List of Intelligence Agencies on Eurth: Difference between revisions

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This is a '''list of intelligence agencies''' on [[Eurth]]. It includes only currently operational institutions and agencies by country.
[[File:Creative-Tail-People-spy.svg|thumb|Intelligence agencies on Eurth.]]
This page presents a comprehensive and detailed '''list of intelligence agencies''' currently operational on [[Eurth]]. It features a diverse range of institutions and agencies, each tailored to its respective country's unique needs and policies. These agencies are central to various aspects of statecraft, including {{wp|national security}}, {{wp|intelligence gathering}}, {{wp|counter-intelligence}}, and {{wp|espionage}}.
National security refers to the protection of a nation from threats, both internal and external. Intelligence agencies are pivotal in identifying potential threats to a nation's stability, sovereignty, and interests. Intelligence gathering involves collecting information relevant to national security. This process includes surveillance, reconnaissance, and sourcing information from various channels to form a comprehensive understanding of potential risks. Counter-intelligence is aimed at thwarting espionage or intelligence gathering efforts by foreign entities. It involves activities designed to prevent infiltration, sabotage, and intelligence operations conducted by adversaries. Espionage is the practice of obtaining secrets (political, military, or industrial) from rivals or enemies for strategic advantages. It typically involves clandestine operations and the use of spies.
Each agency listed on this page has its unique mandate, structure, and operational scope. The list is systematically organized by country, offering insights into how these agencies operate within their legal and ethical frameworks. The rules of engagement for these agencies vary significantly across different nations, reflecting their distinct legal, cultural, and political environments. This resource serves as an informative guide for those interested in the complex and nuanced world of international intelligence and espionage. It sheds light on the strategic importance of intelligence agencies in glubal affairs and their role in maintaining national security and geopolitical stability.

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== Ahrana ==

* [[Ahranaian Directorate of Intelligence|Directorate of Intelligence]] (ADI), Civilian Domestic, Foreign Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Espionage, Intelligence Gathering and Security Service in conjunction to the Federal Police.
* [[Ahranaian Directorate of Intelligence|Directorate of Intelligence]] (ADI), Civilian Domestic, Foreign Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Espionage, Intelligence Gathering and Security Service in conjunction to the Federal Police.

== Cristina ==

* [[Royal Security and Information Agency]] (ARSI): Civilian domestic and foreign intelligence agency, domestic counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis.
* [[Royal Security and Information Agency]] (ARSI): Civilian domestic and foreign intelligence agency, domestic counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis.
* [[Military Intelligence Organisation]]: Staff branch of the Chief of Defence Force.
* [[Military Intelligence Organisation]]: Staff branch of the Chief of Defence Force.

== Delamaria ==

* [[Foreign Security Office (Delamaria)|Foreign Security Office]], Foreign intelligence service.
* [[Foreign Security Office (Delamaria)|Foreign Security Office]], Foreign intelligence service.
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* [[Delamarian Defence Intelligence Service]] (DDIS), a military intelligence service, that gathers and handles intelligence for the [[Delamarian Department of Defence|Department of Defence]].
* [[Delamarian Defence Intelligence Service]] (DDIS), a military intelligence service, that gathers and handles intelligence for the [[Delamarian Department of Defence|Department of Defence]].

