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Revision as of 13:47, 11 May 2020

Greater Serbia
Велика Србија
"Only Unity Saves the Serbs"
Anthem: "Марш на Дрину" (Serbian)
"March to the Drina"
by Stanislav Binički, 1915
Serbia in Casaterra.
Serbia in Casaterra.
CapitalGreater Beograd
Largest cityBalacka Palanka
Official languagesLatin Serbian, Russian, Local derivatives, Cyrillic Serbian (official)
Recognised regional languagesMacedonian, Croatian, Serbian
Ethnic groups
Serbians (largest), Croatians, Macedonians
Demonym(s)Serbian (adj.), Serbians, Serbs (pl.) [Although different ethnic groups are addressed differently i.e Croats and Macedonians.]
Governmentone-party fascist totalitarian dictatorship
• Head of State
Chancellor Jovan Milosevic
• Head of Government
Deputy Nikol Jovanovich
• Канцелар радикалне странке (Chancellor of the Radical Party)
Jovan Vukovic
• Шеф војних снага (Chancellor of Military Forces)
Ivan Mladic
• Шеф образовања (Chancellor of Education)
Ana Ivanova
• Шеф финансирања (Chancellor of Commerce)
Marko Sivkovic
• as Kingdom of Balkan Counties
• of current constitution
• Estimate
255,804 km2 (98,766 sq mi)
• 2015 estimate
• 2008 census
• Density
189.5/km2 (490.8/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2014 estimate
• Total
$660 billion
• Per capita
$18,000 (rounded up)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$675 billion
• Per capita
CurrencySerbian Dinar (SRB)
Time zoneUTC-2 (Balkan Adjusted [UA])
Daylight Savings Time falls on the second Monday in Aprilis and ends on the second Monday in Octobris
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code381
ISO 3166 codeRS
Internet TLD.srb

Serbia or, as it is officially known, the Greater Serbia, is a fascist state located on the continent of Argis in the region of Europa, along the western border with Girkmand and Cavunia. It has a population of 40 million people, which live on 345,000 square kilometers with an average population density of 144 citizens per square kilometer. Greater Serbia is not landlocked, and is bordered by the nations of Girkmand to the west along with Cavunia. Eurofuhrer is located to the east. Serbia has one of the most median GDP per capita in Argis, with an economy based around arms industry, manufacturing, metalworking, and mechanised agriculture.


Greater Serbia.


Ancient Era

The Balkan people have long inhabited the central areas of Casaterra. The first known groups of the Serbs were unearthed, and were found to be existing from around 1800 B.C. The Croats and Macedonians were unearthed and found to exist around 1500 B.C. The Serbian race,and both (Croat and Macedonian) sub races are from the Dinaric race category.

In c. 1250 B.C, all 3 ethnic groups by then had cooperated together to build societies, but however interracial marriage did not occur. The 3 sub races have had strong internal bonds, characterized by the need to stay together to defend themselves from nomadic raiders. Until about 1400 AD the 3 groups had begun interracial breeding, creating mixed ethnic groups.

Middle Ages

In 1046, the Balkan Territory was established. It was a collective government of merchants, farmers, laborers, and royalty. The Balkan Territory was essentially a continuation of the much smaller societies in the stone ages. The Balkan Territory was sparsely located and at the same time condensed together. The Balkan Territory since it's establishment had seen a large decrease in nomadic raids. In 1328 the government changed when nobility took hold of more political clout and wealth. The nation changed itself into the Balkan Noble Republic, a collection of nobility, each having their own varied autonomy in there regions.

Balkan Noble Republic

Established in 1328 by 7 large families and 12 smaller ones, became a nobility based republic, with legislation being passed by the noble families, not the lower classes. The process by which laws were passed, was complicated and unruly, as the government had no head, but a collection of many decision makers. In addition to this, there was no single army, just each families' hired mercenaries. The money was typically metal coins, all of varied measurement of weight, in gold, silver, or copper.

Kingdom of Balkan Counties

The Petrovich family climbed the ladder and became the most powerful family in the Noble Republic, leading them to hire large mercenaries, and assume control of the country. The Petrovich's exiled the 7 familes and absorbed their wealth. The 12 smaller families fell lower, becoming commoners. The 1669 Republican War forced changes into government, allowing commoners to hold the traditionally noble classes' senate. The monarchy has been disbanded in 1724 because of family infighting, though the Petrovich family is still around to current time, a family holding wealth and power. The Kingdom reformed in to the State Union of Serbs, Croats and Macedonians in 1902.

