Bainbridge Islands

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Kingdom of Bainbridge Islands
Lahui (Islandese)
Baribeni (Oharic)
Coat of arms
Coat of arms
Motto: Aloha!
Location of Bainbridge Islands
Location of Bainbridge Islands
Map of Bainbridge Islands
Map of Bainbridge Islands
Official languagesIslandese
Recognised national languagesOharic
Ethnic groups
Haole (36%), Oriental (23%), Other (41%)
Demonym(s)Bainbridgers, Islandese
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• Monarch
King Kamehameha IX
Kahiko Hale (Old House); elected two per district
Hou Hale (New House); elected by population
• 2020 census
CurrencyBainbridge Islands Tiki (BIT)

Bainbridge Islands, officially the Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands and commonly abbreviated as KBI , is a constitutional monarchy, with an emphasis on social preservation.

The economy of the Bainbridge Islands is characterized by its historical reliance on oil, successful diversification into high-tech and tourism, and the presence of influential global companies like Big Kahuna Burger. Continued efforts towards sustainability and economic innovation are expected to shape the future trajectory of the nation's economic landscape, positioning the Bainbridge Islands as a dynamic and resilient economy on the global stage.

A dynamic and stunning ecological nation, the Bainbridge Islands are currently recovering from an attempted coup d'état. They maintain a neutral status in international relations but are a favoured destination for tourism in Europa.


(To rewrite. The RL Bainbridge Islands were named for either the !British astronomer John Bainbridge or US Commodore William Bainbridge. But we'll have none of those !British influences, tywm.)


Baribeni islands, c. 1726.

The earliest illustrated map shows Baribeni to be an island to the east of Damak Var and to the south of Miiros. The text states that the kingdom of Baribeni is part of a continent which extends itself “eastward to that unknown tract of Meteorolas into the great Oriental Ocean”, and places it “west of Astrini.” The explorer Sir Gulliver describes the port of Maldonada, which according to his measurements lies one hundred and fifty miles from the capital, Lagado.

The Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands comprises the main island of Bainbridge, Crab Island (Papa'i Moku), Horse Island (Lio Moku), and 34 small islets and atolls directly surrounding the main island, and in the adjacent zone of control between the islands. Additionally, the northern portion of Fishhook island is part of the Kingdom; the southern part of the island is controlled by a dictatorship known as the “Abode of Passion, The Sacrosanct Communal Republics of Safiloa.”


The climate of the main islands is generally warm and humid, with varying brief rain-showers. Spring is got and humid, with occasional rainstorms from the east and north, along with good surf waves on the southern shores. Summers are hot and humid, with some strong storms on the north shore, and good surf on the southern and western beaches. There are occasional Hurricanes that reach the big island during summer, but are usually weakened by the time they reach the KBI. Fall is typically warm and humid, but fairly mild. Winters are also warm and humid, and strong waves on the south and east shores, which are ideal for water sports (i.e. competitive windsurfing, power wakeboarding, and traditional surfing). Air quality in the country is generally good because of the prevailing winds off of the Oriental Ocean.

Major islands

One Hanau (Homeland)

Map of the Bainbridge Islands archipelago.

The traditional name for the big island, it is by far the largest island in the Northern Meterolas chain and holds the entire population of the Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands. It has numerous major cities (metroplexes over 4-5 million inhabitants), along with fourteen smaller surrounding islands.

Uahi Moku (Smoke Island)

The island directly north of One Hanau is an active volcano, which has erupted numerous times during the past 100 years. Its most recent eruption was in 2006, a small 'correction' that lead to the death of over 200 of its inhabitants. Geologists from the National Seismographic Society predict a larger eruption within five years, that may devastate the entire island.

Ao Moku (Cloud Island)

A leeward island across the channel from the big island, it is inhabited by small groups of political settlers seeking to escape the traditional cultures of the KBI. Relations are nominally civil, with the current inhabitants shunning any contact with any outside organisations (including nations). A Coastal Guard Unit visits monthly to ensure the health and welfare of the inhabitants, although they are always waved off and sent away.

Ao appears to be perpetually surrounded by a permanent cloud of fog, only dissipated during hot summer days or after a hurricane passes through. It reveals a rough, rocky terrain along its coast, ill-suited for long-term habitation. The centre of the island has not been actively explored, only viewed via satellite.


Provinces in the Bainbridge Islands are named after the largest city in the region.


Skyline of downtown Honolulu.

