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[[File:Newcastle, Australia aerial.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Wirraway, major trading port and shipyards.]]
[[File:Newcastle, Australia aerial.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Wirraway, major trading port and shipyards.]]

(WIP. Energy. Transport. Media.)
Niederoestereich has a developed, industrialized economy with a strong service sector and well-established manufacturing industries, including the production of automobiles and machinery. The country has low unemployment rates and a high standard of living. Its citizens are known for their hardworking nature and higher basic wages compared to many other countries. Niederoestereich has a high level of foreign trade and is home to numerous international companies. The country places a strong emphasis on education and training, which has contributed to a highly skilled workforce. Niederoestereich maintains its own currency, the Niederoestereichian Reichsmark (NRM), and the port city of Wirraway is the leading commercial and industrial city in the country.
The citizens are hard-working labourers who enjoy a higher basic wage than most of their counterparts in other countries. They have an easy-going and light-hearted attitude, even in war. Niederoestereich maintains its own currency, the Niederoestereichian Reichsmark (NRM). The port city of Wirraway is the leading commercial and industrial city of Niederoestereich.

== Demographics ==
== Demographics ==

Revision as of 20:02, 28 December 2022

National Comrades of Niederoestereich
Niederoestereich (Alemannic)
Astrini (Oharic)
Coat of arms
Coat of arms
Motto: Communitas, Identitas, Stabilitas
(Community, Identity, Stability)
Map of Niederoestereich
Map of Niederoestereich
Demonym(s)Niederoestereichian, Astrinese
GovernmentUnitary council republic
John Monash
• Premier
Maputi White
LegislatureHouse of Representatives
• 2020 census
CurrencyReichsmark (NRM)

The National Comrades of Niederoestereich, commonly known as Niederoestereich and sometimes also called the State of Niederoestereich, is a sovereign country in the southeast of Europa on Eurth. Nearest neighbouring countries include: Orioni to the north, Sunset Sea Islands to the east, and Bainbridge Islands to the west. The country has an estimated population of around 14.9 million; its capital city is Ranke. Since 1901, Niederoestereich has been an independent republic led by a Chancellor. It trades extensively with its neighbours, and is a founding member of the Entente of Oriental States.


Niederoestereich is the Old Buranic name of an island. The name Niederoestereich is a combination of the Old Buranic words "nieder," meaning lower or southern, and "oesten," meaning eastern. It is believed that this name was first mentioned during the early 1200s, when the first Buran sailors arrived at its tropical shores. The island is also known by the name Astrini in the Oharic language.


Niedoestereich is situated along the southeastern edge of Europa. It is at the eastern end of the Meteorolan islands chain, at the edge of the enormous Oriental Ocean. Neighbouring countries include Orioni to the north, Burkini and Sunset Sea Islands to the east, and Bainbridge Islands to the west. Niederoestereich has a tropical oceanic climate which is hot and humid but moderated by trade winds. Its climate is characterised by ample sunshine, warm temperatures, light breezes and showers.

The capital city is Ranke. Another important city is Wirraway because of its major trading port and shipyards. Niederoestereich is divided into four states, which each have different geographical structures.


Traditional Meteorolan tribal warriors.
Colonial flag of Astrini (1754-1901).
  • 100s: The island of Niederoestereich has a long history dating back to the 2nd century CE when it was inhabited by Meteorolan settlers.
  • 400s: The island became known for its rare gemstones, as it was located on the Pearl Road in the 400s.
  • 1200s: The island was awarded to Buranian mercenaries for their support during the Orinese Civil War. In the following centuries, it was ruled as an independent kingdom by several dynastic houses. The island was mainly used as a penal colony and strategic vantage point for the mother country. Niederoestereich past has been quiet for the most part.
  • 1754: When the last ruling dynasty went extinct, the Niederoestereich reverted to Orinese control and became an outpost of its colonial empire.
  • 1801: There was a quick sectarian uprising against the Orinese rulership, but this was quickly dispersed.
  • 1865: The radical socialist group Slazyu attempted to seize control of the Royal Palace in Ranke. Loyalists liberated the ruler and his immediate family, restored order, and exiled key members of Slazyu.
  • 1890s: The turn of the century saw increased nationalist uprisings.[1]
  • 1901: Niederoestereich declared its independence from its former motherland and was established as a sovereign country. Industry was being established, with agriculture exports as the main source of revenue.
  • 1920s: Former Buran elites passed a “White Niederoestereich Policy” to keep their culture intact for fear of foreigners destroying what they had just claimed.
  • 1940s: Influenced by foreign political events, Niederoestereich became a democracy with right-wing leanings.[2]
  • 2005: A quick revolution took place in Niederoestereich led by the Army, workers and the middle class. A new Imperial system was imposed with ideals taken from nationalist and communist principles. The country changed its name to "National Comrades of Niederoestereich".[2]



Chancellor John Monash.
Premier Maputi White.

