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List of Intelligence Agencies on Eurth

Revision as of 22:16, 19 December 2022 by Orioni (talk | contribs) (→‎Orioni)
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This is a list of intelligence agencies on Eurth. It includes only currently operational institutions and agencies by country.


  • Directorate of Intelligence (ADI), Civilian Domestic, Foreign Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Espionage, Intelligence Gathering and Security Service in conjunction to the Federal Police.






Domestic Intelligence

Foreign Intelligence



  • Republican Department of Homeland Security (DRPI): Anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management.
  • Military Intelligence Agency (AIM): Tasked providing information, as well as representing and protecting the interests of Mantella abroad through activities pertaining to military intelligence and military diplomacy.



The Orinese Intelligence Community is made up of three complementary branches: Yestek (military intelligence), OSIS (overseas intelligence) and Akali 11 (internal security).

  • Yestek is the leading military intelligence body. The name is an Oharic abbreviation of Yesilela Tekwami (Anglish: Intelligence Institute).
  • Orinese Secret Intelligence Service (OSIS). Known recent activities include investigating the attack on Orioni's embassy in Afropa[1] and a leaked Sibiseban committee report on the expansion of foreign espionage.[2]
  • Akali 11 (Anglish: Component 11) is the domestic intelligence branch of the Orinese Armed Police, responsible for maintaining internal security.

Legislative supervision over the intelligence community is undertaken by delegation of Sibisebali to the executive Subcouncil for Power (Oharic: Hayili).

The OSIS is well-known for employing world-class female spies. In most traditional, non-Orinese societies, women can sometimes hold the advantage. In societies where men hold sway, women may be seen as less of a threat and thus underestimated. This can work to the advantage of female spies, who may catch their targets off guard by approaching them unexpectedly. The element of surprise can be a powerful weapon in their arsenal.



  • Seylosian Office of Foreign Intelligence




See also


  1. Orioni's embassy in Afropa may stay closed by Roiters (30 July 2017)
  2. OSIS putting more ears to the ground by Roiters (13 August 2019)