== Gallambria ==

* [[Faramontese Security Services|National Intelligence Service]] (civilian)
* [[Office of National Intelligence (Gallambria)|Office of National Intelligence]] (ONI) Policy and Coordination
* [[Faramontese Armed Forces|Joint Intelligence Task Force]] (military)
* [[Department of Documentation of Fravina|Department of Documentation]] - Civilian intelligence, foreign intelligence, intelligence gathering and analysis.
* [[Ministry of Goats of Fravina|Ministry of Goats]] - Civilian intelligence, financial intelligence, special law enforcement. Reports to the [[Department of Safety and Stability of Fravina|Department of Safety and Stability]].
* [[Ministry of Internal Investigation of Fravina|Ministry of Internal Investigation]] - Civilian intelligence, criminal intelligence, counter domestic terrorism. Reports to the [[Department of Safety and Stability of Fravina|Department of Safety and Stability]].
* [[Ministry of Military Intelligence of Fravina|Ministry of Military Intelligence]] - Military intelligence. Reports to the [[Department of Defense and War of Fravina|Department of Defense and War]].
* [[Office for Worker Oversight of Fravina|Office for Worker Oversight]] - Worker intelligence, financial intelligence. Reports to the [[Ministry of Labour of Fravina|Ministry of Labour]] and [[Department of Industry of Fravina|Department of Industry]].
* [[Office of National Intelligence (Gallambria)|Office of National Intelligence]] (ONI) - Policy and Coordination

'''Domestic Intelligence'''
'''Domestic Intelligence'''

* [[Gallambrian Security Intelligence Organisation]] (GSIO / MO7) - Domestic counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis
* [[Gallambrian Security Intelligence Organisation]] (GSIO / MO7) Domestic counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis
* [[Gallambrian Federal Police]] (GFP) - Investigation and enforcement
* [[Gallambrian Federal Police]] (GFP) Investigation and enforcement
* [[Gallambrian Border and Immigration Agency]] (GBIA) - Investigation and enforcement
* [[Gallambrian Border and Immigration Agency]] (GBIA) Investigation and enforcement
* [[National Criminal Intelligence Commission (Gallambria|National Criminal Intelligence Commission]] (GCIC) - Criminal intelligence gathering and analysis
* [[National Criminal Intelligence Commission (Gallambria|National Criminal Intelligence Commission]] (GCIC) Criminal intelligence gathering and analysis
* [[Gallambrian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre]] (GALTRAC) - Financial intelligence gathering and analysis
* [[Gallambrian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre]] (GALTRAC) Financial intelligence gathering and analysis

'''Foreign Intelligence'''
'''Foreign Intelligence'''

* [[Gallambrian Secret Intelligence Service]] (GSIS / MO9) - Foreign intelligence gathering
* [[Gallambrian Secret Intelligence Service]] (GSIS / MO9) Foreign intelligence gathering
* [[Defence Intelligence Organisation (Gallambria)|Defence Intelligence Organisation]] (DIO)
* [[Defence Intelligence Organisation (Gallambria)|Defence Intelligence Organisation]] (DIO)
* [[Gallambrian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation]] (GGIO) - Geospatial and imagery intelligence gathering analysis
* [[Gallambrian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation]] (GGIO) Geospatial and imagery intelligence gathering analysis
* [[Gallambrian Signals Directorate]] (GSD) - Signals intelligence gathering and analysis
* [[Gallambrian Signals Directorate]] (GSD) Signals intelligence gathering and analysis

== Iverica ==

* [[Home Security Office]] (HSO) - Domestic intelligence agency
* [[Home Security Office]] (HSO) Domestic intelligence agency
* [[Joint Armed Service Intelligence Division]] (JASID) - Military Intelligence; inter-branch cooperative division
* [[Joint Armed Service Intelligence Division]] (JASID) Military Intelligence; inter-branch cooperative division
* [[Special Security Office]] (SSO) - Foreign intelligence agency
* [[Special Security Office]] (SSO) Foreign intelligence agency

== Mantella ==

* [[Republican Department of Homeland Security]] (DRPI): Anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management.
* [[Republican Department of Homeland Security]] (DRPI): Anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cybersecurity, and disaster prevention and management.
* [[Military Intelligence Agency]] (AIM): Tasked providing information, as well as representing and protecting the interests of Mantella abroad through activities pertaining to military intelligence and military diplomacy.
* [[Military Intelligence Agency]] (AIM): Tasked providing information, as well as representing and protecting the interests of Mantella abroad through activities pertaining to military intelligence and military diplomacy.