Honolulu is the capital of the Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands. It has the seat of governmental power, including the parliamentary branch (the 'Aha'olelo lahui, or just the “Lahui”), the executive branch (Iolani Place, which is undergoing reconstruction after the events of the midnight coup), and the Supreme court (the 'Aha Ho'okolokolo Ki'eki'e, or the Ki'eki'e). There is a strong traditionalist sentiment here, as a concerted effort to maintain the traditions of the past sometimes overrides necessity (i.e. sacred ground impeding building construction of new facilities). As such, the centre of the capital has a large number of older buildings, the beaches have huge hotels, and the outlying and inward portions contain financial and light industrial areas, which are connected by an extensive metro/underground system. Additionally, the major religions of the kingdom (Catholicism, Phosattism, and Traditional – known as “Mo'olelo”) all have major worship areas in Honolulu. Saint Jude's Cathedral has been renovated and expanded, the Pukana la (Sunrise) Phosattist temple has the largest religious statue in the southern region within its temple grounds, and the Makua heaiu is an ancient Mo'olelo temple that has been standing on the beach of Waikiki for over four hundred years.


Aiea financial district.

The second-largest city in the KBI, it is the business centre of the kingdom. Every major national and transnational corporation has either its headquarters or a major branch located in Aiea's “Silver” business district (Kala ke'oke'o district, or just Kala district), and the most cutting edge organisations (i.e. biotech, nanotech, communications, internet) have a branch in the city. It is also considered the most liberal city in the KBI, as most traditional norms seem not to apply to the inhabitants of Aiea. Additionally, it is the most affluent city in the KBI, with a constant eye on business, giving its inhabitants a somewhat “skinflint-ish” reputation, although Aiea has the largest parks and protected lands in its metropolitan area.


Lahaina is known as the “old industrial” city, with the majority of heavy industry concentrated in the surroundings of this metroplex. It has suffered through some recent economic hard times but is re-inventing itself with “new” industries, such as multipurpose plastics factories, alloy generation centres, and high-precision tool and dye manufacture. It is beginning to experience difficulties with overpopulation and is considering developing more sea areas by building a landfill, with is opposed by the Native Land party.



Known for its beautiful waterfalls and emerging biotech industry, Waimea is a rapidly growing city in the KBI. It is renowned for its “bleeding edge” research facilities and academic centres, with commercial labs “just down the road.” Originally a sleepy beach city, it has exploded into a dynamic metropolis, with careful attention given to city growth and utility management. Several universities are located within the surrounding area of Waimea. They include: the Drucker school of business and management, Koloni'i University (Liberal arts and History), Hu'anao University (Physics and Chemistry), the University of Bainbridge Island (Waimea Branch) (general science), and the Lonolo'i Institute of Technology (LIT) (Cutting edge, broad-based technology research).


Kona is known for its flat, rolling grasslands, which are home to major agriculture businesses and vast grasslands. Originally, it was home to large herds of stallions, and the rich soils were cultivated to provide a virtual “breadbasket” to the entire KBI. Kona is the only major land-locked city on the Home Island.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor (aka Momi Awa) is the military centre of the Kingdom. It has the largest shipyard, training grounds for recruits (for all branches of the services), and the main military academy for the services, the Koa Kualani (again, for all branches). Numerous statues of heroes and memorials to those who died in battle, as well as the national cemetery, are located on the grassy knolls of Momi Awa. The Pearl Harbor ship works is the largest employer of civilians and is the home port of the majority of the Royal Navy's ships. There is a large restricted area, and entry is strictly prohibited.


Located on the Hola'e mountain range, making it the highest city in the KBI. It has unique elements, such as the island's largest observatory, communications centre, and emerging distilling industry. However, its large industry is mining, which still employs the largest percentage of its population, despite the dangers of mining the Hola'e range.



The farthest windward city in the KBI. Its relative isolation has led to the preservation of the traditional Islander culture and architecture in the city. It is also home to some of the most violent and dangerous waves in the kingdom, attracting thousands of board surfers, windsurfers, and professional surfing competitors seeking the most intense challenges that they can find. It is the stronghold of the Traditionalist party, with nine of the last ten party speakers coming from He'e.



Once a small town, until major entertainment and communication industries “jump-started” the local economy. Now, it is a centre of media, style, and entertainment, with major television stations in the city, recording studios in the suburbs, huge film studios nearby, and a high-class neighbourhood (known as the “Gilded Cage”). The “Cage” is home to successful film stars, musicians, sport, and business persons, with hundreds of beautiful mansions. As its location is ideal (between Aiea [business] and Honolulu [government]), Halo is also a hugely popular destination for the public, with numerous amusement parks, and excellent swimming and surfing beaches.



The Bainbridge Islands area, including the Northern Meteorolas, was first settled by Native Islanders at least 15,000 years ago. Evidence for an Azano-Marenesian presence has been found in the form of a stone arrowheads and pottery found in the 1970s along the west coast of Crab Island. For thousands of years, these nomadic hunter-gatherers lived along the coast and in inland valleys. Their rock art was found in many locations, especially on Fishhook Island. The indigenous peoples of Bainbridge Islanders are the original inhabitants who have lived within the current geographic boundaries since before the secondary migrations.

