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Kingdom of Alenveil
Il Regno di Alenveil
Flag of Alenveil
Motto: "Dio Salvi la Regina!"
Anthem: "The March of Brangall"
StatusIndependent State
Largest cityTBD
Official languagesLimonaian, Anglish, and Andesian.
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• King
Damocle La Pollo
688 CE
• Independence
• 2018 census
CurrencyVaito (VTO)
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sideleft Side
Calling code+04
Internet TLD.av


The origin of the term "Alenveil" consists of a lot of mistranslations of different languages molding together. In its history, Alenveil was viingahtiid, translated to Limonaian as "Ala Velo," which means "Wing Veil." by Limonaian explorers. Unfortunately, due to a lot of mistranslations into Anglish, Ala Velo was butchered and replaced by "Alenveil."


The country's geography contains mainly hilled regions with somewhat coastal temperatures in the far south and frigid temperatures in the central and northern parts of Alenviel. Living along the Fractian-Borean fault line in East-Argis, Alenveil has multiple different gold deposits and has implemented that as one of their main exports, as well as oil located in the far north.


Alenian history is very unclear. The only bit of documented history that exists is the Limonaian Merchant Texts of the 1530s. Because of the lack of primary evidence, historians speculate and theorize that Alenveil began around the Iron Age as a colony of Prymont, as pieces of broken ships carved with Prymontian design as described in the mythology of Alenveil, was found wrecked off the coast of some coastal cities. Potassium-argon and Radio-carbon readings show that they date to about 420 CE These ships may have had some connection to Prymont or could have completely different roots that were influenced by the Prymontians due to cross-referencing of ship designs of Nordic countries.

This makes the most sense because of the Limonaian Merchant Texts, which describe an ancient language speaking a language with long vowels and harsh consonants, similar to the ancient languages of Prymontian. Another piece of history that could be a hint to the formation of Alenveil is the history behind the creation of the anthem "The March of Brangall".

Prymontian Rebellion

Alenian Mythology that was translated into Limonaian in the time of Colonizations tells of Alenveil originating from a country known as Prymont in Alenian mythology. Brought over to the country in search of new lands, the Prymontians settled in the Auraid Bay, or, what the Prymontian colonists called "Gut," Kogaanzul for "Distant."

Successful colonization of Gut Prymont occurred around 420 CE, according to ship readings found off the coast of the Auraid Bay. Hundreds of years after the initial colonization around 665 CE, Gut Prymont began to grow less and less attached to their homeland. At an attempt to secede, however, the clingy Prymontian reacted with a bloody conflict, mostly naval, against the seceding colony.

Led by the Prymontian general, Ysgramor, he and his five sons the (Yngol, Ylgar, Brangall, Solsgeild, and Jagnaskr) led an army of 500 men and women, known as the Zeymahzin (the translation for this is unknown). Using their father's military genius and intellect, Ysgramor and his sons led the Zeymahzin to victory in the Battle of Jylkurfyk, destroying the invading Prymontian military and valiantly declaring independence from their homeland of Prymont. Under Ysgramor's rule, the new kingdom of Vataanjunaar was founded, the "Promised Kingdom".

Vataanjunaar, Bokso, and the Founding of Viingahtiid

Ysgramor and the kingdom of Vataanjunaar survived for Ysgramor's entire life. His emphasis on freedom and self-expression was the backbone of Vataanjunaar's existence. Ysgramor died, presumably about 20 years after Vataanjunaar was founded, though no one knows why. Ysgramor didn't plan out how future kings would rule, and in life, he always said that he was to give his kingdom to his son, but he never specified which son. Yngol believed that he should be the first because he was the oldest. Ylgar believed he should be the first because he was the smartest, Brangall believed it because he was the most skilled in battle, Solsgeild was the most charismatic, and Jagnaskr was the kindest.

