growth substantially. Despite all this, a rather effective network of rough stone roads cropped up and fortifications and structures were becoming more stable and sturdy all the time and the greatest cities rarely had to fear raids anymore, prompting immigration. The worship of Miir and Ros continued, adopting many of the old druidic customs. A major turning point would soon shake Miiros, however, and change the course of history.

Classical era

The Aroman Empire at its greatest extent
  Core empire
  Strong presence
  Temporary presence
  • 130-106 BCE: Aroman Arrival and Conquest
  • 106-43 BCE: Aromanization
  • 43-38 BCE: Miirosi-Aroman War
  • 38 BCE-523 CE: The Miirosi City-States

Medieval era

  • 523-1376: First Miirosi Empire
  • 1376-1405: Interregnum
  • 1405-1535: Second Miirosi Empire

Early Modern Era

(WIP. Borrow inspiration from the former Indian Kingdom of Mysore, 1399–1948. It was located in the highlands, while Miiros is spread over islands, which is a fitting juxtaposition.)

  • 1535-1560: First Dark Reign
  • 1560-1561: The Burning and Great Sunder
  • 1561-1622: Age of Sorrow
  • 1622-1683: Rebirth
  • 1683-1698: Bloody Restoration
  • 1698-1725: Second Dark Reign
  • 1725-1753: Miirosi Civil War

Modern Era

(WIP. The aforementioned kingdom is followed by an independent republic, following the example of Mysore State. The modern Golden Age can be based on Malaysia.)

  • 1750-1872: Isolation and Reconstruction
  • 1817-2005: Gradual Reentry
  • 2005-Present: Miirosi Golden Age


Sufette Elissa Denos.

The Miirosi are largely disdainful of political or economic systems that differ greatly from their own, but due to large amounts of immigration over the last few decades, the disdain does not usually transfer onto foreign nationals. There is a prevalent intolerance of communist states and monarchies, believing them both to be either outdated, tyrannical, or inherently bad systems. Nations with strong democratic traditions coupled with high economic and social freedoms are seen as sharing a bond with Miiros and should be honored. However, there is a general prejudice that few nations can equal Miiros culturally. In this sense, Miirocentrism is the dominant train of thought.[4] Government in Miiros is always divided into three distinct branches to prevent corruption and tyranny, and has a national and local levels of government. In place of states or provinces, Miiros has sub-cities and uses mayors in place of governors. Each sub-city government also shares the three branch structure of the national government:[1] the Office of the Executor (executive), the Senate (legislative), and the High Court (judicial).

Office of the Executor

The executive branch is headed by the Executor of the Free City. He/she is basically the face of the Miirosi government. He/she deals with foreign nations and is tasked with enforcing Miirosi law, commanding the military, and shaping government policy. His/her administration also sets the annual budget of Miiros. The Executor is elected by the people of the Free City and can serve a maximum of two terms; each term is five years long. The requirements to become Executor: you must be a naturally born citizen of Miiros and you must be at least thirty-five years of age.


The Senate of Miiros is charged with creating law for the Free City, and their proceedings are overseen by the Consul, a senate appointed officer. There are currently one-hundred-twelve seats in the Senate; each sub-city and Greater Miiros holds two seats. Senators are elected by the people of their respective sub-cities to terms of four years and can hold as many terms as they like. To ensure that the entire Senate is never up for re-election, the Senate elects only half of its Senators every two years and the other half two years later. Requirements that Senators face are: you must be a resident of your sub-city for at least ten years, you must continue to live in your sub-city for the duration of your term, and you must be at least thirty years of age.

High Court

The High Court of Miiros is the greatest court in the Free City. They are composed of a panel of nine Justiciars and one High Justiciar, who are appointed by the Executor, but must be approved by the Senate; the High Justiciar is the Justiciar with the most seniority. The Justiciars serve for life or as long as they are able. They have the final say in all court cases and can overturn legislature passed by the Senate if they deem it unconstitutional.


Central business district of Orthen.

The frighteningly efficient Miirosi economy is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal.[1] The fast-paced life of Miiros has spawned a nation full of multitaskers. Any Miirosi has a Personal Digital Assistant, or PDA, that is worn comfortably on their head and has a clear view screen covering their right eye. This device is a cellular phone, digital organizer/planner, and multimedia tool that also provide internet access anywhere. It also keeps people up to date on news, weather forecasts, traffic/underground conditions, and when to cross the street (due to people walking into traffic).