The head of state is Chancellor John Monash, who has a fiery temper who is advocating for conscription during the start of the war, although unsuccessful after a referendum.[2] The head of government is premier Maputi White. Niederoestereichs is a unitary council republic. The legislative branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

  • Head of State: Chancellor John Monash
  • Head of Government: Premier Maputi White
  • Minister for Transport and Regional Services: Hon. H. Murray
  • Treasurer: Hon. C. Anderson
  • Minister for Trade: Hon A. Blackburn
  • Minister for Foreign Affairs: Hon. J. Partridge
  • Minister for Defence: Hon. H. Throssell
  • Minister for Finance and Administration: Hon. J. Maxwell
  • Minister for Health and Ageing: Hon. R. Simpson
  • Attorney-General: Hon. R. Keliher
  • Minister for the Environment and Heritage: Hon. C. Jeffries
  • Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: Hon. A. Hall
  • Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: Hon. J. Woods
  • Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs: Hon. J. Dywer
  • Minister for Education, Science and Training: Hon. W. Dunstan
  • Minister for Family and Community Services: Hon. C. Pope
  • Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources: Hon. A. Gurney
  • Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations: Hon. R. Grieve
  • General of Combined Forces: General J. Hennessy
  • Head of Niederoestereichian Secret Intelligence Organisation (NSIO): Major. D. Zhukov


1970s saw increased militarisation.
NDF Special Forces wait for extraction.
EOS space tracking station.

The Niederoestereichian Defence Force (NDF) is responsible for the defence of Niederoestereich. Most of the military budget is directed towards the army, then navy, air force and finally space projects. Niederoestereichs main attribute is its army, although only made up of volunteers with a small professional army. Her army infantry is mainly used as shock troops, which enjoys good morale in most situations. There are armoured cavalry regiments, although none professional they still rival if not better their counterparts. Its naval is relatively small, since before 1900; its former motherland had taken care of defence. Niederoestereichian navy is mainly late 20th century frigates, destroyers, minelayers and corvettes, no dreadnoughts or heavy cruisers. Niederoestereich has a limited air force. In 2005, Niederoestereich launched it first space vehicle.[2]

The command structure of the NDF is quite simple: the Head of State is supreme commander and decides were the forces are deployed, while the General of the Combined Forces is promoted from one of the three leaders of each repective defence branch. These positions are held by respectively Chancellor John Monash and General J. Hennessy from the Niederoestereichian Army. Although the Niederoestereichian military may not contain the latest and greatest technology, the training programmes and officer training greatly enhance available resources. Pure; basic soldiering is taught without having to rely on technology. In war zones, all ranks attend briefings, including cooks, as so if the officers are taken out, the force can carry on sufficiently

Foreign relations

Niederoestereich is a member of the Entente of Oriental States and the Group of Island Nations. It maintains good diplomatic relations with Orioni, its former coloniser.


Wirraway, major trading port and shipyards.

Niederoestereich has a developed, industrialized economy with a strong service sector and well-established manufacturing industries, including the production of automobiles and machinery. The country has low unemployment rates and a high standard of living. Its citizens are known for their hardworking nature and higher basic wages compared to many other countries. Niederoestereich has a high level of foreign trade and is home to numerous international companies. The country places a strong emphasis on education and training, which has contributed to a highly skilled workforce. Niederoestereich maintains its own currency, the Niederoestereichian Reichsmark (NRM), and the port city of Wirraway is the leading commercial and industrial city in the country.


(WIP. Ethnic groups. Religion. Health. Education.)

Niederoestereichians historically have viewed themselves as an egalitarian society, with a distrust of the rich and powerful, this belief continues in the form of the tall poppy syndrome.


The language combines a mocking disrespect for established authority, particularly if it is pompous or out of touch with reality, with a distinctive upside-down sense of humour. For instance, Niederoestereichians take delight in dubbing a tall man “Shorty”, a silent one "Rowdy", a bald man “Curly”, and a redhead, of course, is “Blue”. Politicians, or “pollies”, be they at the state or federal level, are universally disliked and distrusted.


Niederoestereichian national cricket team.

The Niederoestereichian culture has historically been a masculine one, forged on the hardship of early settlers, and later on the heroism of the Niederoestereichian soldiers in past conflicts. “Mateship”, or loyal fraternity, has reigned supreme. This also explains why the more aggressive forms of sport enjoyed by all. Niederoestereichians are passionate about sports, and it forms a major part of the country's culture. Cricket is the most popular sport.

Niederoestereichians have traditionally had a very strong “underdog” attitude, that is, they will support those who appear to have the lesser hand, so long as Niederoestereich is not involved. This is evident in Niederoestereich's involvement in the Second Tamurin War, supporting the cause of the Imperials. The country shares distant cultural ties with Tamurin, a country which was similarly dominated by a Buranian elite for several centuries.

Niederoestereichians, are relaxed, tolerant, easy-going and yet cling dearly to the fundamental importance of common-sense justice, or to use the classic expression, a “fair go”. It is the land of the long weekend: a country that declares a universal holiday for a horse race, that pioneered the eight-hour working day, that takes pride in never working too hard and yet idolises the “little battler” who sweats away for a small reward. Niederoestereichians respect “hard yakka”; to be “flat out like a lizard drinking” is to be extremely busy, or sometimes the exact opposite. Niederoestereichians are said to make great sportsmen and superb soldiers.


  1. OOC WIP. Have a look at the ʻUrabi revolt.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The National Comrades of Niederoestereich (