== Niederoestereich ==

* [[Niederoestereich#Military|Niederoestereichian Secret Intelligence Organisation]] (NSIO) led by Major. D. Zhukov.
* [[Niederoestereich#Military|Niederoestereichian Secret Intelligence Organisation]] (NSIO) led by Major. D. Zhukov.
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The [[Orioni|Orinese]] Intelligence Community is made up of three complementary branches: Yestek (military intelligence), OSIS (overseas intelligence) and Akali 11 (internal security).
The [[Orioni|Orinese]] Intelligence Community is made up of three complementary branches: Yestek (military intelligence), OSIS (overseas intelligence) and Akali 11 (internal security).

* [[Yestek]] is the main intelligence body for the [[Imperial Orinese Defence Force|military of Orioni]]. The name is an [[Oharic language|Oharic]] abbreviation of ''Yesilela Tekwami'' ([[Anglish language|Anglish]]: Intelligence Institute). It gathers, analyses, and distributes intelligence, which the military uses to make decisions at the highest levels of government. Yestek works inside and outside Orioni, getting intelligence through people, electronic intercepts, and satellite images. The organization is very private and works alone, with its own money and leaders. Yestek is important for the safety of Orioni and uses its intelligence to find and reduce dangers to the country.
* [[Yestek]] is the main intelligence body for the [[Imperial Orinese Defence Force|military of Orioni]]. The name is an [[Oharic language|Oharic]] abbreviation of ''Yesilela Tekwami'' ([[Anglish language|Anglish]]: Intelligence Institute). It gathers, analyses, and distributes intelligence, which the military uses to make decisions at the highest levels of government. Yestek works inside and outside Orioni, getting intelligence through people, electronic intercepts, and satellite images. The organisation is very private and works alone, with its own money and leaders. Yestek is important for the safety of Orioni and uses its intelligence to find and reduce dangers to the country.
* The [[Orinese Secret Intelligence Service]] (OSIS) is a government agency that gets and studies intelligence for Orinese national security. Recently, OSIS has been involved in critical operations, like looking into the attack on the Orinese embassy in [[Afropa]]<ref>Roiters, [ Orioni's embassy in Afropa may stay closed] (30 July 2017)</ref> and the leak of a [[Sibiseba]]n committee report on increased foreign espionage within Orioni.<ref>Roiters, [ OSIS putting more ears to the ground] (13 August 2019)</ref> The OSIS is renowned for its top-notch female spies. In most traditional, non-Orinese societies, women can sometimes hold the advantage. In societies where men hold sway, women may be seen as less of a threat and thus underestimated. This can work to the advantage of female spies, who may catch their targets off guard by approaching them unexpectedly. The element of surprise can be a powerful weapon in their arsenal.
* The [[Orinese Secret Intelligence Service]] (OSIS) is a government agency that gets and studies intelligence for Orinese national security. Recently, OSIS has been involved in critical operations, like looking into the attack on the Orinese embassy in [[Afropa]]<ref>Roiters, [ Orioni's embassy in Afropa may stay closed] (30 July 2017)</ref> and the leak of a [[Sibiseba]]n committee report on increased foreign espionage within Orioni.<ref>Roiters, [ OSIS putting more ears to the ground] (13 August 2019)</ref> The OSIS is renowned for its top-notch female spies. In most traditional, non-Orinese societies, women can sometimes hold the advantage. In societies where men hold sway, women may be seen as less of a threat and thus underestimated. This can work to the advantage of female spies, who may catch their targets off guard by approaching them unexpectedly. The element of surprise can be a powerful weapon in their arsenal.
* [[Akali 11]] (Anglish: Component 11) is a part of the [[Orinese Armed Police]] that protects internal security in the country. This includes watching for dangers to national security, looking into crime and terrorism, and getting intelligence on groups or people at home that might be dangerous. To do its job, Akali 11 might use surveillance, secret operations, and analysing data and other information. The organization works closely with other branches of the Orinese government, like the military and intelligence agencies, to keep the nation safe and secure.
* [[Akali 11]] (Anglish: Component 11) is a part of the [[Orinese Armed Police]] that protects internal security in the country. This includes watching for dangers to national security, looking into crime and terrorism, and getting intelligence on groups or people at home that might be dangerous. To do its job, Akali 11 might use surveillance, secret operations, and analysing data and other information. The organisation works closely with other branches of the Orinese government, like the military and intelligence agencies, to keep the nation safe and secure.