Most Miirosi do not own automobiles unless they dwell in rural regions, so they take the train to work and must walk to and from train stations. The wealthiest Miirosi possess private helicopters to travel in. The workday begins promptly at seven in the morning, Oriental Standard Time. School begins are the same time. The workday typically lasts ten hours for most business professionals with an hour and a half break for lunch around noon and two fifteen-minute breaks, which divides the workday into four quarters. Professions that operate in shifts have a slightly different workday. There are typically three eight-hour shifts, morning, afternoon, and night. There is only a half hour break for lunch and no other breaks, which divides the shift in half. These people must alter their daily schedule depending upon which shift they work.

Recreational free time is very important in Miiros and drives the service economy. Popular activities are largely dependent on socioeconomic status. Lower classes work the most and have the least amount of free time and funds, so they prefer cheap, relaxing activities such as a trip to the cinema, an afternoon in the park picnicking, going dining in more lower-end, chain restaurants, or going out for drinks at a bar.[4]



The lower class enjoys days spent at public beaches and amusement parks as well. Middle-class activities vary widely, sharing much in common with some lower classes, but are more apt to go to the theater, and likely frequent more expensive clubs and restaurants. Comedy clubs are very popular, along with casinos and private beaches. The middle classes are also more likely to afford travel to the country to enjoy hot springs or rural resorts. They also have a high fondness for amusement parks, which are usually located outside of major metropolitan areas. The upper class lives an elite lifestyle, rarely mixing with the lower and middle classes. They visit exclusive resorts, nightclubs and restaurants that require large amounts of disposable income and in some cases a high social status. The traditional fine arts, opera, symphony, art galas, are frequented by the upper class, whom spend exorbitant amounts of money on special seating to avoid middle or lower-class people whom also attend such events. Hedonistic lifestyles are pursued by many of the younger members of the upper class.[4]


Anglish is the practiced and taught as a universal common tongue in Miiros, so many of the names stay the same. However, many maps are produced in Tosyrai, the High Miirosi language.[4] Miirosi tend to speak quickly and like to gesture with their hands while doing so. They often dislike stopping to talk, so a common greeting would be "Hi! Walk with me." Besides, stopping on a sidewalk in Miiros would start a riot. If a conversation is to truly occur, they would walk to a nearby coffee shop or garden where you won't be trampled. Miirosi also have a minor accent (Icelandic), although they deny this.


Despite there being no state religion, the majority of the ethnic Miirosi practice a combination of Miirosi Shinto and Sihnese Buddhism. In a nutshell, Miirosi Shinto revolves around the belief of a corporeal world and a spirit world that are in constant interaction. The rulers of the Spirit Realm are Miir and Ros, the two great balancing spirits. Every element of nature, including humans, are in possession of both spirit and physical forms. The physical form anchors the spirit in the corporeal realm, but when that form dies, the spirit must return to the spirit realm. There is always a connection to the spirit realm, but not necessarily always a connection to the corporeal realm. Miirosi are expected to live in balance with both realms, respecting nature, the spirits, and living a balanced life. Many Buddhist traditions have also been adopted from neighboring Sihnon as well, and the two faiths co-exist in a type of fusion. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are extremely prevalent throughout Miiros. Many of the large immigrant communities have also imported their traditional faiths and are allowed to practice their religions openly and are permitted to carry out missionary work. There are large pockets of various Christian denominations, most prevalent of them being the Orthodox Tagmatine Church and the Aroman Tacolic Church. Cussian Zoroastrianism and the Haru dualistic faith are also to be found. There is also a significant portion of the population that practices no religion as atheists, deists, or agnostics.[4]


Schools work to follow the same patterns to get young Miirosi accustomed to the business schedule. Children are required to study art, music, and literary history throughout their years of public education. Schools are sure to mix the traditional with the modern, however, to ensure fresh creative ideas are not stifled. After work or school, Miirosi return home briefly. Students are expected to complete their homework, which typically take around two hours to complete well, before doing anything else.[4]

The University of Miiros is the uncontested leader in all academic fields, U of M acts as the core for all higher education in the Free City. The enormous facilities are an architectural marvel and can operate its own services independent of Orthen and the rest of Miiros. This university conducts many important research projects that often result in technological breakthroughs and many important politicians and business leaders are alumni.[8]


