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Parliament of Dazhdinia

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of the Federation of Dazhdinia

Federacje Daẑinıje
Coat of arms of Dazhdinia
President of the Senate
Tadeąš Pěstonik, NIRP
President of the House of representatives
Ljudmilъ Kruška, PDJD
President of the Control house
Žofija Janųšina, PDJD
115 Senators
200 Deputies
18 Control commissioners
Senate political groups
Government (62)
  •   PDJD (33)
  •   LDPD (17)
  •   RKG (12)

Opposition (51)

  •   NIRP (25)
  •   Future (17)
    •   DPP (10)
    •   DPSD (7)
  •   PNR (5)
  •   KDPD (4)

Vacant (2)

  •   Vacant (2)
House of representatives political groups
Government (125)
  •   PDJD (56)
  •   LDPD (37)
  •   RKG (32)

Opposition (75)

  •   NIRP (42)
  •   Future (22)
    •   DPP (9)
    •   DPSD (11)
    •   DZP (2)
  •   PNR (8)
  •   KDPD (3)
Control house political groups
Government (10)
  •   PDJD (7)
  •   Leva (3)
    •   LDPD (2)
    •   RKG (1)

Opposition (8)

  •   NIRP-PNP (5)
    •   NIRP (4)
    •   PNP (1)
  •   Future (3)
    •   DPP (1)
    •   DPSD (2)
Meeting place
Saʒavian Palace, Gromųva

The Parliament of Dazhdinia is the tricameral legislature of Dazhdinia.

Political parties

Currently, there are 13 political parties represented in at least one of the three houses of the parliament.

Political Party Shortcut Shorthand name Seats in Parliament Ideology
Lower Upper Control
Party of Democratic United Dazhdinia PDJD United Democrats 56 33 7 Liberal conservatism
National Party of Internal Rebirth NIRP Rebirthists 42 25 4 Egalitarianism
People's Democratic Party of Dazhdinia LDPD People's Democrats 37 17 2 Populism
Pink Flower Movement RKG Flowerists 32 12 1 Liberalism
Dazhdin Social Democratic Party DPSD Social Democrats 11 7 2 Social democracy
Dazhdin Pirate Party DPP Pirates 9 10 1 Pirate Movement
Party of National Determination PNR Nationalists 8 5 0 Ultranationalism
Christian Democratic Party of Dazhdinia KDPD Christian Democrats 3 4 0 Christian democracy
Dazhdin Green Party DZP Greens 2 0 0 Green politics
Posąvrag National Party PNP Posąvragists 0 0 1 Nationalism

In the Senate

In the House of Representatives

Constituency PDJD NIRP LDPD RKG Future PNR KDPD Total
Region I 6 4 4 6 3 N/A 2 25
Region II 4 2 3 3 2 N/A N/A 14
Region III 5 3 3 2 1 N/A N/A 14
Region IV 1 1 5 3 N/A 1 N/A 11
Region V 2 4 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 14
Region VI 6 6 1 4 3 N/A 1 21
Region VII 3 5 2 3 1 N/A N/A 14
Region VIII 3 6 3 2 1 N/A N/A 15
Region IX 7 N/A 3 2 N/A N/A N/A 12
Region X 1 N/A 1 1 4 1 N/A 8
Region XI 2 3 3 1 2 5 N/A 16
Region XII N/A N/A 1 1 5 1 N/A 8
Region XIII 9 4 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 15
Region XIV 7 4 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 13
Total 56 42 37 32 22 8 3 200

In the Control house

Party JalivianFlag.png Yalivia KozlųkaFlag.png Miessinia LjukrinFlag.png Rosenia PosąvragFlag.png Posavia SyranikFlag.png Sirania ŠalavějanFlag.png Nitirania Total
Party of Democratic United Dazhdinia
0 / 3
2 / 3
1 / 3
1 / 3
2 / 3
1 / 3
7 / 18
National Party of Internal Rebirth
0 / 3
1 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 3
1 / 3
1 / 3
4 / 18
People's Democratic Party of Dazhdinia
1 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 3
2 / 18
Dazhdin Social Democratic Party
1 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
2 / 18
Pink Flower Movement
1 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 18
Dazhdin Pirate Party
0 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 18
Posąvrag National Party
0 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 3
0 / 3
0 / 3
1 / 18



Elections in the Senate

Senate electoral constituencies
 A  3n+1 - elected 2020, next election 2026
 B  3n+2 - elected 2022, next election 2028
 C  3n+3 - elected 2018, next election 2024
115th region is virilist-appointed from abroad



Elections in the House of representatives

House of Representatives electoral constituencies



  • Region I - Gromųva - Located entirely in Sirania, sends 25 delegates
  • Region II - Southern Sirania - Located entirely in Sirania, sends 14 delegates
  • Region III - Northern Sirania - Located entirely in , sends 14 delegates
  • Region IV - Vъrabcovo - Located entirely in Vъrabcovo A.O. of Sirania, sends 11 delegates
  • Region V - Miessinia - Located entirely in Miessinia, sends 14 delegates
  • Region VI - Jilinsk - Located entirely in Posavia, sends 21 delegates
  • Region VII - Western Posavia - Located in Posavia and Laŧoʒan A.O., sends 14 delegates
  • Region VIII - Eastern Posavia - Located entirely in Posavia, sends 15 delegates
  • Region IX - Central Rosenia - Located in Dazhdophone areas of Rosenia, sends 12 delegates
  • Region X - Granite Mountains - Located in the eastern part of Ustokophone areas of Rosenia, of Ustoko- and Malenikophone areas of Nitirania and of Cezvodan A.O. of Posavia, sends 8 delegates
  • Region XI - Nitirania - Located entirely in Nitiranian Nitiranophone areas, sends 16 delegates
  • Region XII - Upstream Rosenia - Located in the northern part of Ustokophone areas of Rosenia, sends 8 delegates
  • Region XIII - Northern Yalivia - Located entirely in Yalivia, sends 15 delegates
  • Region XIV - Southern Yalivia - Located entirely in Yalivia, sends 13 delegates

Elections in the Control house


General scheme of the elections




Legislative process




Past elections


See also