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{{main|History of Eurth}}
{{main|History of Eurth}}
[[File:Laxe dos carballos 01.JPG|200px|thumb|left|Europan {{wp|petroglyph}}s: ''Laxe dos carballos'' in [[Constantinopla]], [[Red Iberos]] (4th–2nd millennium BCE), depicting {{wp|cup and ring mark}}s and deer hunting scenes.]]

[[File:Benin brass plaque 03 (cropped).jpg|thumb|A Berali Bronze plaque on display in a museum.]]
[[File:Benin brass plaque 03 (cropped).jpg|thumb|A Berali Bronze plaque on display in a museum.]]

Latest revision as of 21:21, 1 July 2024

”Europa (continent)” redirects here. For other uses, see Europa (disambiguation)
Εὐρώπη (Laimaic)
Erebu (Hakkadian)
Erwa-Ba(b) (Oharic)
Uwrubba (Sahrabic)
Location of Europa on Eurth.png
Area40,500,000 km2 (15,600,000 sq mi)
List of countries
LanguagesList of languages
Time zonesUTC+5 to UTC+10
Largest cities

Europa is one of the primary continents on Eurth, distinguished by its diverse geography and rich history. Geographically, Europa is bounded by several major water bodies. To the north lies the vast and often icy Argic Ocean, while the expansive Adlantic Ocean stretches along its western periphery. The continent's southern and eastern edges are washed by the warm waters of the Oriental Ocean. In terms of continental proximity, Argis, another significant landmass of Eurth, is the nearest neighbour to Europa, and it can be reached by traversing the northern polar region. This proximity has influenced historical trade, migration, and various interactions between the two continents over millennia.


The name “Europa” is derived from the term in Proto-Europan which translates to “land of the father”. This etymological root is an indication of the ancient significance of this continent in the cultural and historical narratives of its inhabitants. In addition to the Proto-Europan origin, the name “Europa” manifests in various forms across different languages. In the Laimaic language, it is referred to as Εὐρώπη. The Hakkadian term for Europa is Erebu, while in Oharic, it's called Erwa-Ba(b). In the Sahrabic language, the continent is known as Uwrubba. Each of these names, though varied in pronunciation and script, underlines the pervasive influence and recognition of Europa across different cultures and linguistic groups. The specific origins and nuances of these varied names offer rich insights into the historical and cultural intersections of these languages with the continent of Europa.


Camels rest at a well in the Amutian desert.

Europa is predominantly located within the eastern hemisphere and covers a significant portion of the Northern Hemisphere. A notable exception to its Northern Hemisphere dominance is seen in parts of Noble Nykia and the Meteorolan archipelago, which extend beyond the Equator into the Southern Hemisphere.

In terms of its maritime boundaries, Europa is surrounded by several major water bodies. The Argic Ocean lies to its north, providing a vast expanse of water that separates it from the northern polar regions. To the west, the Adlantic Ocean offers a buffer, while the southern and eastern shores of Europa are bathed by the waters of the Oriental Ocean. This strategic positioning of oceans has historically influenced trade, navigation, and maritime activities of the continent.

Beyond its immediate maritime neighbours, Europa shares its planetary space with other continents. To the far north, beyond the icy expanses of the Argic Ocean, lies Argis. Thalassa can be found to the east, offering a blend of cultures and histories that often intersect with Europa's own. To the south, the warmer climate of Marenesia beckons, characterized by its diverse ecosystems and histories.


File:Map of Europa.png
Map of Europa, subcontinents and regions.

As a vast and diverse continent, Europa is partitioned into various significant subcontinents and regions. These regions, particularly the extensive peninsulas, distinguish themselves from the core continental expanse through distinct geographical and cultural attributes. Clockwise, these subcontinents are:

  • Occident in the northwest, is largely based on the legacy of the classical Aroman Empire.[a]
  • Burania (Aroman: “north”) lies in the cold north. The vast interiors of this subcontinent have been historically inhabited by nomadic tribes known for their steppe cultures. Coastal areas, contrastingly, are home to seafaring societies that played a crucial role in trade and exploration.[b]
  • Orient (Aroman: “rising”) occupies the eastern and southeastern parts of Europa. It is a centre of trade and commerce, particularly among the archipelagic kingdoms and empires.[c]
  • Amutia (Aroman: Αμμουδιά, “sand sea”) is the large central desert area. This vast expanse is relentlessly scorched by the punishing rays of the San, and has historically made it difficult to travel from northern to southern subcontinents. The Amutian desert has been described as “army devouring”. Its fields of dunes are broken by gravel plains, volcanic landforms, and rare oases, shimmering under hazing heat. Nevertheless, the terrain is dotted with oases. There is water to be found, trapped underground in depressions or beneath the wadis where the occasional flash flood rumbles by. These natural oases and springs have been central to the establishment of desert communities that practice agriculture. These locations are home to a rich fusion of cultures.
  • Meteorola in the southeast is the expansive archipelago that stretches between Azania in the west and the Orient in the east. The Meteorolan archipelago is an exonym from Aroma. It is an erroneous reference to high rock formations. In this case, it means islands that protrude above the water. The Aromans must already have had advanced knowledge of this area. The Meteorolan archipelago is home to several large islands and small archipelagos. The archipelago comprises various island nations, each displaying unique governance but sharing a mutual cultural heritage, primarily rooted in the Azano-Marenesian descent. Historically, these islands were unified under the maritime dominion of the Chulo Empire. In contemporary geopolitics, these countries often remain peripheral unless engaged in conflicts or trade disruptions.
  • Azania in the southwest is one of the oldest continuously inhabited places on Eurth. This territory was once referred to as Al-Zanj (Sahrabic: زَنْج), which translates to “land of the black people”, by scholars from Ancient Memopotamia. Alternatively, the term “Azania” can be etymologically traced to Azena of Sakuma, a pivotal figure in ancient history. It is hypothesized that this naming could have origins in, or connections to, the precursor societies of the Archaeminoan dynasty and the later Hereskus empire. These empires, particularly the Archaeminoan, may have had interactions or even alliances with the ancient leaders from whom the name Azania is derived. Early records from the Aroman Empire indicate the Azanian people possessed arguably the finest archers, albeit without much discipline or an organised command hierarchy. Their patron animal was the leopard, which was depicted exclusively on royal banners. Within Azania are two important subregions:


The list below includes some countries falling even partially under any of the various common definitions of Europa, geographic or political.


Europan petroglyphs: Laxe dos carballos in Constantinopla, Red Iberos (4th–2nd millennium BCE), depicting cup and ring marks and deer hunting scenes.
A Berali Bronze plaque on display in a museum.

Europa's southern regions, particularly Azania and Zongla, have histories that date back tens of thousands of years, revealing both environmental shifts and the rise and fall of influential civilizations. Around 2000 BCE, the mountainous terrains of Azania experienced what is now called the Azanian Iron Age. The region was notably rich in iron deposits that naturally surfaced from the ground. These iron resources led to the blossoming of a sophisticated civilization known for its craftsmanship and trade networks.

The strategic position of Azania, coupled with its natural resources, paved the way for the establishment of extensive trade routes that connected it with neighbouring territories. Azania and Zongla's coastal areas displayed remarkable maritime prowess. Elements of the Zandari people's history and Sundari naval traditions provide insights into the sophisticated navigation and shipbuilding techniques of the Azanians and Zonglans.[1]

Artefacts such as the Berali Bronzes serve as tangible proof of the grandeur and intricacies of the Azanian civilization. These artistic representations not only depict the aesthetic preferences of the Azanians but also shed light on their societal structures, trade relations, and even their military expeditions. Such artefacts align with historical mentions of Azanian mercenaries known to have been engaged in various capacities within the Aroman Empire, further attesting to the influence and reach of the Azanian people during antiquity.

Between 15,000 to 5,000 BCE, the Amutian region presented a stark contrast to its current desert landscape. This period is referred to as the Amutian Humid Period. The region was characterized by green grasslands, which provided ideal conditions for the establishment of numerous oases. These lush areas supported various communities, including nomadic bedouins. Additionally, the landscape was punctuated with caves, wadis, and various flora such as cacti.



  1. The Occident is home of our !Greek cultures.
  2. Burania is home of our !Anglo-Germano-Russo-Fennoscandian cultures.
  3. The Orient is home of our !Sino-Indian cultures.
  4. Memopotamia is home of our !Semetic cultures.
  5. Zongla is home of our !African cultures.