Artists are considered pillars of society and can amass large fortunes and widespread fame in Miiros. Miiros has a multi-billion yunais art and music industry.[4] The people of Miiros are a unique people, stemming from the fact they all live in the largest city-state in all history. They are used to having an extensive array of urban services at their disposal and need to utilize all of them to stay on schedule. Miirosi people have a mortal fear of falling behind schedule, you see, as they are likely to get trampled by everyone else rather than offered a chance to catch up. Many Miirosi travelers are confused by the lack of an effective form of mass transit or wireless internet access anywhere they go.[9]


In a city that never sleeps, the citizenry also try to do so and are thus addicted to caffeine. Coffee, espresso, lattes are all consumed fervently and a Miirosi is always said to go from point A to B to C, B being a coffee shop. Energy drinks can also be found in strategically placed vending machines.

Customs and traditions

In Miiros it is nearly a crime to be late to anything since all time is precious. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a Miirosi to get very upset with someone of another nationality for being late or causing them to fall behind schedule. Miirosi tour directors have been rumored to threaten foreign tour groups with violence to keep things moving. Whether they were joking is open to debate. Miirosi are generally cold towards others needing help, as self-sufficiency is a central tenant in the Free City. Things are meant to work properly and effectively, traffic should always flow, subways should always arrive on time, and that double shot espresso had best be served in less than two minutes! If a person falls behind or is down on their luck, they are effectively trampled by the rushed Miirosi people. There are deadlines to meet, after all. The exception to this rule would be with foreigners or younger people who do not know the city enough yet to be able to take care of themselves. Helping them will allow them to help themselves in the long run, so giving directions to the visibly lost tourists from the Bainbridge Islands would be common. To sum the Miirosi people up, they are always on the go and always use what time they have to the best of their ability and can never be reached at home.


The bustling economy continues well into the night.

Despite all this hustle and bustle, for one moment the Free City stops to catch its breath. Generally starting at noon, the people of Miiros like to take a breather if you will and take to the gardens or talk with friends for an hour or two or maybe just have a nap. If they miss their one break from a tough day, Miirosi tend to be very cranky. After the workday is finished in Miiros, people just need to unwind. How a Miirosi does this varies greatly. Many take to the many clubs, bars, or casinos to relax. Others take to spas or bath houses to be pampered, or the gardens illuminated by the bright city lights to meditate. All Miirosi use their time off work as efficiently as every though, wanting to get in as much dancing, drinking, meditation, socializing, whatever as they possibly can. Then they return home to sleep a few hours and start over again. In fact, most Miirosi are only at home to sleep or prepare for some other event or task. They are always moving around and again, the PDA is the only reliable way to reach them.


The Miirosi like to laugh, and usually at someone else's expense. Satire is very popular at the moment, along with situational comedies and slapstick comedy. Most popular satire pokes fun at communist, authoritarian, or socially conservative nations or individuals.[4]


Dress in Miiros depends on the occasion, but most Miirosi travel the city dressed professionally. There are proper things to wear for any occasion, and Miirosi do their best to meet these standards.


Miiros produces many new works of creative fiction and non-fiction every year.[4]

Visual arts

The arts are highly valued in Miirosi culture and are seen as representative of Miirosi superiority.


Children are encouraged at a very young age to practice traditional instruments like the biwa or ryūteki.[4]


Sporting and cultural events and venues are the area where the classes mix the most. Seating in sports stadiums or concert halls are usually very segregated due to the cost of tickets for the best seats. Baseball, martial arts contests, football, and motor racing are all hugely popular in Miiros. Sailing is as well, but mostly amongst the upper middle and upper classes. Miiros is also quite infamous and often criticized for its blood sports as well, where consenting adults known as kadorys often fight with swords or other weapons in order to draw first blood, remain the last standing, or (in extreme cases) fight to the death. The legality of death-matches has been brought into question in recent years, but they are deeply engrained in Miirosi culture, having their roots from the duels of honor in the feudal era.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Miiros (archive.nswiki.org)
  2. The Consortium of Miiros (17 May 2006)
  3. Geography of Miiros (21 February 2008)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 Cultural information about Miiros (16 April 2008)
  5. Valerio Korvini (31 January 2018)
  6. The Geography Game (18 October 2017)
  7. The History of the Miirosi People (18 July 2006)
  8. Education in Miiros (10 June 2006)
  9. Cultural Backgrounds-Quirks (19 September 2006)