Ancient history

Illustration of a late 18th-century islander warship.
  • 500 BCE - 200 CE: Part of the Chulo Empire.
  • 200 CE: integration with Pearl Road network.
  • Before 1000 CE: Secondary Migration Era. Successive waves of seafaring inhabitants landed on the shores of the Northern Meteorolas island chain, settling on the western islands first (Crab and Horse islands), and eventually establishing themselves on the “Big Island” (Homeland). Small settlements developed into trading posts, which, in turn, provided the basis for an early system of government.

Early modern period

  • 1000-1600: Warring Tribes Era. The earliest point in which pseudo-nation states began to emerge on the Meteorolas island chain. The largest were located on the “Big Island”, namely the Hono tribe (Honolulu) and the Lina tribe (near Lahania). These dominated minor surrounding tribes, and used them as proxies in territorial and social conflicts. For centuries, these proxies were involved in pirate-related occupations in Southeast Europa. The surrounding islands (Crab and Horse) had large tribes, but did not have the population base to expand their influence to the surrounding island.
  • 1340s: Orinese first directly contacted the Bainbridgers in 1342 CE, when three Orinese ships under the command of Admiral $PersonName explored the area. More ships associated with the Pearl Road trade probably made emergency stops along the coast, but no permanent settlements were established.
  • 1370: Conquest of Bainbridge Islands by Orioni. The Orinese established a rich cultural and economic foundation on the islands, fostering advancements in maritime navigation, spice cultivation, and artisanal craftsmanship.
  • 1600-1800: Discovery Era. Despite the Orinese established presence, the period between the 1600s and 1800s is often referred to as the “Discovery Era” in Occidental narratives. During this time, Northwestern Europan seafaring traders and explorers arrived in the region, seeking new trading opportunities and strategic footholds. However, contrary to the notion of discovery, these foreign arrivals encountered a well-established and thriving society that had already integrated the Bainbridge Islands into the broader regional trade network for almost two millennia. In an effort to assert their own claims and establish a semblance of ownership, these Europan explorers bestowed the name “Bainbridge Islands” upon the archipelago, honouring Captain William Bainbridge, a prominent naval commander of the era. This act of renaming was a strategic manoeuvre to legitimise their presence and secure the islands' placement on contemporary maps, effectively overshadowing the local heritage and contributions. Contemporary scholarship emphasises the importance of acknowledging the pre-existing Orinese rule and its pivotal role in shaping the islands' cultural and economic landscapes long before Occidental intervention. Throughout the 19th century, the Bainbridge Islands witnessed increasing external influences as global trade dynamics shifted. The introduction of new goods, technologies, and ideologies by European traders and colonisers began to impact the traditional Orinese way of life. Despite these changes, the Orinese managed to imprint their cultural identity and maintain significant control over local governance and economic activities.

19th century

King $Person II, c. 1880.
  • 1800-1850: Consolidation Era. The King of the Hono tribe, King Kame I, with military and technological support from “mainlanders”, began a war to consolidate the entire Homeland island under one rule. The ensuing war took almost thirty years to complete, but the entire island was eventually conquered by King Kame I, who was renamed King Kamehameha I.
  • 1843: Decolonisation of the Bainbridge islands. The independence movement received secret support from the ruling strongman in Hakenium. This first decolonisation action went on to inspire similar campaigns in other Orinese colonies.
  • 1850-1875: Expansion Era. This era saw the rapid addition of landmasses to the Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands. First, Crab island was settled peaceably by a mix of war veterans seeking to start anew after the Consolidation war, and displaced victims of the military action. Fishhook island’s government was toppled during a coup d’état and replaced with a monarchy friendly to the KBI. Finally, the leaders of Horse island, eager to seek financial assistance, and desiring to retain their power, after seeing the results of Fishhook island, chose to join the Kingdom as a vassal state. The majority of minor atolls and islands were absorbed into the KBI.
  • 1875 – 1900: Grand Kingdom Era. The “Grand Kingdom” of the Bainbridge Islands saw a rapid emergence from a technologically impoverished island chain, into a centre of technological and economic development. Major improvements, such as railroads, urban sanitation, paved roadways, and improved medical facilities began to emerge in the Kingdom. Additionally, higher institutes of learning began to emerge throughout the island, as the kingdom sought to remake itself into a modern society. Schools and universities sprung up teaching everything from hard science and business to languages and martial arts.