Republican War

In 1669 the wealthy aristocrats in the Senate continued to veto bills from the lower class controlled Congress, the bills would have ended taxes on farming tools, known as the Agriculture Tax, which the tax collected 3% on seeds and 7% on tools. On the 3rd time when the Senate vetoed, the lower class-held Congress left and refused to take office. The next week the Senate threatened to pass a bill with the remaining representatives in the Congress, drafted a bill. In response, the lower class Congressmen formed the Republican Army, 25,000 in strength, with pitch fork and bow mobs, whilst the government went into recess to mobilize the Balkan Army, 40,000 in strength, with pike and matchlock squares. The Battle of the Drina River ultimately decided the fate. 15,000 Republicans versus 10,000 Balkans ended in a startling defeat for the Army. In the next months, morale crashed amongst the Army and skirmishes became greater and greater in size. 1672 is when the Republicans stormed the Palace of Legislature, ransacking and burning it down. The Balkan Army surrendered and signed the New Tax Law, which ended agricultural taxes on farming tools and supplies, and lowered the tax on the sales of produce from farms and ranches. The year of 1673, was when the Senate Pay Law, which meant that senators would be paid a base wage, allowing all people who become elected to hold office. The new legislature was being built, and economic reconstruction began.

State Union of Serbs, Croats, and Macedonians

Established in 1902, the SUSCM is the predecessor to the UBS. At the time, the Kingdom completely fell apart in 1899, and the remainder of the 3 government's representative formed the State Union to bring stability to the region. Serbia, Croatia, and Macedonia then combined currencies, military, and bodies of government. Dissolved in 1925.

Unified Balkan States

The Unified Balkan States was a federation of 14 states, lead by a bicameral republican government. The country gave it's citizens a lot of liberty, allowed very free gun ownership, minimal government control on the free market, no speed limit highways, and very low taxes. It existed until 2017.

Modern Era

Greater Serbia is a nation of Serbs, strong willed for racial purity, and a strong single party fascist dictatorship.

-Work In Progress-


The Serbian geography is a majority of highlands, hills, and mountains. This does not mean that farming in not possible, although there is a difference in the West versus the Central areas, Serbia can effectively use it's arable land for grapes, fruit, tobacco, wheat, and cotton. In the far west, elevation stays around less than 500 meters. The highest elevation in the east climbs to around 1500 to 2000, generally.


Serbia enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate, mostly. Cold semi-arid is most present in the east, warm and humid continental dabble the map. The highest average temperature is 35C, and the average low is 3C. Precipitation levels are as high as 85MM, and as low as 17MM.

Atramentari Provinces

Aesingar and Atraxis contain nearly 40% of the country’s 100 million residents, which mostly live in the Atraxis Delta and along the Coronach - Winterhaven Corridor. The Corridor, between Aesir Sound and the Vanir River, has a relatively high population density with much of the peninsula resembling a single cityscape. From space it is one of the clearly identifiable areas on the planet – however it also has a high level of air pollution in Septentrion. The city of Coronach lies at the head of Aesir Sound, which opens onto the Northern Sea, and is backstopped by a small coastal mountain range called the Sunhome Peaks. Coronach is the nation's largest city and the capital of Aesingar.

The province of Jaegerland is home to Atramentar’s largest naval station, Naval Base Dagmar, located in the southern districts of the Ravencrown metropolitan area, on the Hel River Delta. The delta is best known as the Helta and Ravencrown is one of the largest ports in Atramentar. Much of the trade to and from Meridia and western Casaterra passes through Ravencrown.

Amberland in the west is so named for its abundant agriculture, particularly grain production. Periodic eruptions from the Ironspine mountain range deposit ash across the province, enriching the soil. The Ironspines are also rich in mineral and metal deposits. Ore processing complexes and refineries are most numerous in Magna Ferra, the industrial center of Atramentar. The country’s largest army base, AFB Westfall, is located near the eponymous city.

The national capital of Threnody is found in Atraxis, in the Atraxis Delta, on the shores of Adagion Bay. Comprising the delta region and the Atraxis River valley between the Greyshield and Einherjar mountain ranges. In the north of the province is the lake Mar Corvis; on the southern shores lies Kyrie Vale, among the highest cities in Atramentar with an elevation of 1731m (5690 ft.). Kyrie Vale is also the birthplace of the aviation pioneers, the Ritter Brothers. Zedward and Kaen Ritter's famous first flight aboard the Ritterhawk set all of Septentrion on a path to the open skies and the stars beyond.