Legislative supervision over the intelligence community is undertaken by delegation of [[Sibiseba]]li to the executive Subcouncil for Power ([[Oharic]]: Hayili).
Legislative supervision over the intelligence community is undertaken by delegation of [[Sibiseba]]li to the executive Subcouncil for Power ([[Oharic]]: Hayili).

== Republic of Pentium ==

* [[Oyusard Intelligence Community]]
* The Hands: Domestic counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis
** [[Oyus Diplomatic Office of Information & Intelligence|Diplomatic Office of Information & Intelligence]] (Principal Foreign Intelligence Agency)
** [[Oyus Internal Surveillance & Intelligence Agency|Internal Surveillance & Intelligence Agency]] (Principal Domestic Intelligence Agency)
** [[Oyusard Cyber Guard Archival Office]] (Dedicated Intelligence Office via internet)
** [[Oyusard Counter Terrorism Threat Management & Prevention Office| Counter Terrorism Threat Management & Prevention Office]] (Principal Counter-terror Intelligence Agency)

== Seylos ==

* Seylosian Office of Foreign Intelligence
* Seylosian Office of Foreign Intelligence

== Stedoria ==

* [[Committee of Public Safety (Stedoria)|Committee of Public Safety]]
* [[Committee of Public Safety (Stedoria)|Committee of Public Safety]] (KNS): Domestic and foreign intelligence agency, also handles high profile crimes in conjunction with the federal police of Stedoria, the [[Stedorian Revolutionary Security Force|Security Force]].
* [[Military Investigation Committee (Stedoria)|Military Investigation Committee]] (MVK): Military intelligence agency.

== Tagmatium ==

* [[Tagmatine Intelligence Network|Arhomaiki Diktyo Pliroforion (ADP)]]: Amalgamated civilian domestic and foreign intelligence agency.
* [[Tagmatine Intelligence Network|Arhomaiki Diktyo Pliroforion (ADP)]]: Amalgamated civilian domestic and foreign intelligence agency.
* [[Internal Intelligence Inspectorate| Esoteriki Epitheorisi Pliroforion (EEP)]]: The intelligence agency for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.  
* [[Internal Intelligence Inspectorate| Esoteriki Epitheorisi Pliroforion (EEP)]]: The intelligence agency for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.  
* [[Mandatores]]: Military intelligence service, comprising of all three branches.
* [[Mandatores]]: Military intelligence service, consisting of all three branches.
* [[Maghlabitai]]: One of the security detail and bodyguard units of the Holy Emperor, which also has an internal intelligence and liaison role.
* [[Maghlabitai]]: One of the security detail and bodyguard units of the Holy Emperor, which also has an internal intelligence and liaison role.
* [[Spatharokandidatoi]]: One of the security detail and bodyguard units of the Holy Emperor, which also has an internal intelligence and liaison role.
* [[Spatharokandidatoi]]: One of the security detail and bodyguard units of the Holy Emperor, which also has an internal intelligence and liaison role.

== Variota ==

* [[Het Apparath]]
* [[Het Apparath]]
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* [[Propagatie en Morraalmagt]]
* [[Propagatie en Morraalmagt]]

==See also==
== See also ==

* [[List of Armed Forces on Eurth]]
* [[List of Armed Forces on Eurth]]

== References ==
[[Category:Lists of Eurth]]

Latest revision as of 03:26, 3 July 2024

Intelligence agencies on Eurth.