20th century

  • 1900-1920: Inward Turn Era. The rapid success of the KBI had during the previous decades began to slow, as a sense of social entitlement began to emerge in the populace and economic debt started to become excessive. Previously supported social programs began to be cut and/or eliminated to counter the economic burden of royal debt, while individual taxes were increased by the government, leading to a national malaise and discontent. Agitators, who sought changes in the royal charter, either by political or violent methods, exploited these issues.
  • 1920-1940: Balkanisation Era. The seven-year civil war between the Royalists and the Socialists began in 1928, when agitators and their supporters attacked a governmental tax outpost near Waimea, killing the eight workers inside, and burning the building to the ground. The government sought to retaliate for this incident by executing eighteen convicted conspirators of the attack. This action led to a general uprising in Waimea to the treatment that the poor had been receiving by the local and regional governments. With military and political assistance from mainland socialist and communist advisors, the rebels soon expanded their control to numerous cities and towns on the northern shore of the Homeland island, including Lahaina, Kona, and Wainai. The speed at which the rebellion took place shocked the royal advisors, and military support for the remaining population centers was rushed to avoid losing more cities. An attack on Honolulu by a large force of “Communists” irregulars (who were able to purge the more moderate socialist advisors from their camp) was repulsed. An unsuccessful siege of Hee by an allied force of Communists was repulsed by locals who rejected their social philosophies as “reactionary.” During this period, the surrounding islands (Crab, Horse, and Fishhook) all announced their independence and neutrality from the KBI, and established ties with mainland nations, while waiting to see the outcome of the KBI civil war. After a flowing battle between the Royal Government (The Blues) and the Communist Rebels (The Reds), support from mainland entities began to diminish, financially limiting the Reds' ability to wage war. The Blues eventually succeeded in enforcing an effective blockade of the north shore, strangling the Reds, and forcing their surrender in 1935.
  • 1940-1960: Civil Recovery Era. The next two decades encompassed the recovery the KBI needed after exhausting itself during the civil war. In addition to rebuilding basic infrastructure damaged or destroyed during the uprising, a spark to reinvigorate the economy was needed. A vast liberalisation of economic policies led to what has been called the “Capitalist Bordello”, a virtual explosion of “laissez-faire” market philosophies, which helped revitalise the economy, but at a high social and environmental cost. The rapid transition to a free market economy created a strain on civil relations and the environment. At the time, it was felt that the sacrifices were necessary for the kingdom, despite the damage it was causing.
  • 1960-1980: Social Compact Era. The excesses of the corporation led to a non-violent public uprising, demanding accountability of the corporations be enforced. The result of the “Public Discourse” of 1965 was the development and enforcement of the “Social Compact”, as negotiated by King Kamehameha VII and the Parliament, which at the time, was controlled by the Traditionalist party. It established governmental support to a return to traditional social norms, augmented by subsidies and castigations by the government. Corporations were outraged, and they attempted to rally public support to defeat the Compact, but could not overcome the greedy and self-serving perception they had gained over time. The Compact passed handily, and a rebuilding process to restore “moral values” continued until early 1980. Relations began to normalise between the KBI and the surrounding “sister” islands, except with Fishhook island, which became entered a Cold War between two competing governments (both brutal dictatorships), and an enclave between the two, a free city that declared its allegiance to the KBI.
  • 1980-2000: Modernisation Era. The pendulum swung too conservatively, and demands for liberalisations in the Social Compact policy were sought. Businesses were beginning to stifle, and the social mores the Compact initially tried to shape began to become more stringent. Because of public and corporate demand, a loosening in the compact was enacted, with a renewed emphasis on developing a free market economy, but with a modicum of social and civic responsibility. A renewed investment in academic and technological facilities was undertaken, revitalising research and development in several new fields. Major advancements in hard and soft sciences emerged during this period, along with rapid growth in the media, sports, and entertainment industries.

21st century

Further advancements in new technologies are beginning to trickle down to the average citizen, with a wide variety of conveniences becoming available (i.e. wireless telephony networks, improved medical/pharmaceutical treatments, alternate/renewable energy sources). An attempted coup d’état (the “midnight coup”), after the death of King Kamehameha VII, was defeated by military forces loyal to the Royal Household, and a new successor, King Kamehameha IX was named shortly thereafter. An outbreak of a new, deadly pandemic (the “monkey flu”) led to a successful effort on the part of the developing KBI biotech industry to devise a vaccine before the flu could escape Crab island. As a result of the devastation from the flu, and the damage to its economy, Crab island decided to become a protectorate of the KBI. Piracy returned to the middle Meteorolas passage, and the Royal Navy has begun to combat this scourge in earnest.


The Iolani Palace, location of the Executive Branch of the KBI.


The Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands has three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The division of political power is a three-section triumvirate, with legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The executive branch and legislative branches are chosen by citizens with completion and grant of a successful Franchise service to the government. However, more revealing is the political spectrum of politics in the Kingdom, and the parties which represent the divisions. There are four major parties in the Ascension (congress), which send representatives to the lower and upper houses of the congress. The lower house ministers serve a three-year term, and the upper house ministers serve a six-year term. The Prime Minister is elected for a five-year term, but may be recalled on a supra-majority no-confidence vote.


The Bainbridge parliament has two parliaments: the lower branch is directly elected by the citizens of the islands, and the upper branch is elected based upon regional division. The seat distribution is based on the proportional representation system. Given the latest electoral results, forming a stable majority requires securing at least 26 seats out of 51.[1]

There are four major parties in the parliament. The latest elections have reshaped the political landscape of the Bainbridge Islands, encouraging alliances that balance progress with tradition. The New Horizons and Rising Sun coalition emerges as the leading governing body, poised to drive the islands toward a future that honours their rich heritage while embracing necessary advancements.

Party Ideology Leader Electoral results Seats in parliament Coalition
Traditionalists The most entrenched political party in the islands, they usually have a single-party majority in both houses of parliament, allowing them to push through legislation unless the opposition can agree upon a coalition to gain a majority. Their politics are mostly conservative and traditional, usually eschewing change unless absolutely necessary. Mr Kaimana Kealoha 32%
16 / 51
New Horizons Usually the opposition party, the party embraces liberal-view politics, contrary to the desires of the Traditionalists. They often act in the minority, having to mount coalitions to counter the conservative Traditionalists. They frequently view change for its own sake as necessary to ensure that the Kingdom can maintain its status as a major nation in Europa, though some of their ideas and/or methods are called into question (as “radical”). Mrs Leilani Kanoa 24%
12 / 51
Native Land The priority of this party is to preserve the native land of the Bainbridge islands, and prevent developers from damaging the natural environment. They often side with the Traditionalists on matters of land development, however, they differ from the Traditionalists because the Native Land party tends to be more reactionary, wanting to revert the KBI to the “old ways.” Some of their political ideals are conservatism, isolationism, a return to “traditional ways” on social issues, and of course, the reversal of land development to return to its original, “pristine” state. Mr Kainoa Kea 18%
9 / 51
Rising Sun This could be called the “corporate party” – they are funded by major corporations (both national and international), and are adept at manipulating the media and defending their message. They are proponents of technological change and encourage the development of the Island – which often puts them at loggerheads with other parties when trying to pass legislation. However, they have been steadily growing in power, and are beginning to challenge the New Horizons party for the second most influential group in the Parliament, both upper and lower houses. Mr Makana Kale 26%
14 / 51


The executive branch is run as a constitutional monarchy – the King of Bainbridge Island wields supreme executive power, overseeing long-term issues and concerns. The Royal Advisor (similar to a Prime Minister), addresses short-term issues as directed by the King. The Royal Cabinet maintains the Secretaries of each major branch of the government and is answerable to the King and the Advisor.

Selection of the King is usually the oldest child of the Royal family, and siblings are often placed in governmental positions. During the last 100 years, the selection has begun to change, as the name heirs will typically undergo a “competency test”, a trial to measure their ability to rule effectively, or at least project how effective they will be at governing. Aside from the physical ability to withstand the stresses of the head of state, the prince/princess will face challenges from experts in a variety of fields (international relations, economics applications, strategic military theory, etcetera). If the individual does not satisfactorily meet the expectations of the interview board, the individual will be eased into a less demanding position.


The Royal Court of the Bainbridge Islands stands as the highest judicial authority in the nation, embodying the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law. Comprising seven esteemed judges, the Royal Court ensures that the legal system operates with integrity and impartiality. Each judge is meticulously selected for a life term, a process that involves rigorous scrutiny and must receive approval from a supermajority of parliament. This lifetime appointment is designed to insulate the judiciary from political pressures, allowing judges to make decisions based solely on legal merits and ethical considerations.

The Royal Court is entrusted with hearing and adjudicating cases that hold significant weight and complexity within Islander society. These cases often involve controversial and pivotal issues, such as Land Rights disputes, which are crucial for preserving the islands' cultural heritage and natural resources. Additionally, the court handles Maritime Issues, including territorial disputes, maritime safety, and environmental protections related to the surrounding oceanic territories. By addressing these critical matters, the Royal Court plays a vital role in maintaining social harmony and upholding the nation's sovereignty.

Housed in the historic Pa'a Noli'i building, the Royal Court resides in a structure steeped in cultural and historical significance. Originally the palace of King Kamehameha II, the building seamlessly blends traditional Islander architectural elements with modern judicial facilities. This iconic edifice not only serves as the physical seat of the judiciary but also symbolises the continuity of Bainbridge Islands' rich heritage and the enduring legacy of its governance.