Mentara is a mountainous province in the north of the country, though not so mountainous as Amberland, nor so temperate; Mentaran winters are notoriously harsh. The two major cities in the north, Thule and Orcadia, are largely powered by geothermal energy. With the widespread availability of geothermal power, and the harnessing of many rivers and waterfalls for hydroelectricity, most residents have access to inexpensive hot water, heating and electricity.

The island province of Orcadia lends its name to the capital and largest city. Nestled between the south fork of the Orcadian Alps and perched on the northern side of Mentara Bay, the city of Orcadia is the center of Atramentar's fishing industry. Tourism places a surprisingly prominent role in the local economy, with cruise ships from Casaterra and Evora making port in the pristine city. Whale watching tours are popular, as are the resorts with geothermal hot springs.

Government & Politics

Greater Serbia is a single party fascist dictatorship with a very strong executive office and weak unicameral legislature. It is a unitary state that is subdivided into 14 states: Banat, Backa, North Raska, South Raska, Pancevo, Vranja, East Metohija, West Metohija, Pirot, Kolubara, Bor, Srem, and Beograd (Capital state). Greater Serbia's current constitution was ratified in 2017.

Executive Branch

The Chancellor is the head of state. The Chancellor can completely block, modify, or sign bills without the need for the Assembly. There are no public elections, elections only occur every 5 years, and only the Radical Party Assemblymen/women can vote. The Chancellor holds 3/4 of the power in the government.

Legislative Branch

The legislative branch, known as the Assembly, is a house for the Radical Party to vote on bills to bring to the Chancellor. There are no other parties allowed to be represented in the Assembly.



The Assembly
Bright Blue: Radical Party (Fascist/Ethnic Nationalism)

The Radical Party believes that the Serbian race is superior to most other groups of people, and refer to muslims as subhuman. The RP have been successful in gaining more votes, and making the Christian Orthodox faith the state religion. The Radical Party typically wear blue armbands with a white eagle embroidered into it. The Radical Party has been accused of being 'too offensive' by the Socialist and Communist parties, though this had lead to a bomb explosion at their headquarters. The Radical Party has a paramilitary wing called the Legion of the White Eagle.

Foreign affairs

The UBS has an assertive foreign policy, safeguarding it's citizens and always haggling the other nation for a better deal. The nation of Achesia has placed personnel in the UBS, for deterrence against enemies. The UBS also is aligned with Achesia and Sylva.


The de-jure military of Greater Serbia is the Serbian Legions. The military budget takes up 6.5% of gross domestic product, approximately $70.20 billion. Serbia has approximately 275 thousand personnel in the miitary, both active and reserve. Accordingly, defense spending per-head is the among the median in Septentrion. The condition of the military varies among the branches. The Legion are equipped almost entirely by private manufacturing corporation Uroš Arms. Equipment is either purchased directly from Uroš Arms, or is produced in 2 state owned factories (the only ones the government has) Uroš Arms has 10 factories, most of which specialize in a series or field of manufacturing.

File:Serbian Army Memebers by Beta.jpg
A platoon of Army infantry.

The Chancellor holds the title and office of Commander-in-Chief of the nation's armed forces and appoints its leaders, the General of the Army and the General of the Air Force and Navy. The main objectives of the Serbian military are to defend the sovereignty and people of the nation, deter foreign aggression, and protect the interests of the people where the borders lay. The Minister of Defense is responsible for command over all branches of the Legion, and is advised by the three Senior Generals (Command Officers). Though there are three branches of the Unified Balkan Military - the Army Legion, Naval Legion, Air Force Legion there is no General of the Marines for the Marines, as they are organized under the Army Legion. UBS's military is a volunteer military, but there is conscription for the Gendarmerie, which works as a reserve of it's self if active and reserve personnel in the Army do not suffice.

Army Legion

The Army Legion is the largest branch of the Serbian Legions and performs land-based and marine-landing military operations. As of 1 January 2016, about 190,000 personnel serve in the Army - about 100,000 regulars and 90,000 reserves - which is over half of the Serbian military. The Serbian Army fully allows the recruitment of women, even in frontline combat roles. The Army maintains a number of bases throughout the country, and relies on good training, above sufficient equipment, and tactic to defeat numerically superior enemy forces. The combat doctrine incorporates combined arms, maneuver warfare,an almost entirely mechanized force, and mountain warfare. Uroš Arms -produced equipment includes the M308 rifle, a 7.62x51MM caliber weapon capable of rifleman and automatic rifleman roles. Weapons such as the M-200 MBT, the AFC-15 series of fighting vehicles, and the M-50 IFV, are used in the Army.