This confusion and wavering political power eventually caused the 500 Zeymahzin to split apart, divided by the Zeymahzin's personal interests, and what they thought was the most important in life. When the Zeymahzin split apart, the kingdom split apart into Yngol's clan of Yuvonbah, Ylgar's clan of Junmindok, Brangall's clan of Keinnauzun, Solsgeild's clan of Krahbokbrit, and Jagnaskr's clan of Bahlaanzii. Since the Zeymahzin held the spot of lords and advisors for Ysgramor, Vataanjunaar fell apart after this split. The split and the time after it became known as Bokso, "The Age of Sorrow." The once prosperous kingdom of Vataanjunaar stood in constant war with itself, fighting for supremacy over the former land, until a date told in history as "Tirdas, 27th of Last Seed."

The month "Last Seed" is theorized to be October after analyzing the calendar dates of 688 CE, and Tirdas is suspected to be Tuesday, using this same method. This is also backed up by the fact that the 27th of October is the same day that the modern Twilight Unification is celebrated. On this day, in the middle of the night, Brangall secretly launched a campaign using the military skill his father gifted him and led the clan Keinnauzun into a secretive string of battle, unifying the clan within four nights, and only four nights, either using swift brute force through tactical genius or the quiet assassination of his brothers. These nights became what all of modern Alenians call the Twilight Unification. Standing over the Northeastern city of Bromjunaar, Brangall declared that the clans of Vataanjunaar would be united under one banner - the banner of Viingahtiid. Brangall swore that this kingdom would reign for 10,000 years, although, this wouldn't be entirely true.


Platone De Vincenzi (1507-1565).

In 1534, the Limonaian Merchant Republics, specifically Limone, began a small expedition across the globe, lead by Platone De Vincenzi. Sailing east from the Ygros Sea through the Keelpijp, east through the Dolch See and north into the Auraid Bay, they discovered a thriving land of hard-working Argis men. In De Vincenzi's eyes, these men would value as forced labor and slaves for the marketable wheat they grew (coming to be known as the national crop, used often in present-day Alenian pastries).

De Vincenzi used his merchants to set up shop and survey the areas of Alenveil before laying his plan to work after ten years of great trade opportunities and survival of the Limone colonists thanks to the Kogaan's help in farming in 1544. He declared that the Alenians would be properties of the Limonaian Merchant Republics. Enraged, the citizens began to write the Aresi Stone to combat this declaration in every language known to the Kogaan. It was written in Kogaanzul, Limonaian,, and The stone wasn't just a way to decline, the Kogaan was furious at the notion. They had declared Different Limonaian texts that were written after the Aresi Stone was written, (including military declarations, military strategic documents, and other such artifacts) mention a lengthy conflict pertaining to the colonization of Alenian lands that historians have called The Whirlpool War. This name was chosen for the Battle of Bromjunaar, leading to the capture of the capital and complete colonization of Alenveil. What really gave the war its name, however, was the months afterward.

Enraged by the Kogaan's resistance to their colonization, De Vincenzi declared that his soldiers were to destroy any piece of Kogaan culture and replace it with theirs, as a way to effectively forget they were every anything except Limonaian. De Vincenzi and his army ended up destroying every trace of the original culture, leading to only very small, previously destroyed civilizations as present-day archaeologists' leads. When Limone united their republics into one whole kingdom, they placed a governor as their indirect leader instead of Republic of Limone leading directly.

1902 Wars of Independence

Further information: Alenian Wars of Independence

In July of 1902, Limonaia suddenly sparked up in a civil war. Taking this as their final opportunity, Limonaian Sergeant Antonello La Pollo, great-grandfather of present-day King Damocle La Pollo, expressed great opposition against Limonaia and the way it had acted in past years, harboring an opinion that Alenveil deserved to be independent. He defected against the Limonaian military and formed his own civilian militia, "The Final Fight" which soon evolved into The Alenian Liberation Army. Stretching out the Limonaian military by having it fight on two fronts. The Alenian Liberation Army drew attention to themselves in the town of Vecca, burning flags, throwing leaflets all around the town, and even breaking into and plundering the shops that belonged to known Limonaian loyalists.