The Royal Court operates with a commitment to transparency and accessibility, ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to seek justice. The court's procedures are designed to be equitable, providing fair hearings and thorough deliberations for every case brought before it. Judges are regarded as legal luminaries, often contributing to the development of Bainbridge Islands' legal framework through their interpretations and rulings. Their decisions set important legal precedents, guiding future judicial processes and legislative developments.

Beyond adjudicating cases, the Royal Court also serves as an advisory body to the government on complex legal matters, offering insights and recommendations that inform policymaking and legislative reforms. This collaborative relationship between the judiciary and the executive ensures that the laws of the Bainbridge Islands remain robust, relevant, and aligned with the nation's evolving needs and values.


Royal Marines landing on Waikiki Beach, outside the Iolani Palace during the “Midnight Coup.”

The Royal Army is relatively small in comparison to those of other nations. Their emphasis is upon rapid transit and deployment to regions throughout Bainbridge Island or any of the outlying islets.

The Royal Islander Navy is the largest military entity in the Kingdom. It has a wide variety of responsibilities throughout the waters surrounding the Bainbridge Island. The Royal Navy is divided into two separate entities, the Nautical Defence Forces and the Coastal Rescue Guard. The Nautical Defence Forces (NDF) could be compared to the traditional naval services of other countries. They perform deepwater patrols (in both Northern and Southern Meteorolas, sometimes as far out as the Token and Dew Point seas), as well as engage in anti-piracy and anti-smuggling operations. Additionally, the Royal Navy has developed innovative technologies to allow their speciality, maritime assault. Either delivery through HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening), or via submarine delivery, the RN has exceptional maritime assault forces that have kept the Kingdom safe. The Coastal Rescue Service focuses on maintaining the safety and wellbeing of the seagoing individuals of the Kingdom's waters. The RCS has a large fleet of rescue helicopters, rescue tugs, and hydrofoils to assist them in providing (and enforcing) safety in the local waters.

The Royal Marines are the special forces of the Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands. Their speciality is maritime assaults on either land or sea targets. Delivery systems range from HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) assault, to submarine dispersal on littoral waters.


Oil field in Aiea, 1937.

Oil exploitation in the Bainbridge Islands commenced in 1904 with exploratory drilling in Pahu Bay. The discovery of large oil fields in 1913 led to a significant economic boom, creating numerous jobs and ensuring a steady supply of energy for the islands. The oil industry remained a cornerstone of the Bainbridge economy for several decades, contributing substantially to national GDP and facilitating infrastructure development. However, the sector faced increasing scrutiny over environmental concerns. Throughout the mid-20th century, periodic protests highlighted public resistance to the ecological impacts of oil drilling. In 1949, a major oil spill devastated the southwestern beaches, coating them with a thick layer of crude oil and causing extensive damage to marine ecosystems. This incident galvanised environmental movements and led to stricter regulations on oil extraction practices. The spill also prompted the government to invest in environmental protection initiatives and diversify the economy to reduce dependence on oil revenues. By the late 20th century, political instability within the Bainbridge Islands, coupled with global shifts towards renewable energy sources, prompted major oil companies to withdraw from the region. This decline in oil exploitation necessitated economic diversification to mitigate the loss of revenue and employment. The government introduced incentives for the development of alternative industries, fostering growth in sectors such as technology, tourism, and manufacturing.

The southern region of the Bainbridge Islands was notably impacted by the presence of Pearl Harbor, which altered the local economy by shifting white-collar jobs from naval architecture to the burgeoning software and high-tech sectors. This transition was significantly supported by the nearby Lonolo'i Institute of Technology, which has become a hub for technological innovation and education, fostering a skilled workforce adept in software development, biotechnology, and other high-tech industries. The institute collaborates closely with local businesses and international partners, driving research and development initiatives that contribute to the global competitiveness of Bainbridge's technology sector.

The capital city of Honolulu, along with other coastal communities, has seen substantial economic growth driven by the tourism industry. The islands' pristine beaches, cultural heritage sites, and vibrant marine life attract millions of tourists annually, contributing significantly to service sector revenues. Hospitality, retail, and recreational services have become major employers, and ongoing investments in infrastructure aim to sustain and enhance tourism appeal. Additionally, eco-tourism has gained prominence, aligning with the islands' commitment to environmental sustainability and attracting visitors interested in nature conservation and responsible travel.

In addition to tourism, the agricultural sector plays a vital role in the Bainbridge economy. Despite being the densest concentration of illegal opium and cannabis plantations in Europa, due to the control of lawless pirate clans, legitimate agriculture remains important. Farmers in regulated sectors cultivate tropical fruits, coffee, and other cash crops, often utilising advanced greenhouse technologies to maximise yields in sheltered valleys. The government has implemented programs to support legal farming activities, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing the prevalence of illicit plantations through law enforcement and community engagement initiatives.

