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Crowned Republic of Havebergen
Krönad Republiken av Havebergen
Flag of Havebergen
Motto: “Vidarebefordra för Republiken och Kungens!” (Foward For the Republic and King!)
Anthem: "March of the Norsemen"
Largest cityNordiskastad
Official languagesSwedish, Norwegian
Recognised regional languagesSwedish, Norwegian
Ethnic groups
Haveburgen, Vetokite
GovernmentCrowned Parliamentary Republic
• Prime Minister
Karl Andreasson
• His Majesty, King of Havebergen
Fredrick Ahlberg
• Water (%)
• 2014 Census estimate
7.673 Million
• 2014 Census census
7.6 Million
CurrencyHavebergen Krone (HR)
Calling code99
Internet TLD.hr

The Crowned Republic of Havebergen (Also known as Havebergen or The Crowned Republic) is located on the continent of Europa, on the far North-West continent. Sharing a land and maritime border with The Unified Imperium of Vetok, and an exclusively maritime border with the Republic of Volsci, the nation is in a central position geographically.


Around 1700 BCE, the first of what can be called the proto-Haveburgen civilizations began to appear throughout the island of Välsignadön, divided between the Western Havebergen Kingdom and the Eastern Mellanöstern Pakt. The island would remain divided between the two until the Volsci landed in 147 CE, forcing the Mellanöstern Pakt to offer annexation to the Havebergen kingdom in return for military protection from the Volscian raiders. The unified nation repulsed the Volscians, and went on to in 169 CE colonized a great swath of continental Europan territory that has since become an integral part of the nation.

The arrival of Tagmatium missionaries in 609 CE resulted in the first wave of widespread conversions to Christianity throughout the Kingdom, and culminated in the conversion of the Monarchy and the declaration of Christianity as the state religion; specifically, the Byzantine Orthodoxy that the Tagmatium followed. This would remain the religion of the nation until the Lutheran Reformation of 1543 CE, creating the Lutheran Church of Havebergen and converting most of the population to said Church. In 1856 CE, following a revolt in the capital of Stoltstad the Monarch's power was relegated to ceremonial, the Riksdag and Prime Minister were established, and the now elective Crowned Republic was declared.


Havebergen is a Parliamentary Democracy with a ceremonial Monarchy ruled by an elected Prime Minister and a Unicameral Parliament, constituting seven Provinces and one special administrative district and is relatively large geographically in terms of other states.


As a Parliamentary Democracy with a Ceremonial Monarchy, Havebergen is primarily governed by the Prime Minister of Havebergen, who handles the majority matters of governance within the Crowned Republic, as well as matter pertaining to foreign affairs. The Riksdag is the primary legislative body of the government, and is responsible for writing and passing legislation pertaining to the entirety of the Crowned Republic. The Riksdag's membership is drawn from elected officials from throughout the country, with each district receiving a population-based number of representatives. The King of Havebergen serves as the head of state, a primarily traditional and ceremonial role with no real political power or influence on the government.

Foreign affairs

Politically, the Crowned Republic has always been a minor player in Europan politics, and continues to be so with its non-interventionist foreign policies.


Agricultural products are the biggest export of the state, which mixes between tundra and taiga in the most northern portions of the nation but includes many lush deciduous and coniferous forests throughout the central, southern and western portions as well as arable land. Timber as well as raw minerals, common goods and automobiles are other large exports of the Gratislavian state. Computer technologies, advanced medical supplies, and rare earth minerals are the major imports.


Population wise it is also larger than most nations, consisting of approximately 7,6 Million souls, although this is offset by the dispensation of the population throughout the nation.