Time zones of Eurth: Difference between revisions

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''Names for the time zone: '''Central Argic Time''' (Prymont)''
''Names for the time zone: '''Central Argic Time''' (Prymont)''
* [[Eurofurher]]
* [[Eurofurher]]
* [[Mokhavia]]
* [[Prymont]]
* [[Prymont]]
* [[Poland-Lithuania]]
* [[Poland-Lithuania]]

Revision as of 19:30, 26 April 2021

The time zones map of Eurth gives an example of the way time zones are mapped out.

A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. Time zones tend to follow the boundaries of countries and their subdivisions instead of strictly following longitude, because it is convenient for areas in close commercial or other communication to keep the same time.

UTC -12

UTC -11

UTC -10

Major cities: Sunset City
Names for the time zone: Sunset Sea Time (Sunset Sea Islands)

UTC -9

Major cities: Arkhavn, Santiago
Names for the time zone: Andallan Standard Time (Andalla)

UTC -8

UTC -7

Major cities: Asgeirr City, Miyako
Names for the time zone: Western Continental Time (Asgeirria)

UTC -6

Major cities: Intreimor
Names for the time zone: Iverican Central Time (Iverica)

UTC -5

Major cities: Maurotopia, Limone, Bílehora
Names for the time zone: Mauridivian Central Time (Mauridiviah), Also known as Alharun Central Time

UTC -4

Major cities: New Limone
Names for the time zone: Colettian River Time (Faramount)

UTC -3 1/2

Major cities: Altepetl Tekaken
Names for the time zone: Palu Central Time (Metztlitlalio)

UTC -3

Major cities: Grootwaterflakte, Ferrefaaierhafen, Girk, Bogd Gioro, Yulaa
Names for the time zone: Central Variotan Time (Variota), Adisi Standard Time (Oyus)

UTC -2

Major cities: New Halsham, Vardin
Names for the time zone: Central Argic Time (Prymont)

UTC -1

Major cities: Henrichstadt
Names for the time zone: Derthaler Imperial Time (Derthalen)


Major cities: Charleston, Alenzio, Selbourne
Names for the time zone: Gwrachwyrdd Mean Time (PyeMcGowan), Universal Standard Time (Seylos)

UTC +1

Major cities: Sarbo, Savocino, Ascorese, Legnamura, Bromwich, Cascadia
Names for the time zone: Western Adlantic Time (N/A)

UTC +2

Major cities: Khaokhet
Names for the time zone: Batengdei National Time (Batengdei)

UTC +3

Major cities: Deopolis
Names for the time zone: Mideast Adlantic Time (N/A)

UTC +4

Major cities: N/A
Names for the time zone: Eastern Adlantic Time' (N/A)

UTC +5

Major cities: Saint Justin, Novacastrum
Names for the time zone: Western Europan Time (All)

UTC +6

Major cities: Tagmatika
Names for the time zone: Tagmatine Mean Time (Tagmatium)

UTC +7

Major cities: Nimarci, Konstantipoli, Venege, Antium
Names for the time zone: Central Europan Time (All)

UTC +8

Major cities: Cristina, Modena, Orthen
Names for the time zone: N/A (N/A)

UTC +9

Major cities: Darhen, Alaghon
Names for the time zone: OST (All)

UTC +10

Major cities: O'polis
Names for the time zone: Eastern Europan Time (Orioni)

UTC +11

UTC +12