Naval Legion

The Naval Legion is the naval warfare service branch of the Serbian Military. It is a brown-water navy with the ability to project force onto the river and lake regions of Serbia and it's borders, engage in forward areas during peacetime where needed, and rapidly respond to regional crises, making it an active, but futile player in Unified Balkan foreign and defense policy. The navy operates 20 ships, 15 active and 5 in reserve, and as of 1 January 2015, about 5,000 personnel serve in the Navy - about 2,000 regulars and 3,000 reserves - making it the smallest branch of service. The current role of the Navy is to protect Serbian interests at home, executing the foreign and defense policies of the Government through the exercise of military effect, diplomatic activities, and other activities in support of these objectives. The Navy is a small element of the Balkan contribution to it's allies Sylva and Maltecna. Uroš Arms-produced vessels in the Navy include the DJČ-class landing crafts, RPČ-class patrol boats, Neštin-river minesweepers, and Šabac-class weapons boat.

Air Force Legion

The Air Force Legion is the aerial warfare force of Serbia. The Air Force's mission is to support the objectives of Greater Serbia, which are to "Protect every inch of Balkan land, sea, and air. Maintain the power of the Serbs to prevent the invasion of the homeland, and to protect the Slavic people." Today the Air Force maintains an operational fleet of various types of aircraft, described as being sufficient, and reliable in terms of technology. This largely consists of fixed-wing aircraft, including: fighter and strike aircraft, airborne early warning and control aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, aerial refueling aircraft and strategic and tactical transport aircraft. The majority of the Air Force's rotary-wing aircraft operate in support of ground forces. As of 1 January 2015, about 45,000 personnel serve in the Air Force - about 28,000 regulars and 17,000 reserves. Uroš Arms-produced aircraft include the H-15 helicopter, AA-15 multi purpose fighter, Uroš Arms TwinCargo (AN-26), Uroš Arms QuadCargo (AN-124), Uroš Arms HindLegs, and Uroš Arms 24Passenger.

Federal Gendarmes doing a march with medium range kit.

National Gendarmes

The National Gendarmes are Serbia's militarized police force, that can be tapped into for reinforcements as an infantry force. As a more skilled and adaptable force than the former Balkan Federal Police, the Gendarmes are trained for maintaining order and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. All people graduating from high school are conscripted into the Gendarmerie, regardless of gender. The Gendarmes operate in most environments and climates, though particular expertise and training is spent on urban wafare, crowd control, mountain warfare, expeditionary warfare, and most of all; law enforcement. This makes the FG a good pool of expertise to choose from, for support or combat roles. Uroš Arms-produced equipment is much the same as that of the Army, with the added issue of UAVs and robots for bomb threats, and without the issue of main battle tanks or other similar equipment.

Legion of the White Eagle

The Legion of the White Eagle is the Radical Party's paramilitary wing. The Legion is an elite group that brought many smaller victories to Greater Serbia. To enter the Legion via application is non-existent. Military administration observes fitness scores, marksmanship, etc, for entry into the Legion. The insignia is a Serbian two headed eagle with the crown. Crowns are not present on regular military units except the White Eagles.


Greater Serbia has lightly-regulated market economy. Based on market exchange rates Serbia is today among the top fastest recovering economies in Septentrion, able to recover swiftly after a natural disaster or a market bungle. The Treasury, led by the Head of Finance, is responsible for developing and executing the government's fiscal policy and economic policy. The National Bank of Greater Serbia is the country's national bank and is responsible for issuing notes and coins in the nation's currency, the dinar. The Balkan dinar is Septentrion's fastest growing currency. Since 2017 the National Bank of Greater Serbia's Fiscal Observation Board, headed by the Secretary of the National Bank of Greater Serbia, has been responsible for observing interest rates at the level necessary to achieve the overall deinflation target for the economy that is set by the Premiere each year.


Greater Serbia is recognized as a sub-regional economic leader within Casaterra, with nearly 15 percent of the 500 biggest companies in the region (by revenues). The country's largest firms comprise the LIG30 index, which is traded on the Maltecna-Serbian Stock Exchange.

