Azano-Marenesian peoples

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Azano-Marenesian peoples 
Canoe of Darnley Island.jpg
Regions with significant populations
Azania, Marenesia
Azano-Marenesian languages
Various religions


  • Pre-history
    Aiana family
    • Pre-migration. Include the earliest mentions from Timeline of Eurth#Stone Age.
    • Step 1. Proto-Marenesians first arrive 80.000 years ago, with the language isolate-speaking Ayana and Pishatja being some of the last remnants. Marenesian first voyages from Azania into Meteorolas, including Morimosheku, Maleibidulu & Samberiti and Paridasei. Link with the much later Chulo Empire.
    • Step 2. Southwards to San Giorgio and onward. Explain lower sea level. Eventually, the Tata'ina and Doianina islands are settled by these Marenesian explorers. Azanians begin settling the nearest islands Morimosheku, supplanting the native Marenesians there.
    • Step 3. Follow ocean currents and prevailing winds. Settlement of Marenesia. Some go west, others sail east.
    • Step 4. First voyage to Alharu. What are the oldest dateable traces?
    • Step 5. Coastal explorations of Aurelia and Argis. Any settlements found by archaeologists?
  • History, based on written sources
    Marakoua during their Mudmen Ritual
    • Much later. Early Transadlantic trade. This peaks the interest of merchants from nearby Memopotamia, who are very protective of this trade secret. Look into the Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact theories. Slavery is widespread, especially of Azanians and Marenesians. Azanians, including runaway slaves, begin forming defensive alliances for protection against the slavers.
    • Much much later, during the Classical Era. Other Europans find out and try sailing to Marenesia. Only a handful of them make it. The Sokhaineans, being one of these groups, leave Southern Mekabiri and settle in the Southern Meteorolas/Paridasei islands. The Gomu from Kotowari settle in Maleibidulu & Samberiti.
    • Age of Reconnection. !Columbian exchange. Settlement of Mevraq.
      • “A gentle, pastoral people with a deep respect for the Eurth and a reverence for the natural order. They were driven from inland valleys to the steep mountain slopes by population pressure and the lure of more fertile land. Settling on ridges, they carved platforms for their houses and agricultural plots out of the mountainside, and linked them with paths and stairways. Aqueducts diverted jungle rainfall to sluice each platform, irrigate gardens, and maintain a water supply. Although they put up a fierce resistance to the !conquistadors, the Tairona were overrun. Their culture was destroyed, and settlements left to be reclaimed by the jungle.”[1]
  • Demographics
    • Languages. Any similarities? Ask User:TheRandomHat for help.
    • Religion. Any remaining traditions?
  • Culture
    • Sports. Surfing, sailing, fishing.