One of the most prominent companies to emerge from the Bainbridge Islands is Big Kahuna Burger, a globally recognised fast-food chain known for its premium quality and distinctive offerings. Established in the early 20th century, Big Kahuna Burger has grown from a local favourite to an international franchise, symbolising the islands' entrepreneurial spirit. The company has significantly contributed to the local economy through job creation, franchise opportunities, and the export of Bainbridge-designed culinary products. Its success has inspired a thriving food and beverage sector, encouraging local businesses to innovate and expand their reach both domestically and abroad. Big Kahuna Burger's commitment to sourcing local ingredients and sustainable practices has also set industry standards, reinforcing the islands' reputation for quality and environmental responsibility.

The manufacturing industry, although smaller compared to oil and tourism, remains a key component of the Bainbridge Islands' economy. Specialised in producing high-quality electronics and maritime equipment, the sector benefits from the skilled workforce and proximity to the Lonolo'i Institute of Technology. Exporting advanced technological products, the manufacturing sector contributes to the islands' reputation as a centre for innovation. Additionally, the development of eco-friendly manufacturing processes has positioned Bainbridge as a leader in sustainable production practices, attracting environmentally conscious investors and partners.

Financial services have also expanded in recent years, with Honolulu serving as the financial hub of the Bainbridge Islands. Banks, investment firms, and insurance companies provide a range of services that support both domestic businesses and international trade. The growth of the financial sector is complemented by advancements in fintech, with startups developing innovative solutions that enhance banking efficiency and customer experience. Government policies aimed at fostering a stable and transparent financial environment have further bolstered investor confidence and economic stability.

Despite economic growth in several sectors, the Bainbridge Islands face ongoing challenges. The presence of illegal plantations presents significant law enforcement and regulatory hurdles, impacting overall economic stability. Efforts to combat illicit activities include increased surveillance, stricter penalties, and community-based initiatives to provide alternative livelihoods for those involved in illegal farming. Additionally, the transition from oil dependence to a diversified economy has been met with resistance from traditional industries, necessitating continuous adaptation and policy support to ensure a smooth economic transformation.

In recent years, the Bainbridge Islands have focused on sustainable development initiatives, investing in renewable energy projects such as solar and wind power to reduce environmental impact and ensure long-term economic resilience. These initiatives are supported by both government policies and private sector investments, aiming to create a balanced economy that honours the islands' natural heritage while embracing modern advancements. Public-private partnerships have been instrumental in driving these projects, fostering collaboration between the government, businesses, and research institutions to achieve shared sustainability goals.







There are a number of generic Islander cultural issues that an average traveller should be aware of when visiting the Kingdom.


Islandese is one of the Chumashan languages, a group of Native American languages spoken in the area of Meteorola, Thalassa and Marenesia. The closely related Sunset Sea Islandian may have been a dialect of the same language.

  • Royal Anglish (RE) – The main formal language of the KBI. Commerce, entertainment, education, and daily life is usually conducted through this form of speaking. (Similar to Standard American English).
  • Traditional Hawai’ian (TH) – The formalised “ancient” language of the Island, used to conduct ceremonies, especially in Traditionalists' religious functions.
  • Islander Pidgin (IP) - An informal mix of the above, used throughout the island, especially among those of lesser financial status. Speaking “pidgin” is a mark of lower education and social standing, but is, nonetheless, spoken throughout the Kingdom for its ease and malleability.



Examples of Aloha Shirts.

Aloha Shirts – Loose and light shirts, they come in a wide variety of colours and designs. They may have natural designs on them (i.e. flower, leaves), tropical themes (i.e. surfing, pineapples), or just about anything else (i.e. sports teams/themes, corporate logos, Tikis). They come in a variety of colours, from earth tones to loud, retina-burning colours. Just about every male has at least two or three of them, and some are collector's items, for their topic and age. A current favourite is the “EOS friendship tour Aloha shirt”, which is essentially an EOS flag in an Aloha shirt (bright red and yellow flag design). Very popular, if you can stand looking at it.

Leis on display in Honolulu.

Lei – A wreath or garland that is commonly used for ceremonies, welcoming, or any major event or celebrations.


Gestures are an integral part of communication, adding depth to interpersonal interactions. Islanders frequently employ a variety of hand movements to reinforce their ideas and convey emotions, making conversations lively and engaging. The use of gestures helps to emphasize points and express sentiments that words alone might not fully capture. As a result, discussions are often animated, reflecting the expressive nature of the Islander people. Specific gestures hold particular meanings within the culture. For instance, beckoning someone to come closer is typically done by waving inward with the palm down and fingers together. This subtle yet distinct motion ensures clear and polite communication without the need for verbal instructions. One of the most iconic gestures is the “Shaka” or “Hang loose” hand sign, which serves as a common greeting among Islanders, akin to saying “Hey!” or “What's up?” This gesture encapsulates the friendly and laid-back culture that characterizes the islands.