This page presents a comprehensive and detailed list of intelligence agencies currently operational on Eurth. It features a diverse range of institutions and agencies, each tailored to its respective country's unique needs and policies. These agencies are central to various aspects of statecraft, including national security, intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence, and espionage.

National security refers to the protection of a nation from threats, both internal and external. Intelligence agencies are pivotal in identifying potential threats to a nation's stability, sovereignty, and interests. Intelligence gathering involves collecting information relevant to national security. This process includes surveillance, reconnaissance, and sourcing information from various channels to form a comprehensive understanding of potential risks. Counter-intelligence is aimed at thwarting espionage or intelligence gathering efforts by foreign entities. It involves activities designed to prevent infiltration, sabotage, and intelligence operations conducted by adversaries. Espionage is the practice of obtaining secrets (political, military, or industrial) from rivals or enemies for strategic advantages. It typically involves clandestine operations and the use of spies.

Each agency listed on this page has its unique mandate, structure, and operational scope. The list is systematically organized by country, offering insights into how these agencies operate within their legal and ethical frameworks. The rules of engagement for these agencies vary significantly across different nations, reflecting their distinct legal, cultural, and political environments. This resource serves as an informative guide for those interested in the complex and nuanced world of international intelligence and espionage. It sheds light on the strategic importance of intelligence agencies in glubal affairs and their role in maintaining national security and geopolitical stability.


  • Directorate of Intelligence (ADI), Civilian Domestic, Foreign Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Espionage, Intelligence Gathering and Security Service in conjunction to the Federal Police.




Domestic Intelligence

Foreign Intelligence



  • Republican Department of Homeland Security (DRPI): Anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cybersecurity, and disaster prevention and management.
  • Military Intelligence Agency (AIM): Tasked providing information, as well as representing and protecting the interests of Mantella abroad through activities pertaining to military intelligence and military diplomacy.



The Orinese Intelligence Community is made up of three complementary branches: Yestek (military intelligence), OSIS (overseas intelligence) and Akali 11 (internal security).

  • Yestek is the main intelligence body for the military of Orioni. The name is an Oharic abbreviation of Yesilela Tekwami (Anglish: Intelligence Institute). It gathers, analyses, and distributes intelligence, which the military uses to make decisions at the highest levels of government. Yestek works inside and outside Orioni, getting intelligence through people, electronic intercepts, and satellite images. The organisation is very private and works alone, with its own money and leaders. Yestek is important for the safety of Orioni and uses its intelligence to find and reduce dangers to the country.
  • The Orinese Secret Intelligence Service (OSIS) is a government agency that gets and studies intelligence for Orinese national security. Recently, OSIS has been involved in critical operations, like looking into the attack on the Orinese embassy in Afropa[1] and the leak of a Sibiseban committee report on increased foreign espionage within Orioni.[2] The OSIS is renowned for its top-notch female spies. In most traditional, non-Orinese societies, women can sometimes hold the advantage. In societies where men hold sway, women may be seen as less of a threat and thus underestimated. This can work to the advantage of female spies, who may catch their targets off guard by approaching them unexpectedly. The element of surprise can be a powerful weapon in their arsenal.
  • Akali 11 (Anglish: Component 11) is a part of the Orinese Armed Police that protects internal security in the country. This includes watching for dangers to national security, looking into crime and terrorism, and getting intelligence on groups or people at home that might be dangerous. To do its job, Akali 11 might use surveillance, secret operations, and analysing data and other information. The organisation works closely with other branches of the Orinese government, like the military and intelligence agencies, to keep the nation safe and secure.

Legislative supervision over the intelligence community is undertaken by delegation of Sibisebali to the executive Subcouncil for Power (Oharic: Hayili).

Republic of Pentium

  • The Hands: Domestic counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis


  • Seylosian Office of Foreign Intelligence




See also