Well known Serbian brands include, among others, Srbebačka Bank, Uroš Arms, Srbi Energy, Echo Holding, Nectar Foods, Projekt Construction, Srbi Mining, and Prvi četnički (ammunition).

The list includes the largest companies by turnover in 2013 (not including banks or insurance companies):

Corporation Sector Headquarters Revenue Profit Employees
1.  [[[Uroš Arms|Урош оружја]]] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Uroš Arms
Military Production Beograd 90,838,739 6,284,878 81,238
2.  [енергетике srbije] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Srbi Energy
Natural gas, energy Beograd 71,437,121 3,396,447 58,445
3.  [Srbebačka Bank] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Srbebačka Bank
Finance/Banking Dubrovnik 58,111,354 5,165,394 15,317
4.  [[[ецхо холдинг|Echo Holding]]] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Echo Holding
Real Estate Beograd 49,285,407 6,005,678 23,419
5.  [српски Рударство] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Srbi Mining
Mining Nis 38,003,534 4,811,787 35,088
6.  [projekat Изградња] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Projekt Construction
Construction Beograd 20,755,222 7,365,936 46,710
7.  [Нецтар храна] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized region: sp for code: sr (help) (language?)
Nectar Foods
Food/Agriculture Balacka Palanka 19,097,392 1,653,597 54,278

Science and Technology

Atramentari Space Exploration Agency

The Atramentari Space Exploration Agency (A-SEA) is responsible for all strategic decisions on the Atrmentari civil space programme and provide a clear, single voice for Atramentari space ambitions. A-SEA's mission is to reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what A-SEA does and learns will benefit all humankind.

A-SEA has three Halcyon Arms Dawntreader-class Orbital Delivery Vehicles (ODVs): ODV-1 Dawntreader, ODV-2 Excelsior, and ODV-3 Odyssey. The Dawntreader made her maiden spaceflight in early 2014, with personnel from Atramentar, Murovanka, and Reicha. Future planned missions will include personnel from other space agencies and programmes. Added as a secondary facet of A-SEA's Earth-to-orbit operations, the Valkyrie orbiter is a workhorse for the more routine Atramentari missions, including the regular deployment and repair of satellites. There are four orbiters in the Atramentari fleet: ODV-10 Mjolnir, ODV-11 Viking, ODV-12 Majestic, and ODV-13 Thule. Each orbiter has a small and large cargo module that can be changed out to maximise fuel efficiency dependent on the cargo being transported.

Primarily utilised for exploration missions, the Ceres capsules are launched atop one of the Cruithne series of rockets. A-SEA currently has six capsules in its inventory, each of which are slated for lunar or Martian missions. The Atramentari naming convention for lunar missions is Leo, and Scorpio for Mars. The Cruithne line is a series of rocket-powered launch vehicles, intended as a spaceflight workhorse, designed and built by Halcyon Arms in Crown facilities. Models include the single-core Cruithne Standard, the three-core Cruithne Heavy, and the seven-core Cruithne Magnus, each featuring a final transit stage to finalize the delivery of the cargo.



Atramentar has professional leagues in hockey, football, futbol (soccer), and rugby, as well as amateur organizations for nearly every sport, in communities all across the country. While most major Atramentari sports have evolved out of Casaterran practices, rugby and hockey are Atramentari inventions, which have become popular in other countries.

All amateur sports are governed by the Atramentari (Olympic) Committee, including sports not represented in the (Olympic) Games. Those sports that are, are also indirectly governed by the International (Olympic) Committee. Professional sports in Atramentar are privately governed, with franchises privately owned and managed. The market for professional sports in Atramentar is roughly $4 billion NSD, roughly 50% larger than that of all of Kaea. Most popular for many years have been the Atramentari Futbol Association (Atramentarii Fuutbaal Jinsosit), Atramentari Football League (Atramentarii Fuutbaal Liiga), Atramentari Hockey League, and Atramentari Rugby Association. Rugby has been considered the national sport since 1867, and is now considered the official summer sport of Atramentar with hockey being the official winter sport as of 1955. College football and basketball also attract large audiences.


Nearly all of Serbian people identify as followers of the Christian faith; non-believers make up the second largest demographic. The Eastern Orthodox Christianity is the organized church of the Orthodox Christian faith. Congregation leaders are called priests; the most senior church officials are the Patriarchs.

Religious Affiliation in UBS
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Catholic Christianity