Respect during conversations is paramount in Bainbridge Islands' culture. It is considered rude to interrupt a friend or acquaintance while they are speaking, as maintaining the flow of dialogue is a sign of respect and attentiveness. Additionally, maintaining eye contact during conversations, especially in formal settings, is highly valued. Failure to maintain eye contact may be perceived as a sign of insincerity or spite, potentially undermining the trust between individuals. Physical proximity also plays a significant role in Islander communication. People tend to stand close to one another when engaging in conversation, which fosters a sense of connection and intimacy. Touching or tapping another person while making a point is common and serves to highlight the importance of the message being conveyed. Moreover, certain behaviours are culturally sensitive and carry specific interpretations. Yawning in the presence of others, for example, may be interpreted as a sign of boredom or disinterest. To avoid such negative perceptions, it is considered polite to cover one's mouth when yawning, thereby demonstrating courtesy and respect for those around.[2]




Football (soccer)

Bainbridge Island Buccaneers.

The national football team is the Bainbridge Island Buccaneers. By far the most popular sport in the Islands, the BI Football League (BIFL) comprises ten teams and plays during the spring/summer season. The team in the BIFL are:

  • Royal Honolulu (the Sharks - “represents” strength and a competitive spirit)
  • FC Aiea (the Dolphins - team logo)
  • Honolulu Athletic (the Squids - long story)
  • Wainai FC (the Marlins, part of Honolulu - a marketing counter to the Sharks)
  • Sporting Lahaina (the Hammers - from the traditional outrigger who worked nearby)
  • He'e FC (the Stallions - from the wild stallions that used to run in the area)
  • Pearl Harbor United (the Gunners - the stadium is on an old gunnery range)
  • Halo 1910 (the Crabs - located on Pahu (crab) bay)
  • Waimea FC (the Rats - because of a rat infestation at the turn of the century)
  • Aiea Dynamos (the Ghosts - because of their white uniforms)


Rugby is considered a “traditional” sport, with a variant of the sport existing back 200 years ago, during the “Balkanised Era.” It has been standardised to conform to international rules and is well known for the pre-game “War Dance” performed by the team members.


The tradition of surfing goes back over 400 years, when foreign explorers first observed:

Natives, from young boys to old men, on slates of wood, floating on the waves, like a seagull in the air.

Few experiences can truly be defined as Islander, but the ability to surf certainly could be called one. It defines an important segment of the culture, from a coming of age ceremony to an artistic expression, a statement of manhood, to a requirement for assuming the crown, the activity has wound its way throughout the nation. Most visitors consider surfing to be a sport, but to the locals, surfing is an art/sport/tradition. Winners of the surfing circuit can earn millions (usually in endorsements) and are considered national heroes. However, thousands of citizens engage in surfing simply for the enjoyment of it.

Legendary Beaches

Though there are thousands of beaches on the main island and an additional hundred surfable beaches on the surrounding islets, there are certain beaches that are noted as being special. The top five beaches on the BI are:

  1. Mala Wharf (a longboarder's dream, the hard coral reef makes for a fast peel)
  2. Halo O Lono Beach (a horseshoe-shaped beach, excellent for body surfing on the white sands)
  3. Pohakuloa Point (a hot, steep ride for short boarding, and “expert” level wave experience)
  4. Hana Beach (covered with black sand, it is known for longboarding challenges)
  5. Kahului Harbor (another treacherous shortboard beach, with a local “haina” (temple) nearby)

There are several major competitions on the “Royal Surfing Circuit.” Points are accumulated during the season, from each of the competitions, and the highest point total is declared the World Champion, by the International Surfing Federation. The oldest three competitions, however, are considered the triple crown of surfing. The “Triple Crown” competitions are:

  1. The Sunset Point Shootout, held at Sunset Beach (near He'e)
  2. The Billabong Pro World Cup, held in Hana Beach (near Aiea)
  3. The Royal Masters, held at Maili Point (near Honolulu)

Unlimited Ring Fighting

Unlimited fighting (unarmed combat in an octagon) is a sport growing in popularity in the Kingdom. A wide variety of combat techniques are used, including Loa (traditional BI martial arts), Kung Fu, and Islander Ju-Jitsu (submission speciality). Fights are usually 3 five minute rounds, and a competitor wins upon submission (tap-out), a technical (one fighter is too injured to fight), or “knock-out” (unconsciousness).