Limonaian attempts to disarm the militia led to open combat on July 13, 1902, which ended up sparking the war entirely. With little assistance and civilian fear for their behaviors in Vecca, radio was the ALA's only real hope. They broadcasted propaganda, rebellion-friendly news, and helped to raise awareness for the similar conflict occurring in Faramount. As the radios were used, battles were raging all across the country. The ALA


The Alenian parliament building in Sarbo.

Alenian government, after it abolished its monarchy, became a constitutional monarchy to replace the fall of its kingdoms when the Riforma Rurale completed its goal. Each president rules for five years and then their term ends, but the monarch rules for their entire life. Separate branches of government include a branch for making laws, a branch for making sure the army is kept in check, and a branch to make sure the president is kept in check, (Legislativo, Militante, and Direttore respectively). The leader of the Legislativo branch is the Senato. The leader of the Militante and Direttore are the President and watch over both the monarch and the military. The monarch has a large influence on what laws are made and how they could be influenced to their favor, but the Direttore reviews the Legislativo's laws and approves whether or not this would cause a corrupt leadership to form. Then the law is sent out into the public and voted upon. If it succeeds, soon it will be put into place. If it fails, then they have to rework the law all over again. The Militante branch is what makes sure that the military doesn't attempt to take over or overthrow the government and replace it with loyalists of Limonaia's old, pure monarchy regime.


Because of its increasingly passive nature, the military is the only 1% of Alenveil's population. The armed forces are organized in multiple different branches (National Guardsmen, Army, Air Force, Navy). The police force itself is known as L'incudine, directly translating to "The Anvil" in Cristinese.


With a population of 32 million, Alenveil makes most of its exports through gold deposits in the west near the fault line, the fishing industry in the south, oil from the north and, above all, pastries! These extremely valuable exports make Alenveil and its economy extremely well-off, even contributing to the Alenian stereotype of being "pompous and snotty." Its international partners include PyeMcGowan. Transportation includes that of trains and cars, as well as a few rural cities using horsedrawn carriages. Alenveil's unemployment rate is about 17% of the 32-million population. In the sense of tourism, Alenveil attracts most of its tourism for its Winter holiday vacation spots in the hills that cover the central and north of the country, and not its coastal spots which aren't the best throughout its season for tropical vacations.


Population groups
  Cristinese (46%)
  Anglish mix (24%)
  Andesian (16%)
  Other (14%)

Its demographics include the dominant residents of Cristinese (46%) as well as a mix of Anglish-speaking (24%) and Andesian (16%) migrants, and its language corresponds. Education is remarkably high for a population with 32 million at an 81% success rate with various schools.


Alenveil is often known and recognized for its populace's mastery of pastries. Varieties include pastries that are filled and aren't filled, those that can be dipped and those that can be covered in a glaze. In Alenveil, the possibilities are practically endless when it comes to baking. Clothing is extremely popular and is a major part of Alenian life and higher-class citizens make sure that others know how great their appearance is. Morality is a very common thing that is taught in schools and expresses that with education's strict nature for being good and well-mannered. Appearance is also something that is very important to Alenveil and because of their amazing economy with their deposits of gold and oil, they try their best to look their best. These two factors have developed an Alenian stereotype with other countries perceiving them as "pompous and aristocratic," even though they're very humble about their economy and blame the geography for their luck, not themselves. Sports that Alenveil likes to participate in include soccer, rugby, and tennis (they aren't the best at them.) Every 2 years the Festival of Nights is celebrated with much joy. It's a holiday with time-honored roots in the nighttime battle that helped seal the unification of Alenveil, but today it is mostly associated with watching special shows, the creation of art, playing instruments and bonding with family. It is officially celebrated for 1 week, but the final celebrations often last deep into the night and even into the next day. Alenveil has legalized medicinal and psychedelic weed as well as tobacco (cigars and cigarettes).